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Status Updates posted by Hyperhooves

  1. upset that's what I am now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander Hurricane
    3. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      no one ever said your crazy

    4. Hyperhooves


      Actually Com I knew that already but, thank you for reminding me :)

  2. my dreams are really real. so real they're freaking me out

  3. geez guys, just because I really like the brothers doesn't mean that I going crazy! :(

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I'm already crazy, though. If you want to join me sometime, be my guest.

  4. fell asleep flim and flam sang me a song what gives?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander Hurricane
    3. Hyperhooves


      :( no (now everyone hates me!)
    4. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      no one ever said they hated you. -_- do you know what assuming does? assume makes an ass out of u and me...get it? ass u me. assume. ahahaha im so funny.

  5. fell asleep, flim flam sang me a song wgat gives?

  6. is it normal for characters in your dreams to say "we will see you tonight"?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      It's normal if it was a lucid dream, which sounds to be the case.

    3. Hyperhooves


      Lucid dream what's that?

    4. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Where you're aware it's a dream, and thus your conscious mind takes control of the dream. This allows you to do things like choose what happens in your dream.

  7. another dream why does it keep happening to me what do they all MEAN??!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PinkiePieJr


      In the dream I ment

    3. Hyperhooves


      But, still why do I need to be protected this was actually a good dream for once we're just talking,drinking cider,and well at the it all it was a little weird.

    4. Hyperhooves
  8. another dream why does it jeep happening to me what do they all MEAN??!!

  9. I'm scared I had a nightmare last night and when I woke up I found myself repeating "I wish Flim and Flam were here to protect me" my mom thought I was going insane and so did the rest of my folks is it normal??!! because I'm totally freaking out hopefully I'll have good dreams tonight

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      Maybe that's just because you're thinking about them a bit too much. But then again, it could be predicting a future mlp episode. Or both!

    3. Hyperhooves


      Well, this isn't really the first time a thing like this actually happened. One time I was in the hospital and well, like any nurse would she told me to try to get some rest so I did I closed my eyes and the thing I saw was (before I go on let me just tell you this was before the Super Speedy Cider Squeezely 600 episode even aired) the first thing I saw was two unicorns I can't really see their faces but I do remember what they told me one of them said "get better soon kiddo, the...

    4. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      Hmm...well all I can say now is that part of that reply got cut off cuz you can only have so many letters in one reply. xD

  10. I showed a picture of Flam to my mom she thought I was going mad!

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Yup, that's just how rents will act

    2. Hyperhooves


      Yeah. The first thing she said to when I showed her it was "You're in love with a cartoon horse??!!"

  11. I got in trouble for watching BEST UNICORNS!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hyperhooves


      (Does happy dance) really????!!!!!

    3. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      Yeah but I'm not 100% sure it's true...it probably is though because we saw Trixie for a second time so it would only make sense if flim n flam came back.

    4. PinkiePieJr


      I heard that too, but I don't remember how I heard it.


  13. That's it I officially have a crush on Flim and Flam!

    1. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      Wait it was them who you had a crush on all along? Wait how can you have a crush on both? Isn't that considered, um, weird? Or maybe you prefer one over the other but can't tell people because then people will think you're weird and *rambles on about stuff like Pinkie would*. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

    2. Hyperhooves


      No, before it was a real person that I liked now it's completely different Com

  14. is it weird that I have never drink a cup of apple cider before?

    1. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      no... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    2. PinkiePieJr


      Neither have I...I think. Now I don't know if I have or not

  15. Yay!! No school thank you snow storm!!

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      I might have a delay tomorrow but that's about it.

    2. PinkiePieJr


      You're welcome!

  16. Is my fanfic really that bad??

    1. ZukoIsBestPony


      What's it about?

    2. Hyperhooves


      Why don't you read it for yourself it's in my topics

  17. I just wrote the first chapter of my fanfic go read it!

    1. OG Blaze
    2. Hyperhooves


      In my profile,in my topics

  18. I wish Flim and Flam were my brothers....... sigh

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Film and Flam?

      Haven't heard that name since.


      Season 3 :P

    2. Hyperhooves


      Anyone can dream right?

    3. OG Blaze
  19. How in the world do you create signatures??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hyperhooves


      Well, I'm was really looking for someone to make one for me

    3. PinkiePieJr


      Oh. So option 2. I might be able to. Let me send you a PM

    4. Hyperhooves
  20. Why does everyone hate Flim and Flam so much?

  21. I'm doing a little something called What would you do if you guys have any requests on what you guys want me to write about next go ahead be my guest!!

    1. LongGoneGr


      Me meeting Pinkie Pie lol

    2. Hyperhooves


      Ok I'm be sure to add that to the very top of my list

  22. that's it i'm off to go finish writing my fanfic

    1. LongGoneGr


      fanfic? What fanfic?

    2. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Damn I procrastinate so much when it comes to writing my Fanfic

    3. Hyperhooves


      I'm writing a fanfic I might post it later if I like it I have no idea how you guys will react to it, so I want to make sure it is good enough

  23. Watching a scary show about a boy who comes back from the dead now that's just plain creepy

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Is it called Ressurection?

    2. Hyperhooves
    3. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      I've seen like 50 commercials for that show

  24. I feel like talking about everything that's has to do with cheese sandwich right now anypony care to join me?

    1. LongGoneGr


      I don;t know anything about Cheese Sandwich - Haven't gotten that far. Sorry.

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