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Everything posted by FortyTwo42
I see Herdier = Winona, and most of Applejack's other Pokemon are tough, defensive ones, which is very appropriate for Applejack. For the flying lesson pictures, I don't think the first picture is the kind of picture I like. I generally like comics, but I didn't really find its joke funny. Perhaps it's just not my kind of humor. Although I really liked the second and third pictures. It's really cute to see parents teaching their daughter to fly! And it's pretty interesting how the father is an earth pony but is still helping his pegasus daughter to fly. And those other three Pokemon team pictures you got for Stormgiggle are great too! All Pokemon team images are great! If you're happy with three requests, then I'd like to see Rarity's team (the last Mane Six one! ), a pony doing archery, and... I'm not sure how easy it'll be to find specific ponified Pokemon, so if you can find it, I'd like to see some ponified Eevee and its evolutions (any out of Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon), or if you can't find a picture like that, just any other random ponified Pokemon image you can find please. I did!
Good idea to move the requests to here. Now making picture requests comes with the added bonus of winning for a short amount of time! By the way, for everyone else here, these picture requests were something that Trottermare and I began doing in my counting game, since Trottermare likes finding pictures for others' requests and I like making requests. However, it got to the point that the picture requests were overshadowing the counting game itself, so we decided to move it here since this place is more of a fun hangout than an actual game topic. If you'd like, I'm pretty sure Trottermare would be happy for everyone else here to make requests too. Now back to the images: I see Fluttershy continues the tradition of having another Eeveelution, as well as a Pokemon to represent her pet, which in this case is a Bunnelby representing Angel. I think Staraptor's design looks absolutely incredible as a pony! That is definitely one of the coolest 'ponies' I've seen. That extra bit of read hair in the mane really sells it. The Staravia and Starly ponies are still cool, but they lack the red hair Staraptor has so they not quite as cool as that. I like making those requests vauge and open because I enjoy seeing and being surprised by what you come up with. Cookie jar theft is of course one of the most major crimes out there, so good choice there! Think about what you've done, Scootaloo! :scoots: Is three requests too much to make as a time? I want to see more pony team pictures, more ponified Pokemon pictures, and more general MLP pictures, but that sounds like a bit much. For now, I'll stick with two requests: May I please see Applejack's team, and a young pegasus pony learning how to fly?
A history of books is indeed something you can lecture about! I am learning so much about this new, revolutionary way of storing information! And in Pinkie Pie's picture, I see she has a Sandile to represent Gummy. I've also noticed they each seem to have a different evolution of Eevee too, which I am very happy about because I love Eevee and its evolutions! For my next request, I want to see a pony committing a crime. And I'd like to see Fluttershy's team, please. And if you're up for a third one, perhaps you could show me one of these ponified Pokemon? My reply speed lately wasn't mostly out of consideration for the count, I actually was rather busy and would've responded as often as I did whether this was in this topic or another topic. Although that was just a temporary problem; the idea of moving to another topic still sounds like good idea. It'll allow me to respond more often without destroying the count when I'm more active. Also, this topic is meant to be for the counting game and all these images and requests are sort of stealing the spotlight so it'll probably be better to have this topic dedicated to the counting game and another topic dedicated to your picture requests. Even if you do make such a topic, don't think you can't post pictures here anymore; I expect you to post a picture of a dragon burning a fortress to the ground to represent your victory over me if you get a dethrone, or just your standard motivating pictures as you work up to that dethrone like you did before if you want. And I'll start posting my usual pony videos again.
I think you had another alternate interpretation regarding Pinkie Pie preparing for a party. I was imagining Pinkie Pie at the party location before guests arrived putting up balloons and streamers, or something along those lines. But going around handing out invitations is another important part of preparing for a party! It's fun to get an image that's different from what I envisioned but still definitely fits the request! Of course, Rainbow Dash's team is full of extremely fast Pokemon. Except for Shuckle, who I'm pretty sure is the slowest Pokemon there is, but I think he's there to represent Tank. Actually, I remember Twilight's team had a Noctowl, who's probably there to represent Owlowiscious. It seems each of them has a Pokemon to represent their pet in the show, which is really cool. Can I see Pinkie Pie's team next please? And yep, I love the engineer Rarity picture! :grin2: Next request: I want to see Twilight lecturing! Uhh... congratulations, I guess. Can I have my throne back anytime soon? You're back! Hello! I'm sure dethrones are about to get much more plentiful now... By the way, we need to play Monster Hunter again sometime.
