When you want to post your art (a picture, a song, a story etc.) you go to Octavia's Hall, find the right section, create a topic, name it something like "Fluttershy", post your one picture in there and wait for comments. You get two, three or ten and then, after a week, you forget about it.
Next week, you've done another one and guess what? You create a new topic for it and after some time, it is again forgotten.
I know a few forums with a simple rule: one thread for one person, not more.
If someone wants to see all of your art, he clicks on your thread and has everything there.
You can see yourself improving when you see every piece you've drawn, as well as your 'fans'.
There are less dead threads.
You can follow one's thread.
You have to search for your own thread (harder when search doesn't work, still solvable via bookmarks).
It's a new rule (it's a change, and a restriction of some sort).
Some people post a new comment to their thread with the new picture and add it to the first post, making all of their art easy to see and notificating followers.