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Fire Lily

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Posts posted by Fire Lily

  1. We'd have to have multiple systems of back up though, same with the generators...and batteries, really the whole darn thing would have to be insanely redundent to keep from literally losing your mind, even with a.i. assistance. Plus there'd still have to be people outside to keep it working if anything did break. The dimensional travel method might turn out to be easier. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Isn't the brain thing supposed to happen by like 2050 if not sooner? I swear I read about it somewhere, but I doubt it ever really will happen. It would be like the holodeck where if it got invented everyone would work only enough to keep the lights on and that's it.

  3. I think it sounds pretty cool, So feel free to count me in if we can get some more people. Try highlighting the person's text and click mention, that should fix the notification problem. I do have multiple OC's I can use, I just prefer not to write both at the same time, makes fewer walls of text and my headcanon is they've never met. 


    It doesn't really matter which side I start out on, I can work with either. As for gear I'd start with a Varia suit with a worn weapon, do we pick the rest of the gear or is it found as we go along?

  4. I'm assuming most of you saw my post about my crazy work schedule, consider this an update to one of my comments on it. Since we're supposed to say if we won't be posting for a while.


    I'm not completely pulling out of the RP, but feel free to consider my last post a "break" of sorts. At least for a couple of days. Since no one really posts but like 5 people I think what I'm going to do is unfollow the thread. If a plot line gets resolved enough where I can jump back in someone can send me a message or just mention me in the post, and I'll follow again.


    I came up with the idea this afternoon and decided to follow through with it, since mostly my last two posts were made just for the sake of not having her still standing there anyway. I'm hoping this happy medium suits everyone. If anyone thinks I need to make something more conclusive let me know.

  5. If she's anything like the Sweetie Belle it's a big...maybe. I don't care for the way they have the wings and horns made out of different materials than anything else. And I'm fairly certain it won't have anywhere near enough hair, but really it depends on the price since I'd want her with the crown and everything.

  6. I wear them because I'm legally blind (nearsighted with astigmatism in my right eye) without them. I have to be like really awkwardly close to someone before I can see they have a face. I also ironically need my glasses to find my glasses. Being without them for any length of time stresses my eyes out bad enough to get migranes, which are how they found out I needed them.

    • Brohoof 3
  7. Lily walked into the inn and ordered herself a cider. All she knew was today was a little more than interesting for her and she figured that they could all go have their adventure in the forest, she'd had more than enough of that place and was staying right here "thank you very much." She took a sip of her drink. Just being in close proximity to that place shook her quite a bit and suddenly it seemed like everyone and their cousin and moved in there. She finished her drink just in time to be delivered another. She was sociable enough but today was just more than enough in her book. The filly was alright, and so was that bu-Changling, she caught herself. She was still lost at what that earth pony wanted though. She didn't even know her and she was wanting to pick a fight. 


    She sighed, "I'll deal with it all another day." She mumbled to herself. "Hopefully not all at the same time this time." She added and finished her second drink. She through a few bits at the innkeeper, more than enough to cover it, and nodded as she took her leave. "Formal and to the point, just the way I like it." She thought smugly to herself as she left. Walking back towards her house across town, she was looking forward to her nice warm bed, and figured most of the excitement had died down for time being anyway.

  8. (Not totally writing myself out yet. However I have to have her go somewhere.)


    Lily stood in the middle of the street completely dumbfounded, she had just went from being worried about leaving in one piece to being left alone in the middle of the street as the changling and the odd earth pony took off together. Followed shortly thereafter by something green and not quite pony like. Lily put a hoof to her forehead, she decided this was more than enough fun for the day and decided to head down to the inn for some cider and maybe a chance to figure out what just happened.

  9. @@Mrbrunoh1,

    (wow, I'm leaking out a lot more of Lily's backstory than I ever planned here, oh well.)


    "Well excuse me little miss I'm so perfect because I don't have wings or a horn, but for the record not all of us get to choose how we're born. And I lived in that forest before it even got put into your head to move there." She said getting slightly irratated at the mare in front of her. Why in Equestria was everyone moving into the forest anyway? She wanted nothing to do with the place anymore for the most part and assumed everyone else was the same. "And for the record, alicorns and I don't get along very well either, personal issues with a couple and just don't care for the rest." 


    "I've been in a lot worse places with a lot worse ponies than you. I've also been through not being able to use my wings and can still do loops while telling the story. I'd like to see an earth pony do that, oh that's right, you can't." She said smugly and flies a little above the ground.  Honestly she couldn't care less about what this mare's problem was. Though she wasn't exactly proud of being able to fly and felt it was a little overrated herself except for hiding purposes, she was still going to stand up for herself and where she came from.