Numerical Trainer 42 sent out Luxray! My intention was for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to be flying together like in the second picture (using their wings and flying next to each other). But I love seeing alternate interpretations of my requests. I didn't even consider Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash being in a plane together! Both pictures, each showing them doing something very different, can still be described by 'Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flying together', which I think is pretty clever. And all those Pokemon images are incredible! It must have taken a while to find all six of them, so thank for that! Now I'm ready to challenge Stormgiggle! I especially like the Ninetales and Milotic ones. By the way, are you happy to do non-MLP requests like these? Since this is an MLP forum, the vast majority of my requests will probably still be MLP related if you're happy with it. Or absolutely all of them will be MLP related from now on if you'd prefer that. My next request: I want to see Pinkie Pie preparing for a party, please! Oh, and since you wanted a specific character for the Pokemon team images, I also want to see Rainbow Dash's team if she has one.
Thank you! It's exactly what I wanted! Well, with a little bit of I'm-not-getting-any-sleep-anymore on the side. (That's a joke, I love the nightmare fuel pictures too. That's pretty much spot on for how I like to see gore-ish elements in art; it's not excessive, just however much is necessary to show the pony was cut by heaps of tiny blades) As for what's next... I'll get to that in a bit. I ACCE- Oh, you said Cinnamon, not me. In that case, STORMGIGGLE!!! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A POKEMON BATTLE! Trottermare, I require pictures of Salamence, Luxray, Sceptile, Zoroark, Ninetales and Milotic! I must present my team in a similarly awesome fashion! Or go find me a picture of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flying together. That's my actual request for today. Pokemon are here because I demand it! Pokemon is awesome! Talking about it is highly encouraged! Or, I suppose we could count like we always do. Or rather, you count and I ruin everything. Like I'm doing right now! By the way, I love that image! What are we going to call Twilight mixed with Rapidash? Twilidash? Nah, that sounds too much like a shipping name for Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Perhaps we should call it Rapidlight instead? I did not know about this! This is incredible! In addition to my request of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flying together, I'd like to see the Pokemon teams of other characters from MLP please!
It appears 24 only caused confusion. So I, 42, shall now set the count to 0 to make everything clear again! By the way, I was being genuine with my offer to keep the count going. People wanted me to join in the discussion without resetting the count, so I delivered. It's my thread, so I can do whatever I want, including not reset the count.
Uhh... Hello, everyone. I am 24, 42's identical twin. Well, almost identical; we're mirrored images of each other. 42's saying he can't post here without resetting the count or something like that, so he's getting me to do that for him because that apparently won't reset the count. And no, I am NOT 42 in disguise pretending to be someone else to justify not resetting the count! Anyway, I really like... I mean, 42 really liked all those images you've been posting, Trottermare. Here's all the comments he told me to pass on to you: 'Yep, that's exactly what I wanted to see for Rarity's freakout! And I do know of Nightmare Rarity, I've read those comics. Thanks again! By the way, I also really liked some of the art you've posted for others, so I'll quote them so you know which were my favourites.' 'They're all awesome! The art style of the second one is the kind I really like! I'm also quite fond of the art style from the first one. The third one's art style isn't one I'm particularly fond of, but it's ponies in armor and the background is amazing so I love it anyway!' 'And now, being inspired from that picture of Rainbow Dash with Scootaloo, your next quest is to find me a picture of Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Rarity and Sweetie Belle all doing something together. Good luck!' And that's all the messages from 42. So, since it was I, 24, and most definitely NOT 42 who made this post, I suppose you should just keep counting from wherever it is you got up to.
:pinkie: :pinkie: I love it all! Thanks so much! Even though I like all the pictures, there's some I like more than others, and there's one in particular I like the most. I really love the first bat pony picture! The art style, the scenario, the atmosphere, I love it all! Apart from that picture, the other ones I really liked were the 1st and 3rd changeling pictures, the 2nd bat pony picture and the 1st extra picture. Keep in mind I'm not trying to say which pictures I think are the best in general to most people, I'm just saying which ones I personally like the most based on my own tastes. Hopefully it helps you understand what kind of art I like. Also, I think it's really impressive you make sure you never post the same picture on this site twice when you post so many of them. I've definitely used the same pony video twice occasionally. Sometimes it's intentional if I haven't used that video for at least a month or so and it's really fitting, but I also wouldn't be able to keep track of it all and I'm sure I would've used some videos twice without noticing by now. How do you keep track of everything? I haven't seen much of Sweetie Bot, so I'm rather impartial to her. Although I've seen a few clips of her talking about something in a very analytical way using overly complex words and I found that rather funny and interesting. Anyway, if you want me to keep making requests, than I shall! I love seeing all of the art you find! Your next quest shall be... to find me a picture of Rarity in the middle of one of her massive freakouts!
