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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by AppleLover

  1. Who likes to roleplay?

  2. Who likes to roleplay?

  3. A friggin cat walks out of nowhere while me and my sis are taking out the trash, we stop and pet it than I put the trash in the trash can, and the cat looks at the trash like it was following the trashbag not us. We're just like umm.. Ok. So we leave and try to go inside our place and the cat follows. And now we fed the cat so that we could go inside without it rushing into our place and now I fear the cat wil NEVER leave!

  4. Guys! Don't be shy to talk to me. I don't bite. :c

    1. AppleLover


      Another victim of randomness. Better get the government to cover this up. Like the aliens and mind control and stuff.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  5. Guys! Don't be shy to talk to me. I don't bite. :c

    1. AppleLover


      Y'all funny I ain't even gonna lie. Mostly 'cause the fight and biting and the fact that this probably got out of hand very fast at the begginging.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  6. Guys! Don't be shy to talk to me. I don't bite. :c

    1. AppleLover


      What the hell? I'm bit now? Am I gonna be a zombie?

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  7. Guys! Don't be shy to talk to me. I don't bite. :c

    1. AppleLover


      I can picture an old western theme coming on while the smoke clears. You knwo the one during the old western movie showdowns which are always at high noon.

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  8. 2am. still cant sleep. send help

  9. I'm a parasprite now!! I feel my power level increasing.....!!!!

  10. Yeah, today just f***ing sucks.

  11. I think I'll ask this again... If I started an art thread, would anybody care?

  12. Been having fun with the pony creator for a while now.

  13. When i have a son, I'm going to name him Damien. Even though my Mom says that is some sort of evil name or something like that.

  14. When i have a son, I'm going to name him Damien. Even though my Mom says that is some sort of evil name or something like that.

    1. AppleLover


      Cool. And now my future son will have a badass name. In my opinion anyway.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. When i have a son, I'm going to name him Damien. Even though my Mom says that is some sort of evil name or something like that.

    1. AppleLover


      Hmm, than my mother is wrong. looks like I got something to tell my mother now. Sweeeet.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. When I say 'what a load of crap', what do you think of?(keep it clean plz) ^_^

  17. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

  18. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      Dang. But maybe if you keep trying they'll let you. I don't know how many times I asked for a cat or a dog at Christmas with nothing else on my christmas list and my parents said no. 'Twas a sad Christmas playing new video games and such.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  19. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      A rabbit huh? There pretty cool. Thought they mate like the worlds about to end. But I've always liked rats. Their little feet is so adorable. Personally I like the so called 'rodent'. Mice, rats, all those animals.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  20. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      But it was a mouse. I know you didn't tell your parents because you wanted it dead, And I'm sure you knwo. But that's the natural thing that a parent does. They see a moouse, they kill it. They don't want what ost call rodents in their house. And you know, I had a rat. I named her Babes. I fed her and I loved her. But one day I lifted her up and acciddetally dropped her and she caught her tail on the lid. She lost half her tail. It was nothing but bone. I cried for so long, fo...

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  21. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      You have so much to live for, so much. You're just going through a rough patch in your life. Watch a funny video, go for a walk. DO whatever it take to keep your mind off theses thought. Just please don't kill yourself. The world will miss you, even if you don't think they would. The people who love you will cry, and most of all, God will cry. One of his creations died, and he will be sad because he could not do what he could to help you.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  22. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      Hey, snap out of it. You are not worthless. You are important. You are special, precious, intelligent, and perfect. All those othe people making fun of you are assholes who think it's funny to mess with other poeple. They think it's funny to make other's feel bad about themselve, well more often thatn not, the poeple who are bullies, they are the ones who are messed up. More than likely, they'll be nothing more than petty thugs, drug dealers, junkies, or other things. You? You...

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  23. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      *insert this in between tell and because at the bottom* I'm being serious

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  24. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      Nothing worthy?! That's balogne and you know it deep down inside. What you say is unworthy is total crap. By being here, alive, and breathing, is worthy enough. God wouldn't have given you life, and neither would your parents if they didn't think you would be worthy. Now the people that really know me can tell because I'm tapping into my religion.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  25. I just feel like giving up. Like not breathing. Just lay around until I die. Please help me. I hate this feeling.

    1. AppleLover


      Ok so why does having a red hair mean your soulless. And just because you're Bi does not mean your a faggot. It means you're more special. Everyone is different. You ain't no atrocity and you are awesome.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

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