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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

dusk shade

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Everything posted by dusk shade

  1. Well to be fair, I planned on having deja be a challenge, the one the vampire thing being something she struggles with but I figure we could do like a blood weening of that seems doable.
  2. Echo cradled the made in his h9ves knowing Déjà was making things extremely difficult for all of them. "Am I safe to go out while Deja is behaving this way", he asked hoanetly scared to go outside for fear of hurting someone and having Emerald end his and Déjà's lives.
  3. Echo only held her close to him speechless. He couldn't find the words he wished to speak, the taste of her blood filled his mouth and he knew Déjà was dangerous. "Summer....I'm so sorry...I tried to keep her under control, I really did", he muttered as she licked her neck clean of the bloody mess Déjà had left. "We'll figure something out, I promise".
  4. Of course, Storm would have laughed at the stallion's jestured before knocking him out with a swift kick but Silver was much more delicate, much more Blue's speed. She rests her head on his shoulder and smiled a bit. "I...I'm sure you won't, I think I remember Storm saying if you hurt me shed come back and kill you", she said quietly, hoping he wouldn't take her seriously.
  5. "I am not cute. We have had this discussion before Blueberry. Just because I am physically adorable, am amazing with coming up with nicknames and enjoy being picked by on you does not make me a cute mare", she said defiantly almost daring him to argue with her though she was sure he would.
  6. Déjà had a firm grip and Echo had to force her off which wasn't easy since he had to fight her for control and she wasn't giving up easy. "Let me drink my fill, don't you love me", she thought into Summer's head angrily before Echo finally managed to take over and pull the fangs out and rapidly apologizing.
  7. Silver blushed a bright crimson at the words rwlesed from the stallions mouth and as predicted she HUD under her seat at what he said, violently shaking her head in more embarrassment than anything really. She sat the cowering until she was certain all of the other patrons had left. "Um...please don't ever do the things he mentioned", she said quietly as she stood back up.
  8. Storm smirked as the movie stared and she felt his wing. "Trying to get cozy over there, Blueberry . She asked using her assigned nickname for him AMX smiling at his nuzzling. His ear kiss however set her off and sent shivers through her. "Geez, next time warn me yours gonna do somethimg like that, would you", she asked shaking from the sudden pleasurable notion.
  9. Deja only stared blankly at the made pinning her as she tried to tickle her. "What are you doing", she asked in an annoyed tone still aiming for her back after the hoof to the face. She leaned up and latched her fangs into the mare's neck going for blood and pinning her in her hooves. Deja had thought these things would stop her but her love for blood trumped natural ticklishness or pain.
  10. Deja looked a brutal mix of hurt, confused and angry at being punched and only hissed inching closer as the hood to her about had made her want to bite the made even more. Though this bite was more than a simple feeding, if she got her fangs on Summer it would be a very angry painful bite meant to hurt her.
  11. Deja sniffed the apple and looked back at the mare's exposed neck clearly losing interest in the fruit as her fangs popped out. "But why feed off apples when your blood is so.....wonderful", she asked and advanced towards her licking her fangs in anticipation.
  12. He looked at her with a strange look and raised an eyebrow a bit. "This....is an apple", he protested but bit the the apple gently like he would her, the apple calming him which he hasn't expected. "Blood substitute", he asked as he let Deja take over and she immediately looked towards her neck.
  13. He chuckled and smiled again. "Hey, I know you didn't mean it like that. But hey, we already technically died... Man...I wish I had thought of this before...I always wanted to fake my death and climb out from the casket...I had the chance and forgot to tell you the plan...man hindsight is evil", he says with a light laugh. "So, we can go back to work or is Déjà still unsafe in your opinion"?
  14. Echo looked at her a little shaken by what she had said but smiled a goofy smile. "But if I never leave, I can't work and Déjà can't make any updates to her gallery, she'll lose customers and so will I, eventually we would both lose our businesses, you don't want that, right", he asked the mare with a healthy dose of logic he rarely used.
  15. "No, I'm not a good pillow, I'm all bony and stuff", he cried playfully back and laid back down. "Ah, pinkie can wait a while, I am cozy with you...but you know, keep sitting on my legs and I might start to think you don't want me to leave, almost like you can't live without me in your sight", he laughed in delight at the thought of her supposed obsession.
  16. Echo sat up and smiled at her slew of questions."You didn't wake me, I think I woke you. And I'm not handsome, I'm just plain dashing", he teased and kissd her nose. "As for any plans, couldn't hurt to get Pinkie her supplies again...she's probably a bit upset after a few days without them, you know"?
  17. Jacques slipped out if the nurse's office not wishing to talk about her situation of not having clothes on or wanting to be anywhere near her at the moment since she would probably blame him for it. He walked briskly back to class and sat in his seat putting his head in his notebook, trying to pay attention to the lesson but he was too flustered to even really hear what was being said.
  18. Echo smiled conrentky as she used him as a fluffy pillow, stroking her mane as she slept, now wanting to wake her and spoil their tender moment. He kept quiet but thought to himelef about how lucky he had been to get slammed by her a fee days before and how happy he was now, eternal love that would never die did that to a a pony.
  19. Storm nuzzled her coltfriend lovingly and used him as a pillow after pushing him down on his side with her body. "You are a wonderful pillow, you know that, loser", she asked as she moved around a bit on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position eventually stretching out across it
  20. Silver nuzzled him affectionately and smiled a sleepy smile. "Someone was giving you trouble", she asked him quietly as she stood up, obviously still sleepy. "Do tell me the whole story", she said not realizing she had slipped back into her Canterlot talk.
  21. Echo knew he would probably be better off waiting until she said it was safe for Deja and him to go out alone before leaving and just ly back on the couch, cuddling up against his marefriend cozily. "Good night, again", he murmured as he wiggled under the blanket, going back to sleep.
  22. He nuzzled her lightly nibbling her manr and kissed her cheek as he too fell gently asleep, an uncommon sight, him sleeping soundly but one she would get often. When he sold in the morning he stretched out and let himself fall off the couch, shaking the sleep from his face.
  23. Echo nuzzled her lightly and cuddled into her soft coat. "You earned, that's right", he said and kissed her deeply as he drifted off to sleep. "We are really that awesome", he asked quietly and put a hoof around her. "Good night, Summer, rrest easy, Deja will be out for blood in the .morning", he smiled
  24. Echo finished after a couple of minutes and cozied up next to her on the couch licking up any blood that trickled out before kissing her neck lovingly. "I'm glad you enjoyed that, I know I did", he smiled and use this magic to pull a cozy blanket for them from who knows where and wrapped them in it, his eyes heavy as he felt very full from her blood and tired from the meal.
  25. He smiled and once she had finished pull his own fangs lightly biting her and trying to trigger her adrenal glands like she had his, succeeding after two tries and feeding gently as he triggered her pleasure, holding her in his hooves, thinking to her as he fed. 'Am I doing it right'?
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