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Status Updates posted by Greywolfin

  1. I have the coolest friend ever. She got me a 2013 San Diego Comicon exclusive DJ PON-3 as a late Christmas gift!

  2. Wait... a 30% chance of snow?! This is Phoenix, the center of the sun! We don't get snow!

    1. Simcity11100


      I'm pretty sure the sun shines on the southern part of the hemisphere

  3. The a cappella version of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Pentatonix just won my Christmas

  4. So I just found out that 14 years after its initial release, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is FINALLY getting a 3DS remake! It's easily my favorite Zelda game so I cannot wait until next year for it to come out!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Renton


      really awesome!!! XD

    3. Antismurf9001


      Majora's Mask has been out for 14 years? ....I feel old now. Still, this is great news, and maybe I'll finally get to play what I've been told is one of the best games in the Legend of Zelda series!

    4. Greywolfin


      Well that makes two of us feeling old... It's a great game, you should try it if you get the chance!

  5. TOPH IS BACK!! I can't even contain my excitement right now!

  6. http://www.nick.com/videos/clip/korra-book-4-trailer-89471257.html Korra. Is. Almost. Here!!! The week needs to go by quickly so I can get my Korra fix!
    1. Antismurf9001


      Only a few more hours now....

  7. Uuhhgg! SAO why do you do this? This is two weeks in a row where you've left me on an insane cliff hanger! I don't know if I can wait another week!

  8. DBZ: Battle of Gods was so awesome! I think Beerus just beat out Frieza as one of my all time favorite DBZ villains!

  9. Well that was depressing... granted most funerals are, even if it's for someone I barely knew. See you on the other side, uncle Fred.

    1. longgone


      Uncle Fred...like...THE uncle fred?

  10. Oh come on Mother Nature! 114 degrees today?! Really?! I think I'm going to spontaneously combust...

    1. (MARVEL) Blue Blood

      (MARVEL) Blue Blood

      Nature's a bitch, ain't it?

    2. Greywolfin


      Sometimes it really is.

  11. Sly Cooper remastered... Nostalgia here I come!

  12. And the monsoon season has arrived in full force! A monster dust storm, downed trees, and a very angry thunderstorm!

  13. Flim/Flam cosplay...check. Phoenix Comic-Con four day pass...check. Baggie full of Advil...check. Geek-tastic weekend, here I come!

    1. Antismurf9001


      Haha, awesome! Hope you have a great time!

  14. Achievement unlocked: feign sleep on the Tower of Terror long enough for a hilarious picture... before plummeting five stories back to the ground.

  15. Happy finals week everyone. May the curve be ever in your favor!

  16. You know you've been working on a project for too long (11 hours or so) when everyone in your group just starts laughing at nothing.

  17. What the.. is that snow falling outside?! Mother Nature, what are you doing? Mother Nature, STAHP!!

    1. Antismurf9001
    2. Greywolfin


      That picture made my night! I'm still laughing as I type this!

  18. The Infinite Universe Theory is hard... but totally fascinating. Thank you Bioshock Infinite for introducing it to me... especially through Burial at Sea.

  19. Farewell Spring Break! You were relaxing and yet exciting and totally exhausting. Now it's time to get back to work.

    1. Antismurf9001


      Twas good while it lasted.

    2. Greywolfin


      Indeed it was.

  20. Five days and countless resets later, a shiny Totodile is finally mine! My first ever shiny and it's one of my favorite starters!

  21. Aww yeah! Frozen is playing three nights in a row at the school theater! Which means I will get absolutely nothing done for the next three nights.

  22. I've been watching a lot of Twitch Plays Pokemon so... ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ USE HELIX ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      xD I see that a lot. HELIX KNOWS


    3. long gone

      long gone

      Helix Fossil is love, Helix Fossil is life.

    4. Greywolfin


      Eat, Love, Helix Fossil.

  23. Universal Studios in Osaka, Japan just opened the Monster Hunter Real attraction. I have never wanted to go to Japan so bad in my life!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Greywolfin


      It's a really good game, it's out on the 3DS right now. You're assumption would be correct...there are a lot of points at which you hunt monsters...mostly very large, very angry dragons...

    3. Dilarus


      wait, what? Universal studios owns Capcom?

    4. Greywolfin


      I don't think Universal owns Capcom, I think Capcom is more likely just promoting Monster Hunter 4. Monster Hunter Real is only there until March or so.

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