(Spoilers to stop the page from getting too huge) You certainly know me very well know. They're another 3 amazing pictures! In case I didn't mention it, I love sci-fi too, so that first picture is amazing! The second picture looks cute. By the way, is the second picture a reference to Dr. Horrible? And seeing a ponified Tesla in the third picture is cool, but I also really like the machinery in the background in that picture, especially all the sparks! So, in conclusion: Picture 1 is amazing, Picture 2 is amazing, and Picture 3 is amazing. Again, thanks for finding such wonderful pictures! Also, I'm still very happy to see non-mane-six ponies. In fact, if you're still looking for requests, I want to see a bat pony, or a changeling. Apart from the usual three pony races, those are my favourite races.
Well, now that I've stopped the count getting too close to 42, I can take my time responding to this awesome post! Whatever story that first picture tells sounds like it'll be very awesome, since the pictures are very awesome. Go, Derpy! Defend Carrot Top! Is that what's happening, or have I misinterpreted the scene? Also, I've been saying the word 'awesome' a lot, haven't I? Well, it's probably a good indicator of the kind of scenes I like! By 'tau', I was referring to the mathematical constant which is equal to pi multiplied by 2. Since pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter and the diameter is twice the length of the radius, tau is therefore the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius. There's a sort of joke argument in mathematics to replace pi with tau for various reasons, while others jokingly argue back that we should still keep using pi. I rather like the arguments for tau better, but both tau and pi have their advantages and disadvantages and it mainly depends on personal preference for which you prefer. But all that doesn't really matter since pi was the one that became widespread, so no-one's going to bother switching which value people use when one is simply twice the size of the other. And that second Rainbow Dash is also great! That's the kind of armor I love to see our ponies in! Thanks for all these incredible pictures! As for more art I'd like... Perhaps mathy, sciency or armored ponies other than Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie? Those two are undisputedly tied for best pony, but I still really like the rest of the mane 6 too, so I'd like to see art featuring them as well. Or perhaps all six of them at once? By the way, for the first time in MLP forums history, instead of a pony video which I am known for, I'd like to present some pony art I've found too. I really love this picture, so perhaps it'll give you ideas for what else to look for? (By ikonradx) Consider it a team building exercise. When people are aware that everyone on their team are going to be punished if just one of them breaks a rule, that should give each of them extra motivation to properly contribute to the team and not mess up so they're not the one who gets everyone punished.
Yep, that overly specific situation exists. That looks incredible! So, uhh... Go, Derpy? Pinkie Pie and math! That's exactly what I wanted! Well, I'm more of a tau person than a pi person, but I still think this is awesome! Also, I spotted the Feynman Point (the six consecutive 9's starting at the 726nd decimal place) a little bit above Dash's head, so I'm convinced this is genuine pi. Rainbow Dash + armor + lightning = one of 42's favourite pictures! I'm probably going to use this picture for my computer desktop since it's so awesome. Also, about the armor, fantasy is probably the type of armor I like best. The kind of armor that would be completely impractical in real life, but that doesn't matter because they don't exist in real life and the armor looks so flashy and incredible. You may have noticed I didn't respond to this right away. It was so awesome that I decided as a reward I would permit your count to continue for a while longer. But, you are awfully close to 42, so unfortunately that mercy must come to an end. Here's my trademark pony video for the count reset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN906F4R_B8
DENIED. Requests? Thanks! I want to see ponies doing math! Or doing science! I imagine it'll probably be easiest to find Twilight, Zecora or maybe even Apple Bloom doing things like that, but I'd also love to see anypony (or anyzebra) else doing math or science! Also, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash tie for best pony, so I'd love to see any art with them too! Also, now that you advertised it, I need to see Carrot Top getting her soul ripped out by a Windigo while undead Derpys try to help. I'm usually alright with a little gore. My main policy is that I don't like things that are overly gorey simply for the sake of being gorey, but if it's gorey for a justified reason, such as because somepony got stabbed with a sword or something and they're bleeding where the wound is or the weapon has some blood left on it, that's fine (as long as it's not excessive). Although either way, you should probably put such pictures in spoilers just to be safe. And that is an awesome picture! I forgot to mention, I also really like seeing ponies in armor! :grin2: Hey, Stormgiggle! You have emotes now too! And yes, I would never miss Australia day!