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((Although that does bring up a few things that would need to be adjusted, we can probably just hand-wave it. It's irrelevant, mostly. If it becomes relevant, we can unhand-wave it.)) Speed chewed on another bite as he thought about it. It took a bit, since he never really focused on exactly what happened; it was so often. "It's awesome. it sends a shock through me every time I use it, which is an awesome thrill and it doesn't hurt me. It's not distracting or anything either." Satisfied with his answer, feeling that it adequately articulated the experience, he took another bite of his salad.
((I'm fairly certain that there was no pact between the Big Three because we currently have 3 and before we had 5 kids of the Big Three, and Poseidon and Hades have both shown up previously.)) Speed Boost thought for a bit, reminiscing. "Oh, he claimed me... Eventually." He chuckled lightly, chewing on a leaf thoughtfully and then swallowing. "I'd pretty much figured it out prior. Still don't know why he took so long. I probably don't care, all things considered." He smirked and took another bite of his food.
"Awesome," Speed replied. That was one of the reasons he trained a bit before he ate. He trained most of the day; if he ate breakfast early, then there would be a longer time before lunch and hunger over a longer period to deal with. "See ya, Gareth." He went with Velocity to get some food and then sat down at his usual spot. Snowstorm finished up her food and walked off into the main area of the camp, wandering aimlessly while thinking and planning.
Snowstorm was about to speak another thought on why, then, they would choose Anton to go to the council if he needed an eye kept on him, but was unable to because it was time for Grell to go. "Okay then. I love you, Grell," she said, kissing him on the cheek. Speed Boost nodded. "It's fun. Sometimes I actually kind of program electrical attacks on myself so I can train in that way. When you're ready, I'll be at the Pavilion; I haven't eaten breakfast yet, of course." He always did some training before he ate breakfast, and this was no exception. ((I don't think Velocity has eaten breakfast yet, from what I remember. Gareth may have, though.))
Snowstorm nodded in understanding. "It might last a bit longer than an hour, considering the mess that just happened with Anton and the Titans and such. But hopefully it'll be short." Snowstorm finished up her food (it was more than just frost berries, obviously) and froze her dishes over to kill the bacteria before sublimating the ice, bringing the residue with it. She put a little marking of ice on it so the cooks would know they didn't have to clean it. She felt the urge to be a little bit kind when around Grell. She was still cold and calculating, but sometimes she would do a little thing here and there. It built up her reputation, too, after all, so it couldn't hurt. Speed Boost nodded in understanding. "Makes sense," he said, simply, and then got an idea. "Hmm... Maybe when it's just us you can run around and try to avoid me shocking you. Although it'll probably be easier since I have hardly any idea of how to use this thing," he said, gesturing to his ball and chain.
Snowstorm giggled, blushing. "Thanks. When will you get back?" she asked, concerned about how long he would be away. She didn't want to be away from him too long. As much as it seemed to be to others, she was adverse to being alone. "Hey, it happens to the best of us," Speed replied, twirling a knife in his hoof. "You just get a rush while training. Shows you're having fun with it; those are the best. But try to be a bit more careful. And, we have a big area to run around in. Don't just limit yourself to the training area. Ponies are used to our racing anyway." He chuckled lightly. Sometimes his races could be just a little disruptive. Ponies were used to it, though, it happened often enough that it was just a small nuisance.
Snowstorm hummed in approval. "That makes much more sense," she replied, satisfied. "I had thought it was only for giving assignments. In retrospect, I should have figured out that that was the case." She laughed lightly, a sweet, quiet, deafening sound. Khione and her daughters had some of the most beautiful laughs. it befitted mares of the snowflakes. Speed Boost was having a few close calls with Velocity too. One of his attempts with the ball and chain had almost unloaded an unpleasant (or pleasant (somewhat) depending on how acquainted you were with Dragon's shocks) shock onto Velocity. "I've got a pretty big load of electricity in this thing," he added. "You don't want that hitting you." He hesitated. "Or you do. Depends."
"It was a hyperbole, for emphasis," Snowstorm explained, to clarify what she had meant. "I'd make a bet that there are ponies who have been here longer, but I don't make bets. But, that aside, what about those other concerns? Explaining all of them again would be tedious." She laughed lightly. "I'm sure you remember them." "Well, not neutrons, but it's much more complicated for a simple answer. A plethora of science words." He chuckled. "Nice talking to ya." He continued to train with his knives, before experimenting with his ball and chain. His attempts did not go well with him, and they likely would not for a time. But you never got anywhere with practise. He was going to approach somepony that knew how to use the weapon, though. That was for sure.
