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  1. Jeric's post in Not allowed to delete replies to others' status updates was marked as the answer   
    We are aware and have been for months. In fact there is an engineering and development task open to enhance this, but it hasn't happened because it is lower on the prioritized list than forum breaking issues. Because of that there is no ETA that we can communicate. 
  2. Jeric's post in is there a mobile app? was marked as the answer   
    There is no available Mobile App for IPB or MLPF. This is something that gets brought up constantly in Feedback, to the point that your first Feedback topic you make there launches an interstitial that actually asks that no new threads be made on the subject.
    I'll go ahead and close this one out.
  3. Jeric's post in My content always shows "No content" was marked as the answer   
    My Content should be functional now.
  4. Jeric's post in Account was Deleted was marked as the answer   
    Please open a Support Ticket 
    I'll address it there.
  5. Jeric's post in Odd Tech Issues was marked as the answer   
    Members do not have the ability to delete topics. On occasion due to slow client side or server side issues a dupe post or topic is created. If reported or seen a member of staff will simply hide it. If this happens to you just report the duplicate topic/post and we will hide it for you. 
    How large of a post in character/word count are we talking about here? There would be a limitation on the database (this is normal and always done as a security protection) but it isn't one members would normally have to worry about. Any server limitations are not publicized for obvious reasons. One other item, copying from another source may be the cause of this as well ... CKEditor (the text editor that PIB uses) does not like markup found in Word or even Google Docs. I've seen and experienced my share of issues with this. 
    Oustide of the auto save function (which does not work on fixing mistakes when hitting the back button) I would offer the suggestion of Lazarus: Form Recovery.
  6. Jeric's post in Embedding Soundcloud Player? was marked as the answer   
    How are you trying to enter this @Joseph Stallion ?
    <iframe> is HTML based. It will not work as HTML is currently not supported in the text editor. 
    <iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/155099263&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true"></iframe> However if you put in just the link in the share panel 
    You get this.

  7. Jeric's post in Time Online was marked as the answer   
    In the end the time online metric was deemed inaccurate so it was removed. There were also several complaints to this effect requesting its removal. 
  8. Jeric's post in Can I change the prefix of a topic I started? was marked as the answer   
    You can make that change yourself. Go ahead and click on edit to edit your post and then click on 'Use Full Editor'. You should see a drop down at the top indicating the prefixes. 
  9. Jeric's post in Error problem in messages: could not load template was marked as the answer   
    As stated I opened a task for dev to review and they rebuilt the cache which fixed the issue. This is resolved.
  10. Jeric's post in Is there a "For Sale" section? was marked as the answer   
    @SolidTwilight, at this moment we do not have a marketplace. It has come up from time to time, but the oversight needed would have been difficult to manage. This topic covers some of the reasons why. 
  11. Jeric's post in Where can I start a fan club? was marked as the answer   
    , I believe you have your answer several times over. Thanks everypony!
    I'll go ahead and close this out as it can't really get more thorough than this. 
  12. Jeric's post in Other Forums was marked as the answer   
    If you mean, 'Will I get banned or in trouble if I was banned or had a bad reputation on another Pony site?', then the answer is generally no. We only ask that you follow our rules. 
    Global Rules
    Help Files
    Read through that and apply yourself using these resources and you should be fine. 
  13. Jeric's post in Signature BBC Code was marked as the answer   
    Looking at this now. 

    I fixed the signature imaged manually. We are experiencing occasional 502/504 errors, which is unrelated to the sig. That said, it the issue with the sig on your profile is now resolved.
  14. Jeric's post in How do you change member text? was marked as the answer   
    That is a perk of financially supporting the site as a donor or subscriber. 
    You can read more here
  15. Jeric's post in "About me" profile page was marked as the answer   
    With their powers combined they are Captain Best Answer.
    Thanks guys. @Steel Accord, I'll close this one out as your issue is resolved.
  16. Jeric's post in asking if forums has brony groups section was marked as the answer   
    The closest thing to that would be our Meetups Forum
    You might also consider looking up social media groups based in and around the area you are moving to.
  17. Jeric's post in Where do I create a topic looking for brownies/pegisisters to rp over instant me was marked as the answer   
    We tend to discourage advertising a 3rd party off site service as a platform to conduct something like an RP. That said, you would need to reach out to an Admin to seek said permission via PM or through a Support Ticket
  18. Jeric's post in Can i post an ad looking for brony roomates? was marked as the answer   
    All advertising in a topic or blog -  be it for a roommate, a 3rd party website or service, etc -  MUST be approved by an Administrator before it is allowed on the forums. 
    Please send a support ticket and an Administrator will review your request. 
    I'll close this question out at this point, as it was completely answered. 
  19. Jeric's post in How to embed Music Player into a Profile was marked as the answer   
    You can't exactly embed with <iframe> as HTML does not render in a post, but you can like the song and 'attach' an image to it. It will open a new tab when you click on it to the embedded file. 
    [url=http://files.podsnack.com/iframe/embed.html?hash=a1kaom8i&t=1423185409][img=https://superrepo.org/static/images/icons/original/plugin.video.playlistLoader.png][/url][/img] that is the code for how you 'sorta' embed. Close the url and img tags at the end together. 

  20. Jeric's post in How do I delete a Topic? was marked as the answer   
    All correct answers there for you @Comrade Courage. Mods and Admins have on occasion removed a topic or post depending on the circumstances. More common though are requests to lock a thread that was started by the OP. In some cases we will honor the request, and in others (particularly if the discussion is popular or generating great conversation) we will keep a topic open and visible. 
    As you have received solid information on that, I'll go ahead and close this question out.
  21. Jeric's post in Advertising my Gaming site was marked as the answer   
    As you are suggesting and advertising share/partnership, go ahead and and complete a Support Ticket request and I'll will have the Administrators/Site Owner review the request. 
  22. Jeric's post in Search bar for RP was marked as the answer   
    I moved this thread to Site Questions as this is a feature that already exists.
    The RP Character Database is already set up with search. The below link will take you to the two best methods to search for a character, be it yours or another.
  23. Jeric's post in Where can I find the forum rules? was marked as the answer   
    Hey Droid, the rules themselves are right here
    Check out the Resource Map as well as that will guide you to a wealth of detailed information from Posting Guides to the FAQ
    Is there a specific rule you have a question on?
  24. Jeric's post in template fails was marked as the answer   
    As this issue is now resolved I will close this thread Fabulously.
  25. Jeric's post in Post Number Differs When Blocking Someone? was marked as the answer   
    The post # will calibrate based on myriad factors specific to the member viewing the thread. This is not a bug.
    Don't use the post number to base your count on. Go based on the prior post and pray you avoid ninjas
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