What do some customers do that really grind your gears? I particularly hate slow customers, as in slow packers. I work on checkouts and I usually finish scanning their shopping and wait for what feels like a while for them to pack. I understand that if they're old, they're probably not going to be as quick, but I've seen younger people who are slow and older people who are quick at packing. Another thing is when something is waiting in line at the till between two customers with huge shops with just one item. It's like that's what the self checkouts are for. Finally, where I work, we have vouchers and sometimes they come in books for the customers to rip out at home and show the relevant voucher for me to scan. Sometimes though, someone will come with the whole damn book and be like 'see if any of them work'. So I have to check through the book, seeing which one's will work and ripping out the ones that do, while there are customers waiting in line to be served. There should be rules put in place for customers to abide by, honestly. Right, rant over.
Vent below, o fellow workers of mine!