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Posts posted by corrosioncorridor

  1. How such?. I mean this studio/group would need some sort of organization, something to keep track of members and proyects, and a way of communication between everyone, a skype group chat would basically do it. If anything I could provide basic flash animation, I guess. 

    I highly recommend not learning flash. It's a somewhat lazy program, learn after effect and the god-blessed puppet tool. But before all of that be sure you can draw On the computer well. IRl I draw fine but I had to relearn everything. A good helping of art/digital media classes are also a good start and don't jump into a big project, make like a five second looping gif of someone running. It feels good to be back on this site

    Not really...things just got kinda complicated for me to handle I guess...but we aren't completely gone yet it seems...

    I'm still here...... and having to learn after effects because flash is not good at animating. it's mainly used for the videos game theory and the chesire cat studios does.

  2. Yes, I know everything is just...all over the place, but I'm working on it, and im guessing you never got the notification for the new thread, but i am currently working on getting everything sorted out...and...I might have mistook you for someone else for a second...anyway, we should be ready to start going soon. I have some stuff set up, but it'll probably take another day or two. Just wait in the winds, while everything is sorted out.

    Freakin finally here's a thing adout the avatar animation thing . First thing I animated.

    Edit: crimity right click the gif and choose open in new tab to see it I dunno why it's like that.


    • Brohoof 1
  3. So, I see a lot of "Voice Actors needed" posts, and a lot of VAs not noticing roles /perfect/ for them, because they don't see it. Or others trying for roles their vocal range doesn't quite fit, just because they need a part.


    So, I've been tossing this idea around for a while, and I've decided to try it:

    Any VAs out there, come put a little blurb, what your preferred roles are, and a generic demo of your voice acting in the comments.


    If somepony finds a role, go on and message the pony in question letting them know there's a role open for them. Anypony casting feel free to look through our VAs, too! I think it would be a perfect way to make voice acting and casting a lot easier!


    I know, a lot of people are looking for the same character sometimes, but the great thing about this? It means we can all share, and give the casting directors a nice set to choose from.










    And now, here's a sign up/contact list:

    VA Guild sign up sheet

    Well time for a shot a trying to sign up. Take alot into consideration I was kinda sick and had a sore throat. Even then my real voice is very crap so forgive everything. mainly I just good speaking like I in the Woolie hole or something.

  4. Sorry for not being on here much. School is taken a toll on my life and not to mention my computer locked up until I got Norton and cleaned it. While my computer was broken I mainly did nothing during that time, so sorry. Good news thought my brother got me Fl studios so I can make music of sorts.  but alsa I still have a crap mic so I can't sing unless I edit my voice. as for the avatar animation goes, I learned that digital drawing is to learn than paper drawing so I had to forget everything I knew about paper drawings.


    here's the voice( add the missing "h" to the begining): ttps://soundcloud.com/corrosioncorridor/recorded-for-vas


    and a little thing I made with the Fl studio not golden but a good start.

    The pub crawl.wav

  5. I'm a little confused--what are you calling "Crystal" And what do you mean by "themes"?
    I'm a little confused--what are you calling "Crystal" And what do you mean by "themes"? I don't know why I called it crystal. I just throught a bunch of instrments together and made music it is not finished but uhh. And what these are is what music plays when you fight poeple at there stages.

    I'm a little confused--what are you calling "Crystal" And what do you mean by "themes"?

    I'm a little confused--what are you calling "Crystal" And what do you mean by "themes"? I don't know why I called it crystal. I just throught a bunch of instrments together and made music it is not finished but uhh. And what these are is what music plays when you fight poeple at there stages.

