It was disappointing to hear Gemma wasn't sure on the process of becoming a servant. The few details she could provide weren't particularly useful, especially since she couldn't say who this third party is. The idea of becoming a servant to gain access to more rooms in the mansion was a long shot anyway, so it's probably best to forget about it now. Perhaps later she could find another way to get into the mansion's other rooms.
However, thoughts about servants was put on hold when Gemma gave an unexpectedly long recap of the history of the Thestrals to answer Shadowhide's other question. Even though it was unexpected to get such a lengthy response for what Shadowhide thought was a rather simple question, she listened intently to Gemma's explanation and occasionally nodded to show she was listening. Unfortunately, it felt largely irrelevant since it was mainly about bat ponies instead of Bloodwell, but it was a bit interesting at least. Although as Gemma and Lapis are bat ponies who have high status in Bloodwell, it's possible the history could come in handy.
It's been great being able to ask Gemma so much, but now Shadowhide was running out of questions to ask. She's already gotten so much information from Gemma, and she'll need some time to go over it all and look into some things. There's only one more question on Shadowhide's mind, to find out how important that bat pony history lesson will be. 'Are you and Lapis the only bat ponies, or Thestrals, currently living in Bloodwell? Incidentally, how do you wish to be referred to, "bat pony" or "Thestral"?'
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As Shadowhide was speaking to Gemma, she overheard the other mare speaking to Gemma mention something about playing card games such as poker. It sounds like an activity she would enjoy. Ideally, she wouldn't relax and participate in recreational activities until she has uncovered everything that’s happening at Bloodwell, but she knew Aero would never stop pestering her to relax and have fun if she did. Besides, a break would help her focus later on, and getting to know another pony forced to attend the 'vacation' could always be useful. Aero might want to play poker too so it would be a good opportunity for Shadowhide to spend more time with everypony, although she was unsure if Aero would enjoy the gambling aspect. Ultimately, she deemed it a good idea to participate, so she said to the mare 'If you are seeking opponents for a game of poker, I am interested in playing. A friend of mine may also be interested in playing, but I'll have to ask him first.'
Aero Wind
'Yeah, I've already been to the library before, and I really enjoyed it,' Aero answered with a grin. 'Although while I was there, I only looked through the fiction section. I actually brought some research papers to read in my spare time here, so I didn't bother to look through the other sections at the library. But now that I've heard about these new topics of research that are at the library, I'd love to revisit it again so I can look for those too! I'm probably gonna want to visit the library a lot while I'm in Bloodwell to read all these interesting books you have. Could I go to the library whenever I want, or is that going to be a problem?'