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Status Updates posted by Hyperhooves

  1. I'm writing a fanfic, I could use some help in finding a perfect title. Any suggestions?

  2. I got a song stuck in my head.

  3. Is there already a ask Flim Flam Brothers because if not i'm doing one!

    1. PinkiePieJr


      Well you could search in the search bar (top right-magnifing glass) if you don't see it, make it. And even if it does exist, the worst that will happen is a mod will remove it, and show you the one that does already exist.

    2. Hyperhooves


      I already did that. And I saw that there was already one but, it seemed to me that the creator of that one haven't been on for months so I really don't know what to do now!

    3. PinkiePieJr


      You could ask a mod for permission to make a new one. If denied, then why not try to get that one to get the other one active?

  4. My mom is in love with Button Mash! P.s Good night everypony!

  5. My family doesn't understand Mlp, I showed them the Flim Flam episode and then my mom asked me if Flam is Flim's dad how weird is that?!

    1. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      lols, I actually showed the musical part of the doco and the song from the Flim Flam episode to my older brother and dad, and they both said "Well, we can understand why you like the show, with all the amazing art and music"

    2. PinkiePieJr


      Well Flam does have a mustache. That stereotypically could resemble a dad...

  6. One question I know this may sound ugly but, what is roleplay??

    1. Malinter


      You play the part or 'role' in a story. The role you play is dependant on the story in question and your own knowledge of the background lore to play the role within it.

    2. PinkiePieJr


      It's like acting online. But doing it in real life is not acting, but rather LARP (Live Action Role Play)

  7. Cheese Sandwich is best pony,Flim and Flam are best unicorns,and Sweetie Belle is best cmc anyone have anything to say to that??

    1. CMQuickfireTK


      Yes, Sweetie b3ll IS best cmc lol

  8. Was just on YouTube and now I got a question Why does Flim's laugh sound so weird?? (almost like squdward)

  9. I'm writing a new fanfic and it's all thanks to a idea from Rainblow Hash!!

  10. How would you guys feel if I made a ask blog?

    1. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      that would be cool


  11. Sometimes even little kids shows makes me cry

  12. finally had some time to watch the new episode. i almost started crying when pinkie almost got hurt.

  13. I need ideas for my next fanfic, so I thought why not ask you guys. SEND ME YOUR IDEAS BECAUSE I'M CLUELESS!

  14. So far, my project is failing


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hyperhooves


      I still don't understand

    3. Malinter


      don't worry about it, its nothing. :)

    4. Hyperhooves


      But, I want to know :(

  16. Bored, me bored nothing to do!

    1. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      Go watch the new episode

    2. Hyperhooves


      I missed the new episode!! Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Commander Hurricane

    1. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      I want some...something extremely strong...

  18. with a capital T that rhymes With C that stands for cider!

    1. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      pool halls and cider are the devil

    2. Hyperhooves


      what are you talking?

  19. I need some WALLPAPER!

  20. OK I admit it I'm obsessed with FLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. who is Sam Vincent?

    1. Commander Hurricane
    2. Hyperhooves


      I'll try looking it up. If I found it I'll tell you

  22. i need a little break

  23. Please forgive me EVERYPONY!

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