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  1. .Must be. It's been a while since I've been to Derpi but when I went you couldn't really say anything negative about the show. I guess the fandom is finally moving out of the blind praise for everything phase.
  2. There are a lot of sites where people can't seem to admit that MLP isn't always golden. That's what I like about this place, you get actual discussion instead of the blind love/hate that I've found on a lot of other MLP sites.
  3. Personally I thought season 4 was the best overall. Season 5 had a handful of great episodes (like Cutie Map and Amending Fences), but was mostly mediocre or downright bad. I can't speak for season 6, because I haven't seen any episodes yet. Hopefully I'll have time to catch up soon.
  4. I'm not sure what to think of Flurry Heart yet, but for now my expectations aren't very high.
  5. Personally I think the movie was better as it was. As much as I want to see a homesick Sunset plot, it really needs to be a main plot in a movie instead of the small subplot it would've been in Friendship Games. And one of the best parts of Friendship Games was Sunset solving the problem without Princess Twilight's help.
  6. I've never heard about that. It's a shame they didn't go down that path instead, it would've been so much better. I agree. Hell when I first got into the fandom in early 2011 (can't really remember which month exactly) almost everyone suggested just watching it to be introduced to the characters and waiting until about episode 4 or 5 to decide whether MLP was for you or not. Then everything in season 1 became golden for some reason. I honestly think it's the weakest two parter.
  7. So, apparently Sombra got redeemed in the comics. Shit like this is why I don't read them anymore.
  8. I'm pretty tired of redemptions but I actually didn't mind Starlight's. Yes, it was rushed and could've been handled better but it doesn't bother me as much as others have. But I definitely agree with those that want this one to be the last one. Twilight really could use a nemesis.
  9. I've now seen two threads where Slice of Life has gotten a ton of hate. I'm loving it. (This site really needs an evil grin emoticon.) Seriously, I stopped watching it four times because of how cringeworthy it was. I don't know why I bothered finishing it. Completely fucking terrible. Also, MMC still gets a lot of love here but it's probably the most potential the show's wasted since it started. I still think if they hadn't made it a musical (seriously, why?) and made it a two-parter it would've been great though.
  10. Wow, I'm surprised this many people hated Slice of Life. I expected to be alone in hating that one. Also, both of the Discord episodes sucked to be honest. As a fan of Discord, that was really disappointing. Of course Princess Spike was pretty terrible, and the season took a nosedive from episodes 19 - 23. Season 5 had a great start and Amending Fences is easily one of the best MLP episodes yet, but overall 5 just wasn't as good as 4. So for now, I'd rank the seasons 4 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 3
  11. Finally got around to watching this, and it's good, but not as great as the opener and other two-parters. Starlight's motivation needed more time to be expanded upon, and I think the reform would've been more believable if Starlight had to face one of the villains, like Tirek or Discord, instead of being taken to a wasteland. It would've been a perfect opportunity for Twilight to show Starlight just how much her friendship with the rest of the mane six mattered. Think about it: Twilight drags Starlight to the changed present. Starlight notices that it's different, but assumes Twilight is lying about just how bad it is. Then comes one of the villains. Starlight tries to fight and fails, then Twilight explains how she stopped the villain with her friends and takes Starlight back to the past. It wouldn't have taken too long and it would make Starlight's redemption better.
  12. Finally got around to watching the finale. It was great! I shouldn't have put it off so long.

    1. RyaN_


      It's a beautiful endin' isn't it? =')

  13. So, am I the only one who feels like I'm constantly repeating myself in the episode discussion section?

    1. PoisonClaw


      Well, there are only so many ways a person can say "I liked this" or "it was ok" before they start repeating themselves. I know I have.

    2. FlutterDash4072


      Yeah, I haven't commented on the last six episodes because I just don't have anything new to say. :(

  14. The ending was great! Personally I'm glad Sunset stayed at CHS, and that Twilight's transferring there. I can't wait for what comes next!
  15. To be honest I think the direction the movie ultimately went in was much better than the direction the deleted scenes took. Sunset's struggle to find where she belongs should be main plot of a movie (and hopefully will be) and I feel that keeping pony Twilight out of FG until the last scene was one of the better decisions they made. The reason FG ended up being so great imo is because they kept their focus on characterizing human Twilight and bringing Sunset's arc full circle. Going in the direction the deleted scenes would have would have really hurt it.
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