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Status Updates posted by TechiePidge

  1. I recently learned how to do lineart in SAI and do things in photoshop

  2. ---“WHY THE BLOODY BLUE BLAZES DO ALL YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SUCH BLOODY CLUTZES?!” I shout angrily. I get up and I storm down the hall angrily until I reach magic class, I enter the classroom right before the bell rings to signal ‘late’ and I’m counted as on time by the only nice teacher in this school Mrs. Hayes.--- Preview from a alread written pony fan fiction by me and a few friends. No title as of now, and only 2 chapters plus the prolouge.

  3. A 18 wheeler hit our powerline last night around 6:00Pm its barely coming back on...I had a almost finished comic page and now half of it is unfinished because I havn't saved it up till then....oh dear

  4. an 18wheeler hit our p

  5. Im working on the cover for 'A new friend' and OMG its hard!

  6. I wake up to the smell of bleach.....My mom was bleaching the floors again.

  7. Im about to go to bed here soon, and Im boreeddd

  8. I finished the mistletoe kiss meme...dont know what to do with it now XD

  9. Im doing a kissy meme, where someone fills in the other half of the thing, but its christmas themed. So Im doing ponies and Ill just let others fill out the other side :3

  10. I figured out that I don't have to scan my drawings first....I can just put the paper ontop of the tablet and the tablet still works XD

  11. Breedables are fun to do! Mainly because they are mixtures of 2 ponies :3

  12. Vote for discord!

    1. Dsanders


      Yes!! You must!

  13. "Hoofs clacked against the hard cobble roads as a young mare made her way through a small everfree forest village. More hoofs clacked on the cobble behind her as guards made their way after her, the young mare was on the run, that was for sure." A preview for Kidnapped for Romance, the pony version

  14. *Le gasp* Pony art has just gotten alot harder.....wait thats not a surprise..

  15. Another Join.me for more requests....https://join.me/932-291-959

  16. I tend to stick to the MLP style of ponies..but would people still like my work if I do my own style?

  17. If I was to write 2 versions of 'Kidnapped for Romance' a ponyfied version with OCs, and a normal human one. Would you guys judge on which one I should continue?

  18. we drove down the highway looking at fireworks that were set off. We wern't paying attention, turns out, the car ride was more fun XD

  19. WIP DUMP! http://kittywilleatchu.deviantart.com/art/WIP-dump-465696130?ga_submit_new=10%3A1404525730 all current progects I have started! Some are not on there...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deathstroke


      Other than your age i gotta say: really good

    3. TechiePidge


      Whats wrong with a 13 year old artist?: and Thank you

    4. Deathstroke


      You're just young for a good drawing like that

  20. I have started a join.me so people can...you know..watch me draw ponies I guess?....https://join.me/932-291-959

    1. oceandeath


      Whoa! That's such a cool way to stream things. It looks really good so far, what you're drawing.

  21. A story Im working on called 'Untold memorys', ya well, im thinking about making it...um...pony-ified or something.

  22. DELI MEAT SAMWHICHES! are awesome~

  23. Working on 'The heart of a Animal'. Well the plot of it anyway....

  24. I write many many stories, but I always need help on them to continue them. Does anypony know a website where I can post a 'SOS' for things like this?

  25. *randomly thinks 'Hey! What if I do a thing....where I ask people if they want a logo like the one Im using now....'* Uhhh...No mind, staph

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