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Christmasy Britty

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Status Updates posted by Christmasy Britty

  1. So I think I just got a job though I'm not entirely sure

  2. had a lovely day at the beach with all the little sand pipers :3

  3. feeling sexy tonight ;) my confidence has boosted

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Oh deer, how fawnderful. ^^

    3. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      lol i didn't know you could feel snakey :P

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      FEEL SEXY GIRL.................

  4. *sigh* so mom got into an accident again she's always accident prone cause if it could happen to her it probably would I really think she got cursed by a gypsy

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      It's a me..........The Gypsy.......Marioooooooooo

    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      curse that plumberman :P

  5. places places get in you places put on your dress and put on your doll faces everyone thinks that were perfect please don't let them look through the curtains

  6. It's eerie when you find an anime girl that looks pretty close to the way you look in real life

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Must see.............8D


    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      its on my profile page

  7. When you got a boyfriend like Derplight just magical puns and amazingness all around happen

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      IT sounds.............Magically Amazing........8D

    2. Christmasy Britty
  8. aww my earbuds died :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      are they................i just use them at the shop.............at home is a little more "advanced"....8D

    3. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      as long as you don't use them all the time that's better, i'm sorry i just dislike the whole celebrity sellout crap like Justin Bieber perfume, Paula Deen cookware ect.

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      no problem..........only reason i have them is because they came in my shop...........customer had 2 pairs so i use one until i sell the other

  9. Happy Birthday you crazy dude you XD

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Thank You............you witty britty

  10. "I can move mountains I can work a miracle"

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      ..........Hallelujah Sister......

  11. Whenever you add a banjo to a song it becomes 'hipster'

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I thought it became Bluegrass................8T

    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      nowadays not really :P

  12. my cat was having a hairball so i was by her side comforting her

    1. Monsoon


      Good I don't know what it's like to own a cat since I have a dog instead

    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      well she almost puked but she decided it wasn't the day for the hairball to emerge :D

  13. lol i love how you just swamped my page with all the replies XD

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I had a lot of catching up to do........8D

  14. job hunting done for today and now i relax

  15. idk everything is making me really mad today so i think i should stay away for a bit

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Burn the Annoying ones.................oh wait........Burn the WITCH!!

    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      all the witches must burn >XD

  16. Today is just going to be a really boring day idk

    1. Bright Honor
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      HAVE some COFFEE..............that makes everything more exciting.....8D

    3. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      but what about my meth? :P

  17. i smell really good right now XD

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      it can be if you choose the wrong people to be your friends

    3. Smarts


      That can apply to anything, really. Sticking with the wrong people is always a bad decision. :X


      Been there, done that.

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      DITZES are awesome................I wish there were more........then i could sell start selling dirt in my store and make a killing......8D

  18. seems that there's a lot of judgement about women on this site :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      it depends on where you go

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I judge all women to have ovaries............8D

    4. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      that is very true men do not have ovaries

  19. That moment when you hang out with your best friend who's hosting a party for a bunch of 14 year olds and you get the silly string all in your hair

  20. so now i'm trying to think of a new profile pic for my youtube channel but i have no idea what i should make it

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Burning Dusk
    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Picture of you Eating Someone.............I mean something

    4. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      lol i want to be on youtube not brazzers :P also my bf wouldn't approve unless it was him XD

  21. so i gave myself a new banner what do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Cute..............it reminds me of something from an old cartoon..........Kappa Mikey


    3. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      hisss the evil has returned

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      So you know of it........8D

  22. that 505 was a little annoying earlier

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Error your soul has been downloaded...............8D

    2. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      oh noes gets sucked into portal

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