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dusk shade

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Everything posted by dusk shade

  1. Deja had purchased a ticket for the next train out of there to Canterlot. She sat on a bench and waited for the bus needing to get out and away from Summer as quickly as possible or she might say something else she would regret and make the mare hate her.
  2. "Oh, I can't be outside now because you say so, is that it", she snapped. "I have business to keep in motion, I am not some cloud pusher who can just not go to her workplace cause she doesn't feel like it. I don't know if ponyville ponies are so intentionally ignorant or if its natural but its unbearable", she said and started off towards the train station. She didn't mean it but she was in bad mood and just needed to vent.
  3. Silver nodded and followed him down the street, smiling as the cool night breeze came through blowing their manes gently as they walked. "Might I ask, what is it that you have in mind to night, Blue...er, sorry, um...what do you have planned", she asked talking more naturally as she calmed back down.
  4. Deja looked at her liked she'd been smacked across the face. "Summer..", she started and backed up shaking her head. "I...I'm trying to fix it...but if I'm going to kill you then I can't be near you", she said and went down to the Ponyville streets ears down and highly embarrassed by her actions.
  5. Storm only snickered at his incestant compliments and kissed his cheek. "I'm cute and you're a nerd, god that's like some hifg school movie cliché, you know that, right", she asked and cuddled up against his cozy body as she tilted her head to watch the movie.
  6. "But Echo is harmless, you want to punish him for me", she asked quietly knowing his house arrest was completely her fault. "Summer...I love you, but I love your blood too", she whispered and sat up nuzzling the made beside her. "Don't let me feed on you...if I bite you....I don't know, knick me out, somehow", she offered not wanting to keep hurting her.
  7. Echo nodded and went to the door. "Well, uh..you have a really nice shop here, thought you should know, maybe I'll see you in mine sometime, you'll always have fun in the Crazy Box, have a good day", he offered as he headed out the door. He wasn't sure about the mare's chance if showing up but it was just an invitation to a store so he didn't really mind too much.
  8. Silver merely smiled at his joke and followed him out. "Where would you like to go, Blue", she asked rather formally as she walked him down the street glad he hasn't gone into the less desirable tidbits of the rude stallion's actions and left it as he had.
  9. Storm groaled at him with false agitation and nuzzled into his side. "You're so mean, calling me cute, its cause I'm so small, huh, you're calling me puny", she teased and bit her ear. "Ami really that cute", she asked quietly as she laid next to him as the movie finally began.
  10. Deja smiled up at the mare and nuzzled into her neck. "I'll...try, I can't promise you anything though, since I can't really guarantee I can control my hunger around you, I don't even know why I'm so drawn to your blood", she started to ramble and shut her self up rather quickly.
  11. Deja held the mare against her as they kissed, her kiss keeping the thought if what she had done to Sumner in the back of her mind. She had better things to think about, like Summer being so desperate to kiss her marefriend. She pulled her head back and smiled. "I love you, you do know that right, Summer"?
  12. Echo nodded and his mane changed to Deja Vu's telltale feminine curled one and she smiled up at the mare. "Morning, I do apologize for the biting you thing...I'm still having a bit if trouble with blood it seems", she trailed off and leaned up to kiss Summer rather deeply.
  13. Echo only alirked more at her remark and advances. "I'm the dirty one, really", he asked her playfully before and thought on her question. The answer was yes but he didn't get a chance to tell her since she shut him up as she started kisisng him aggressively.
  14. Echo laughs a bit anddiasolves his pillow putting ahoof around her. "This is nice, just watching the Ponyville sky come in...you weather ponies do a really good job up here", he said and leaned down to kiss her nose. "Sorry, your nose was all I could reach in this position", he admired with a smirk.
  15. He jumped over her and headed out to the roof sitting up there watching the ponies below. He waited calmly for the made to join him, he himself planning to make her sit with him and watch Ponyville from above. He pulled a pillow from his illusions and laid back on the cloud roof awaiting his stalker.
  16. "Help me, help me please, I'm gonna die", he cried out in exaggerated distress as she fell upon him with her tickling assault. It took him multiple attempts to free himself and get up on his hooves. "Summer, don't kill me", he crowd out as he ran back down the stairs.
  17. Echo cackles in glee as he evades her with ease, up until he trips on his own foot, falling up the stairs. "Ouch, don't eat me", he cried in giddy excitement at getting to act childish with her, something he barely got to do with anypony. "I'll bote you back, I bet you taste amazing".
  18. Echo jumped into the air hovering above her, just out of reach but she could see his flapping was sloppy. "You will never take me alive, you evil monster you", he cackled playfully as he hovered but his sloppy flapping brought back down so he started running from her.
  19. "Well, we do own the gallery and the prank shop... So...I'm pretty we can take time off, we have employees after all", he said rationalizing his thoughts and smiling sarcastically. "Really, though...I'm your prisoner", he asked with a playful grin. "What's that make you, the big scarry vampire warden"?
  20. Jacques heard the bell and got up from his seat, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and grabbed his bag. He decided to avoid the nurse's office and the likely upset girl he had dropped off there as he headed outside to get some air unsure of what class if any he had next since he had lost track if the time.
  21. Echo looks at her and cracked a grin. "Its probably because I'm too dumb to become addicted", hr said simply and knocked on his skull, a resounding sound from the contact. "No brain in this skull", he joked and stood up. "Okay, so house arrest, never thought a mare would hold me prisoner, didn't know I was that desirable as a inmate".
  22. Echo sat up and kissed her cheek. "Alright, so basically I'm under house arrest until she calms down, that's fine I suppoee, more time with you at least", he said and smiled a bit again. "But she should calm down soon I think,I mean last night she was fairly gentle with you, right"?
  23. Just a couple of days, she just..how we say...took to the blood rather well, and after a couple days she should calm down.
  24. In what regard do you need my mind, if I know you questions I can help answer them.
  25. That's not something you want to see. ???? But in all seriousness, maybe we can do her restricting Déjà from feeding if Summer would be comfortable keeping Déjà from blood?
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