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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Zyla Fae

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Status Replies posted by Zyla Fae

  1. Sorry guys, but my mac is dead, I managed to get on the site with my DS, but I won't be able to do much until my mac's fixed, goodbye :(

  2. Sorry guys, but my mac is dead, I managed to get on the site with my DS, but I won't be able to do much until my mac's fixed, goodbye :(

  3. oh how i wish i could draw like casy ^^ ... sigh...

  4. urg! i hate when people hear me talk about mlp, and all they say is "you watch my little pony? oh my god, loser! hahaha!"

  5. My boyfriend can solve a rubix cube in 45 seconds O.o it is insane...

  6. that... made me sick... i feel violated... :( i think im gonna log off for a while...

  7. that... made me sick... i feel violated... :( i think im gonna log off for a while...

  8. that... made me sick... i feel violated... :( i think im gonna log off for a while...

  9. that... made me sick... i feel violated... :( i think im gonna log off for a while...

  10. MGSV GZ All missions with S-Rank, yes!

  11. Anyone get assimilated whilst I was asleep?

  12. Well, g'night all ^^

  13. FROSTMOURNE HUNGERS! Goodnight. Love ya all.

  14. I just came back from a painful ski trip. My feet are so sore

  15. I just came back from a painful ski trip. My feet are so sore

  16. If you're a backwards questioner, does that mean that other people question you?

  17. Guys and shippers seem to have this one fact in common, they seem to think that if two people of opposite gender stand next to each other for more than sixty seconds, they are automatically in love with each other

  18. good night my little ponies ^^

  19. And suddenly my laptop goes off ... without new start. First 2 try ending by going short on and then off. that is my 3rd try, now it work, but now I getting bored, I don't have money to buy a new one :'(

  20. hey every pony! sorry I have been gone... but I'm back! ^^ pokemon *hugs*

  21. hey every pony! sorry I have been gone... but I'm back! ^^ pokemon *hugs*

  22. hey every pony! sorry I have been gone... but I'm back! ^^ pokemon *hugs*

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