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Everything posted by StormBolt24

  1. Time Rider kneed down next to her. "I am cyborg in real... 35% of me is robotic and rest humanity. SCP company has made you like this and they also used me as their experimental as well as your friends. It is not right at all. But if you want Rarity, I can help you to get your vengeance: I have now my upgraded key card. It will unlock one elevator lock and will bring us to the level 2 floor, where possibly SCP company workers are. But I consider myself as a human... But there are manies of humans: others have been tricked as well, others have died as experimentals and others... Just want to be this evil to you all." He said with pasdion to her and even have rnough courage to put his hand very softly to her head. "It will be ok... There is way to fix this all... I know that. But if you like: just follow me and I can help you." He offered to her.
  2. Time Rider just stood there. "I repeat: I am not a human. SCP company is guilty to these events around here, I am just experimental and I did nothing and I don't think you would like a cyborg skin Rarity." Time respond with a calm voice. "If you cannot accept that truth, I am not guilty on these events, I afraid you will have to be killed, or wound very badly." He said, with warning tune at his sound and his scanner begun blinking a little.
  3. Nothing going on...

  4. Time Rider turned around and heard her searching him. He quickly open the door, took the key card and then he just stand close the door and prepares to face Rarity... The way or another, he will have to face her... Because there is no otherway left anymore. "I am sorry Twilight... But I afraid she will have to die... Unless you want her suffer or me to die..." He thoughts.
  5. I feel like i'm getting backstabbed.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      i will be not on the forum at all because i work in a fixed place on summer

    3. StormBolt24


      @Doc. Volt


      Okays that's bad thing. Then I afraid we will see even less after the Summer.

    4. SkyHeart


      i don't know what what kind of access i will have during the summer, because i am moving to a new town. I am sorry if i hurt your feelings! i am just really busy right now

  6. Time Rider has none choice, he decide to proceed the next room, running quickly and trying to found a machine quickly. He arrived the another room and finally: saw some machine ahead of him. "Hmm... So this machine should be able to upgrade this key card... Let's see will it work..." He thought, while putting his key card to the left chamber, closed its door amd activated the machine and then: he just waited.
  7. As Time Rider heard this, he quickly dodged the crystals, as he saw them just and just in time. Only one sharp crystal manage to make a small cut to his left hand. Luna and Celestia could see, that a new cut appeared on his left hoof. "Listen to me Rarity! You don't need to do this... At least don't do that to me, because I was one who was used to this like you and beaides: I am not a full human in real..." He spoke to Rarity. "All is not lost Rarity, if you let me go and find one upgrade machine, I can open the door, that locks the elevator. It would brought us to the second floor, where all guilties should be. If you want: I can allow you in there, kill as many SCP workers as possible. Because they need to know how it feels, when using innocent creatures like you as experimentals." He spoke to Rarity, hoping that she would understand.
  8. As Time Rider was complete with scanning, he proceed to the next door, open it and then turned left door to the next long room, where seems to be a cell for Rarity. He look a little while around,mbefore he kept walking to the next door. ((I know this is pretty boring right now... But since I am not sure when he would arrive to the machine.... Yah ^^; ))
  9. None at all, because I can't draw and none agrees to drawing and he is not a pony.
  10. "Okays. Thank you anyways Rainbow Dash. I will now proceed to search this machine. I hope Twilight will be ok... Since she is the only one left of ponies with you." He said to Rainbow Dash and then walk forward the corridor, back to the office room he already passed before. Time activated his scanner and scan the room.
  11. Online. How is everything?

  12. Going offline. Bye.

  13. "I know excactly how you feel Rainbow Dash... They have used as their experiment humans... I consider myself as human though and you ponies... And I really feel disgust towards them... Would you bother to tell other your "pony friends" about this? I don't want to get killed... I need to get this card key to somekind of machine... That can upgrade it and so... I can open the elevator and get to the second floor... Where possibly SCP workers waits... Also: Twilight Sparkle waits at the elevator... She is the only one that has none "infections." Do we have an alliance deal Rainbow Dash?" He asked, while giving her his hand. "If we do this... I offer you all the change, to have yours vengeance." He added.
  14. "Do not blame me Rainbow Dash... If you want to know a thing or two, then here: one: I appeared here suddenly and I do not belong to SCP corporation and second: I were used as a testing person... Who would have got killed by Pinkie Pie, but I still manage to escape. Also: I....." He suddenly spoke a little broke sound. "I.... I am not "completely" human. Only 65% of me are human... Rest 35% in me are robotic... Such as: my intelligent, speed, ALMOST eyes and some body parts." He said to Rainbow Dash, while staring at her and his scanner blinked a little. ((One secret revealed: Time Rider is not a FULL human. Maybe in a future, there will be revealed what happened and how he become most likely "cyborg"))
  15. "Alright... Thank you Twilight. I really hope that you will survive... And I am sorry to leave you here.... I will return as soon as I can." He said while opening the door and leaving to search the door. He walks back to now: light and powered factory corridor. "I really hope I can found the machine in time... Please: don't kill Twilight..." He thought praying, while he activated his eyes scanner and begun scanning the forward path.
  16. He go to check out the elevator. It was working, but door was still locked. "Damn it... There has to be someway to open the elevator door..." He said while cursing a little. "Twilight... I'm going to head back to the facility... There is something that would open elevator's lock... Some other key card." He said, while heading close to the door. "Will you come with me?" He asked Twilight and turned towards her.
  17. Hello. How is you all?

  18. "You are dping good Twilight... Keep it up! No yroubles on the way for now and hopefully there will not be anyones to come here..." He said to Twilight and himself, while staring the closed door with caution and sharp. "I haven't still manage to found that "door to truth"... Where it can be and how long these nightmares keeps going on?" He thought.
  19. "I guess there is no other way... Try to power up the factory and then: we might stand a change to get to the other floor and out of here." He said to Twilight, while investigating the room. "Hmm... I really hope that we will survive this... And I avoid hurting myself any longer. If some of those ponies comes here... I just try to talk to them. Try you to concentrate on powering up the facility." He added to her.
  20. "You are the only one who has lights so try to turn off the light." He respond, while trying to found some switch to re-activate the factory electricity and elevator. Soon: he saw an elevator which was offline and locked. "There is our way to escape... But there has to be someway to fuel it up." He said to Twilight.
  21. ime Rider just silently nobs and enters the dark room. "Hmm... I am not sure where are we at the moment, but according these all control panels around here, this is a control room. Maybe here we can power up someways this facility and possilby re-activate the elevator... Where ever it is." He said to Twilight and himself.
  22. "Unfortunately... No I don't know at all and I don't know is there a way to save them... There might be a one way... But it will be risky. The way is to talk with them and try to calm them down and make them believe, that we are here meaning not harm and are innocents." He respond to Twilight. "And yes... Pinkie cannot move, if someone is staring at her." He added while now arriving the next door. He used key to unlock it.
  23. Morning all

    1. Oblivion


      Morning Stormy! :3

  24. Going to offline, because its midnight around here. Bye.

  25. Tiem Rider look quickly at Twilight and then back to the ahead of him. "Sure but for now: I really want you to follow me. I there possibly has to be elevator somewhere here... Maybe we should try this path. I haven't go here yet." He said while walks to the right path corridor.
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