    Lily just stared at him as he changed from one form to the other and nearly fell over in shock when he turned into her. Shapeshifting bugs were the last thing she expected today. "So let me get this straight...you're a pony...that's a bug...that changes into whatever it feels like...and can fly. If you wern't ever so slightly scary I'd be impressed. Also what's with the armor?" She asked unable to help herself. "There really isn't too much to fight around here. Mostly just boredom, which seems to do a good job of fighting itself." She said with a small smile.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. @@Mrbrunoh1@


    Lilly still looked lost as she resisted the urge to spin around in circles. This day just kept getting more interesting. First big booms by her old home, then a giant bug who seemed rather friendly in spite of the fangs, and this random earth pony who seemed to have an issue with her. She began to regret not staying at home and reading a nice book in bed with a nice cup of green tea and honey. Figuring she'd adress what seemed to be the bigger elephant in the room, she turned to face Kelly directly, seeming somewhat annoyed, all she was interested in was the bug since giant bugs were certiainly not normal.


    "Well if you simply must know, though I fail to see exactly how it interests you." She said extending her wings to their full length, but still fully aware that she'd run before she'd actually fight. "I used to live around that forest. It was quite some time ago and deals with a certain stallion that I'd much as soon forget as see banished to the moon. And for what it's worth I was also visiting a new friend who has apparently set up shop right on the outskirts of my old territory. But I'm surprised an Earth pony of all things would be caught dead anywhere near the forest. You do know it's dangerious there, right? Timberwolves won't just ignore anypony."


    Turning back to Void, answering him with all the subtlety of a tank, too in shock to really care if what she was saying was even remotely insulting. "Well I'm interested because I've never seen a talking bug before. What the hay is a changling anyway?" 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @@Mrbrunoh1,@,


    Lily stared at Kelly looking completely lost. "Can I help you, I don't believe we've met." She said while giving a single defiant flap of her wings. "Either way I wasn't even interested in you. I was interested in our friend here...who has suddenly become rather scary." She said suddenly noticing the extended fangs. "I was going to ask what you are..." She said while still standing halfway facing Kelly. 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @,


    Lily got down as low as she could and hid herself inside of a cloud, trying her best to be inconspicious. She could see now that whatever it was walked like a pony, and talked like a pony, but certainly was no pony. Other ponies weren't be hostile to this new thing but they wern't exactly giving it a welcoming party either.


    "Oh whatever, it's not like this day could get any more boring anyway" She thought to herself sarcasticly..She'd never talked to a giant bug before and worst case scenerio she figured she was too big to eat. Jumping out of the cloud she tried her best to calm her nerves and landed a few feet safely away from this new creature. Hoping she wasn't too noticable she stared at it for a few seconds..."armor..." She suddenly thought this wasn't such a good idea, but she was too far along to just give up her idea now so she slowly approched it. "Hello...?" She both said and asked apprehensively.

  13. @@@Blitz Boom,

    (Lily's never met a changling, and she wouldn't know Chrysalis if she came up and bit her, I'm thinking this could be interesting)


    As Lily was flying back from the forest, thinking she'd more than had her fill of being social for the day, she was glancing at the ground every so often like all pegasus ponies, when she though she saw a giant bug. She rubbed her eyes a few times. "I know I may be crazy but surely I'm not that crazy." She mumbled to herself and tried wiping off her glasses thinking she'd just gotten something on them. "Hmm...Definitely clean, and it's still there. When am I ever going to learn?" She asked herself as she slowly began decending in case whatever it was turned out to be dangerous.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. I'm liking the looks of this, not sure if it's necessary but maybe there could be some drawbacks to the visors too, like the thermal won't show the robots, and the x-ray would run off of a battery? Not sure if it's necessary but it's just a thought. 


    As for suits, maybe a jump suit, allows access to higher areas and temporary hovering. 


    I do have two more OC's by the way, I just haven't made pages for them yet. Lily's my main one.

  15. PSN: appie_bloom   


    PS4: Destiny, potentially Minecraft if I ever find anyone else to play with, CoD Ghosts, but I almost never touch it. 


    PS3: Payday 2, Minecraft, CoD black ops 1 and 2, Cod Ghosts, Borderlands 1 and 2, but I'm not an overly high level with my current character. I've got a few more but I'm not on to look right now so feel free to ask. 


    If you decide to add me please say you're from here or you won't get added. And a mic is definitely prefered but not required.

  16. "Well I guess that makes sense, still not sure how useful that is though." She said as she watched the tired filly in front of her more than a little surprised. She was beginning to wonder if this one ever slowed down. "Yeah, that's fine with me. I've got one last thing to check on in the forest and then I should get back in town." She said preparing her wings to take off. "I'll see you around kid" She said as she suddenly took off like something was chasing her.


    Lily was headed for the tree, her old tree. Still a safe distance from the craters and explosions she was somewhat relieved by that. She flew around it a few times, not entirely sure what she was looking for herself. Hearing a Timberwolf howl she let slip a smile certain they remember her and started flying back towards Ponyville and her home.

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