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About Sleepykitty

  • Birthday 1994-05-18

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  • deviantART

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  1. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everypony! I hope you have/had an awesome day whether or not you spent it with your special somepony.
  2. Sleepykitty

    request shop Free Drawings

    Luna'sapprentice's is done. =) http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/039/5/b/freida_furry_ears_by_squishyelephant-d5u9xim.jpg Okay, next up is ~Chaotic DoomGuy~ I will be, at least temporairily, opening requests again after I finish his.
  3. Tron: Uprising..... This show has given me so many feels..... I wish it could get a second season...

  4. The downloads are all completely free. Sometimes, at least on my computer, it takes a few tries to get the download to work, but it always works eventually.
  5. Sleepykitty

    request shop Free Drawings

    Okay, I didn't get any of these done today because my neck wasn't feeling that great, but I'll probably get one or two done tomorrow unless my mom decides I need to get off the computer and do something "productive". Edit 1: I am so, so, so, so sorry this is taking so long! I'm currently sick and am having issues trying to focus on anything. It's just a cold (I think) so I should be better soon. Edit 2: Okay, BeatrixBow's is done. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/025/3/1/beatrix_bow_by_squishyelephant-d5snx6h.jpg Zygen will be the next one I do, but I'm going to be taking a break so I can work on a contest entry I really want to do. As soon as I am done with that (and classes aren't interferring) I will continue working on these requests. I WILL get to everyone who has posted here even if it may take a while, but at this time I will not be accepting any new requests. Edit 3: Zygen's is done as well. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/029/f/d/zygen_by_squishyelephant-d5t7qht.jpg Edit 4: Shoboni's is done. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/037/b/d/shoboni_by_squishyelephant-d5u15ks.jpg Edit 5: Auryn's is done. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/037/f/5/lily_blossom_by_squishyelephant-d5u36db.jpg
  6. I have at least gotten some success with it. First I did Twilight and I felt my hooves and vaguely felt a horn every so often during its formation. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was definitely partly there. I can't really describe what was going on in my head it was.... It was really nice. I am currently more relaxed and life feels so much nicer than anytime in my memory. It is super nice. With Pinkie I felt the hooves forming and I vaguely got a sense of happiness. For neither of them did I feel the mane, tail, or ears but perhaps with practice I'll feel them. Next time I'll do either Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash, I'm not quite sure which yet.
  7. For a split second I didn't recognize my reflection which was a bit scary, but that was probably just me not expecting to see my reflection. I'm going to be trying Pinkie Pie next. I love the tingly feeling that I get from this~
  8. I just tried the Twilight one and wow.... That was probably the most amazing experience of my life. I've wanted to try being hypnotised for a very long time, but I wasn't brave enough to volunteer at any of the shows I've been too (especially the adult ones). I could definitely feel the hooves form and I could vaguely feel the horn when it was finally formed, but I didn't get the mane or tail. I still feel all tingly and it's really nice. I don't think I've ever been so relaxed before... I will definitely be doing this again.
  9. Sherlock... Why did you do this to me? T-T

  10. I prefer generally just using Vinyl Scratch. At least in my head canon, Vinyl Scratch is her real name and DJ Pon-3 is the name she uses as a DJ.
  11. ASDFGH~!!!!! I love it! Thank you so, so, so much! I absolutely love it! She has the pretty, ratty feathers and everything! >///////< *squee* Again, thank you so much~ ^-^
  12. Oooh, yay! *excited squee* I am super-duper excited and can't wait to see it~ I'm sure Flying Fish is going to look absolutely perfect!
  13. Agh. I really want to go to BronyCon but....

  14. Oh, wow. That video basically put my thoughts on the matter into words. That is exactly how I feel. One of the biggest reasons I hate when big events like shootings or whatever happen is that while I hear the news and move on everyone around me keeps going back and talking about it. Well, with the Connecticut shooting I understand that my friends talk about it since it was a few towns over from where they live, but on the internet it bothers me that everyone, everywhere I go is talking about the big tragedy.
  15. I really don't have any realistic dreams. I have no idea what I want to do when I graduate college. I guess if I could do anything I would just always be surrounded by animals and not have to deal with people, but that is completely unrealistic. I'm probably going to end up working in some kind of aquarium. The most realistic dream I have is to get a dog, probably a rough collie or a mix breed from a shelter.
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