Speed Boost laughed lightly. "I bet you are. Anyway, in order to do what I did, I feel around using the electrons in the air. With a bit of tweaking I can make harmless fields of charge in the air or water vapour and feel around with them. I can use this to find objects around me, and find out their shapes. After a long time of training, I got good at aiming at the objects I can feel without looking at them, simply feeling them and figuring out where to throw. I'm not perfect, but I'm getting better every day." As he finished speaking, he threw, in quick succession, three knives, two of them to targets to the right and left and one behind, before attracting them back and hurling a few more again as he fell back into his training routine,
Snowstorm thought about this for a bit. "Hmm, makes sense. Although it still seems a bit long-winded when they could send a messenger. And if the council is only for assignments, it's still a bit silly to even have it, don't you think? Unless it's for more, but even then, that could all just be resolved in Olympus as usual, I should think, since the gods all live there anyway. So the only real possible reason for the council that isn't just extra work for a simple thing is for the assignments of the demigods. But all that trouble of assembling the gods for two demigods that they take the trouble to put through testing instead of using a messenger like Hermes? And aren't there demigods that have been here longer than you two? Because I'm fairly certain I've talked to a few demigods that have been here longer than you simply by virtue of being older." Snowstorm quickly burned through a good amount of frost berries, exhausted by her little not-really rant. "I'll explain it after this," he replied, and readied himself, electricity crackling in his hooves as he stood next to Velocity. "Ready... Set..." The lightning flared. "Go!" He released the lightning, which travelled at 6000 kilometres per second (17650 times the speed of sound) like any normal lightning bolt would do, contrary to Speed's original estimate. He was mildly surprised that it wasn't the speed of light, but realised that he should have known that with an inward facehoof.
Speed Boost laughed lightly. "Okay then, I'll bite. Let's see how you match up to lightning." He looked over at Gareth before starting. "He's training with it. Nothing wrong with not showing anything." He chuckled. "I mean, I wouldn't be able to do this-" He hurled a knife behind him, hitting a target near the centre without looking. "-without a lot of practise." Snowstorm frowned. "Huh. That's a bit weird. I mean, a whole council for gods and demigods and all they want is two demigods. Seems kind of long-winded. Don't you think they would rather just send a messenger with the assignments rather than going through all the trouble of sending all of the gods to one place so they can give all their assignments to two demigods who have the chance, albeit slim, to be rogue? Not that you are, just that it's a fair concern for them." ((In the words of Applejack: "You've got some 'splaining ta do." ))
Speed Boost frowned at this. "Dude," he said, simply. "There's no way you can get anywhere near 299.792.458 metres per second. Yes, I memorised the number. It was relevant." He chuckled. "Even a millionth of that would be at 1000 kilometres per hour... Actually, we'd be able to pass that easily. I once tried to let myself get pulled by my lightning. Not even my magic could keep me holding on to it. Although I am trying to figure out a way to harness lightning in a way that lets me travel almost as lightning. Probably not going to happen for a while." He chuckled again. "But if you want, you can try to race the lightning." Snowstorm's curiosity was piqued; she looked interested. "Really? Is it for select ponies, or all of them? Or do just some go and collect the assignments to bring back to the camp?" ((Sorry about the mostly dialogue posts. I was really busy and couldn't put in very much action or description))
Speed Boost watched as Velocity stepped back, interested at what he was doing. He twirled a knife in his hand, and watched as Velocity threw the shuriken and passed it before it could hit the target. "Awesome!" he exclaimed. "There's a reason you're called Velocity. You're going to be a beast on the battlefield with that." He grinned and whirled the knife he had in his hoof at a target while he spoke. Speaking without training? Ha!
"I suppose it is," Snowstorm replied, before popping a few more frost berries into her mouth. She began absent-mindedly tracing beautiful patterns of ice on the table with her hoof as she ate, lost in thought with plans and schemes, and a certain stallion. Speed chuckled at Velocity's reaction. "No, I've been thinking about it for a week or two," he responded, twirling the ball and chain. "The ball kept fizzling out because I was moving the electrical fields all wrong. They were cancelling each other out in all the wrong ways." He shrugged. "But I thought it was the shape. Now it's ready though." The ball and chain winked out of existence as he hurled a knife at a target, and then he replied to Gareth. "I've never actually used one before." He laughed lightly. "I just thought it was pretty cool, but it'd be better in electricity, so I did this before I would learn to use it. More awesome stuff to train with." He waved his hoof and the crackling knives were attracted back to him, before he started throwing them at the targets around nonchalantly.
Snowstorm continued to be confused, although it was fading. "It was more meant as a metaphor, but do you really think I'd fall for that?" She chuckled. "And I would never eat frost berries on the ground." She shuddered, disgusted at the idea. "I always make sure I know where I'm getting my food, whether growing it myself or ordering it from there. And I'll be sure to ask Leif about growing them. I could probably put a touch of my own magic to the soil. It might make them taste even better." "Yeah, he looks pretty miffed right now. I was going to try something, but I'll let the poor guy go. For now." He said this in good fun, and chuckled lightly, before going back to practising with his knives as Velocity threw the shuriken. He thought for a bit as he threw the knives, trying to figure out the answer to a certain conundrum he'd been plagued with. "Maybe it's not the shape, but the position of the fields..." he muttered, as electricity crackled over his hoof. "I wonder..." He stopped throwing knives for a bit, and a thin band of electricity encircled his hoof. He let a strand of dancing electricity extend from it, and carefully formed the end into a ball. He held his breath, waiting for the inevitable fizzle... And nothing happened. The ball lazed in mid-air. "Oh. Oh. It works! I should have thought of that a long time ago." He grinned, and twirled his hoof, the ball of electricity spinning around in the air, connected by the strand of electricity. It went round and round, a ball and chain made of electricity rather than metal. "Now that is cool."