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About IcyHaze

  • Birthday 1993-02-28

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    "Perhaps it's better to be an astrophysicist who cuts hair, than a barber who dreams of studying supernovas?" - Dad
  • Interests
    Music, Video Games, History, Reading, Physics & Astronomy

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  1. Guys pls...chat?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. IcyHaze


      Yeah. I felt Voyager had the best story, but outside of Janeway, Seven Of Nine, and the Doctor,the cast was a bit shite.

      Next Gen probably had the best characters, but it's really showing its age now :/ And some episodes were SOOO fucking cringy xD

      DS9 I think had some o the greatest episodes ever to exist, a good cast, a great insight into the world of other races, and a good atmosphere, but I felt it was slow at times.

      I like Enterprise, but it's not very trekky ^^

    3. Something Floaty

      Something Floaty

      DS9 was slow in the beginning, but when the war and political intrigue really began to kick off (the first episode of season 4) it took off. The actual war in seasons 6 and 7 was the most intense, riveting moments of Star Trek ever. I love all of DS9, though I understand how some people might not like the first couple seasons. As for Voyager, they really screwed up...they took an awesome concept and ignored it. Instead of showing them struggling, they focused way too much on Seven of Nine for...

    4. IcyHaze


      I love them all for different reasons really :3 but yeah, you're right

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