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dusk shade

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Everything posted by dusk shade

  1. Deja nodded understanding her feelings and hugged her rather tightly puritng both her hooves and her wings around the mare. "I'm still eager to learn anything you have teach, my love',she said kissing her again and pulling away. "So, what else do you have to teach me"?
  2. Deja saw her disheartened look and kissed her lightly. "I'm sorry I'm taking the fun out of teaching me about my new vampirism... I just always did things quickly...wanted to make my parents happy...Echo didn't care about that...he wanted friends... Which was where I came in, I guess, just someone to talk to at first but I wound up making his parents rather proud so I did my best to excel at anything I could".
  3. She was now embarrassed, not used to such praise. Normally her conversations were just her buttering up snobbish Canterlot elite types and listening to them brag about how incredible they were. Deja hugged the made back lightly putting her wings around her and smiled. "To be fair, I've used illusionary wings before so I had some experience flying to be honest with you".
  4. Deja nodded a little shakily as she tried to focus on hovering and only hovering. She hopped into the air, her mind serene only letting in thoughts of her above the ground, simply hovering over the clouds beside her love. She actually managed it for a couple minutes before landing softly on her hooves.
  5. "I would have thought since they are artificial they wouldn't be", she said simply figuring that since her transformation to a vampire had created them they were not the same as Summer's wings. She jumped off again but this time tried picturing the sky she was currently standing in, just farther out into the sky, her wings flapping, the wind in her mane, all the things that came to mind when she thought of flight and it worked for a whole threw seconds before she fell back down.Her cheers may help Echo, but Deja was never the type for boisterous yelling.
  6. Deja shook as the mare starting touching her wings, the sensitivity showing as her wings with bended and twisting. "Why do they feel so weird at your contact", she asked before following her to the door and standing on the cloud with her wings tightly at her sides. She slowly pulled then back out and stepped off flapping frantically before falling back on the cloud not knowing what she was doing in terms of flight.
  7. Bushido smiled nervously and held her close to her kissing her cheek. "Umbie, I have to admit, I'm not sure why I care so much for you or for me, but does that really matter", she asked her quietly, a while new side of her showing as she let her antisocial walls crumble to the mare.
  8. Bushido wasn't used to ponies caring for her all that much so this was a rare thing for her to hear. She sat up rather quickly and backed up from the mare. "You...you care for me..but...", she started before hanging her head not sure what to say. She wasn't sure how she felt about the mare. It was true she enjoyed her presence and cared for her well being but she wasn't sure how to word that. She had never had to, never let anyoony this close. She smiled a bit and nuzzled the mare before her. "I...I care for you as well", she said quietly.
  9. He read the joke in his head for a moment before retailing he and in fact been wrong. "Got me.. Good one. Oh right. My riddle..um...what was it. Wetter as it dries..oh, right. A towel", he said finally after having forgotten the answer to his own question. He tasted the flower he had come to buy and it was not bad at all(going by the show since they have been shown eating flowers).
  10. Deja looked out the window and down at the ground, thankful she didn't fear heights. She did however not like the idea of jumping out Summer's window and smashing into the ground. She slaoly stood up and unfurled the wings, extended them to their full capacity to showcase them for her.
  11. Echo faded to pull Deja Vu out from the subconscious of his mind and she smiled nervously."Do we realky have to learn to fly", she asked blankly but looked at her with a flash of intrigue and possibility at the thought. She experimentally rustled her wings a bit and watched her closely.
  12. He nods a bit before laying back down next to her with a smile. "That was a weird discussion, I have to admit, and I converse with a snob version of myself all of the time. I know weird, I assure you", he said as if promoting a product if some kind and nuzzled her while rustling his wings he still wasn't used to.
  13. He smiled awkwardly as the fact that he was dead bounced back into his head and he sat up. "Right, I forgot I was dead. Still feels weird to say that out loud", he admitted as he saw his own death again and chuckled. "You snapped my neck pretty neatly by the way, thanks for not disfiguring me".
  14. He slowly stopped the tears and caught his breath nuzzling her lightly as she laid her head on his shoulder. "I love you but please don't do that, you might kill me if you tickle me again, I might end up having a heart attack",he said as he nibbled her ear affectionately.
  15. He started to cry tears in a mix of pleasure and pleasured torment as the wing joined the attack but her blowing set his ears on a course against his will flapping and twitching every whvh way as he begged her in tears to let him go, at the same time begging Deja to save him from her cruelty.
  16. Echo held strong for a while four seconds before bursting into an uncontrollable laughing fit begging her to stop and let him breathe even though he had ignored the exact same pleas from her and didn't think he would receive the mercy he begged for from her as she was after revenge
  17. Echo listened to what she said and smiled at her words. "So we will never lose one a other then, that is great news", he exclaimed happily but his voice stopped working as her hoof tickled his belly and he squirmed at her touch trying not to show how ticklish he was since he feared she may seek revenge for his earlier tickle attack.
  18. (Thank you very much) Echo smiled at her clear happiness from his words as he was whisked from the chair. A small thud sounded as his head hit the cloud floor as he kissd her back holding her tightly in his hooves. "I'm glad you like my ability to put words together", he said with a smile.
  19. Silver lightly kissed his cheek as the film began and she smiled as she passed him some snacks and a drink that she had snuck into the movie theater. It began with a space cruiser going through a space port and other ckoche sci fi things, laser beams and the like.
  20. Storm looked up at him rathr sheepishly and nodded slowly. "Would that be okay or no", she asked as she looked at him hoping he wouldn't laugh at her. "They are really enjoyable to be honest", she said quietly as she walked over to him and nuzzled her wing gently, a side if herself she rarely showed.
  21. Deja's ears went down and she smiled at the kiss, returning it I'm a very non-canterlot manner, biting her lip gently through the kiss. She couldn't help but smile as she pulldfrom the kiss. "I love you, Summer", she said and then a thought hit Echo that he couldn't help but announce. "Your name is Summer and you can't die plus you're beautiful. You're my beautiful eternal Summer and I love you. Never set you magnificent Summer Sun", he smiled. It had been meant as a playful joke but came out more peotic that be had meant.
  22. Deja nodded solemnly at her words, thankful to hear them as they ate. "For a Ponyville Pegasus you are not bad at eating with poise and dignity", she complimented but quickly realized how insulting to Ponyville and Pegasi it sounded and apologized not meaning any disrespect with her word. "And I thank you for wanting to reassure me, it's just this whole drinking blood thing is new to me,so I was nervous is all".
  23. "Well there is a difference between eating and tasting what you're eating, you know", she said but lost her words at the fancy meal she had prepared for them. "Summer dear, I would usually say you need not work to impress but you have made a beautiful meal. Thank you", she said happily though he worked hard to keep her Canterlot talk. She used her magic to eat her meal with a practiced poise and elegance.
  24. Deja knew the plan wasn't perfect since she would still bite ponies ambit atbkesst he could keep her from killing them. She heard the call from below and headed downstairs to go eat, knowing the food would be great since she had a taste of Summer's cooking before she had turned them. She sat at the table and looked at her kind of funny. "Um...I will be able to taste the food, right...being dead won't destroy my tatse buds"?
  25. Deja wipes off the blood and showers of the blood from her coat and out from her mane and finished her shower before thinking about what she had meant about talking to Echo. Evhibhad already come up with a simple plan to try to leash her. If she was biting too much irbthe wrong pony, he would swtmitch and release since he and no trouble controlling himself.
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