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About kelseymarie805

  • Birthday 1993-08-05

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  1. So, if I were to for some reason, oh let's say, be gone for several months, would any of you guys bother to talk to me? Would anyone give a crap?

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Dsanders



      Alexander the Great did not conquer Rome overnight. All good things come to those who wait. Meditate on this.


      I wish you lots of love and good things.

    3. kelseymarie805


      This is so true, yet so hard because waiting is one of the most difficult things to have to experience. Waiting on something is like torture. It's like being trapped and not being able to get free or something.


      And thank you!! ^^ You too dear!! <3

    4. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      Well of course! but that said I was gone for a few months myself, on and off lately. Of course I notice you updating here less regularly, going back to check shows I care, in some way lol. but it's kind of hard when I'm absent for so long. I miss a lot of stuff, so I apologise!

      Needless to say, I'll still keep a watchful eye! You are pretty much my 1st friend on this forum anyway! xD

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