1. Rainbow Dash (She is tomboyish, sporty, colorful and loyal)
2. Apple Jack (She works hard, she is also quite athletic, is very strong)
3. Pinkie Pie (Quite the party pony, is crazy, very humorous and is hyper)
4. Twilight Sparkle (Very nerdy but can sometimes be annoying, I don't really like how she is the only one who is princess but she deserves it, she is sweet but talks to much sometimes)
5. Fluttershy (She is some how the most liked one because I see a lot of people like her as a favorite, she's quite overated even though she is kind hearted I don't really like her THAT much)
6. Rarity (She's too dramatic for me, I'm not the fashion type, she's WAY too fancy for me, I think she needs more description in my opinion)