    Awesome broken quote

  6. Hey!

    I've got a few colour options for Amber Dust, assuming she's still in the game. I wish I could contribute more. ^^'

    I wish you luck!

    the game got put on hold for a good while due to school being a big factor. Trying now to draw/make themes based onthe songs others choose for there OCs. Just gonna call your s "crystal".
  7. I've used Malwarebytes since day 1. And let me tell ya, it is by far the best malware/virus protection suite I've ever seen. I recommend Malwarebytes highly to everyone.


    senpai noticed me! Ok back the topic I guess I'll get the malware bytes. Three people recamended it so I'll get it.
  8. When I first read this I thought of 4chan /mlp/. ok to get back on topic. I would get a stick and poke the box over to see what it was. Then I would see what it was. If it was a pony I would try to befriend it. After it has befriended I would run like a crazy person to my car and take it to canterlot high and get sunset shimmer to tell twilight to come back and fix this. When twilight comes and picks it up then I would run throught the portal and the corriders would be doudled.

  9. I never played MadWorld. I've been told that it pales in comparison to Anarchy Reigns so unless I specifically wanna play it I probably shouldn't even bother.

    While the game itself has some problems it's good for a Wii game. And althought it does contain character from mad world it's a whole seperate gameplay style. One of the biggest gripes of the game that I've been seeing is that it's a repetive 4 hour game(if your good) ride that dies in the first ten minutes. While this is true that's how it is. The no more heroes had the same problem just have to look past it. In another words its not a golden game but for what the devs had to work with the made a pretty good ride.
    • Brohoof 1
  10. There are so many amazing final boss themes out there. I won't link videos as that just gets tedious but I'll name a few favorites:Pretty much any final boss theme in the Wild Arms series. (watch out if you look this up, spoilers in some of the names)Baten Kaitos - Violent StormMetal Gear Rising - It Has To Be This WayAnarchy Reigns - Find YouLegend of Heroes: Ao No Kiseki - The Azure Arbitrator (haven't played this game but I know the song and it's amazing)Nier - Dunno the name but it's the final boss theme and it rocks.Sonic Heroes - What I'm Made OfSonic and the Black Knight - With Me (specifically the Crush40 remix)Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Again, don't know the name but it's awesome.Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Whatever the Versus Riku song isKingdom Hearts 2 - Still don't know the name but pretty much the entire end sequence against Xemnas.Edit: Threw a few more in for those who didn't see the update.

    I was gonna put anarchy reigns find you. Alwell I guess look pimpin and so cold are something else I can post. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=iwdbVISLOcejyATF7oHQCQ&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DVc-pQsoTL9c&ved=0CCIQyCkwAA&usg=AFQjCNFDn3kuanwrCuhM259kvbAhaykjZg. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=rgdbVLm3D4SjyASAxoH4Aw&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dg6id1B1Lyq8&ved=0CCIQyCkwAA&usg=AFQjCNG3kSzEBoEXu0m6jQN8YBd7VqYOwg
    • Brohoof 2
  11. No for now you can get away with no virus protection on Linux/Unix and Apple OS'es because of the low market share for Linux/Unix systems and the closed source nature for Apple's OS.

    Since you're using Windows, i would recommend Trend Micro, it's what I use. But you can also use AVG, Bit defender, or any widely known anti-virus. I would also recommend you dowbload/buy "Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware" in addition to whatever anti-virus you choose.

    uhh... thanks for the responds.
  12. Ok I got a new computer but It has zero virus peotection on it and well to put it bluntly what virus proction should I get to help my computer, also money not a problem for me so with that out of the way what should it be.

    I hate bumping it's likeself advertising on youtude but I have to do it to avoid this thread getting buried.

  13. MLP Forums will not implement a system that will scan user messages. As mentioned in another thread, if a situation is made known to us through the report system (for example) that is one thing. A script searching the database is not anything that we will agree with. 

    Ok well the question answered so I guess delete this thread,or lock it so people can have an example of what not to do, ro leave it open for others can post their opinions. I'm gonna give this thread to the admins and the staffs.

  14. No one stab me with a ball-point pen, but I thing if someone in your friends list got banned then you should be alerted, however it will not tell you way they got banned. Just a thought.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. As for my own experiences in another forums I don't see the word blocking working very effectively People always find new ways to deliver their message if one way is blocked.

    I think that reporting system is working fine if you see message that offends you or you find it breaking the rules you should repirt that and leave it there.

    true people can and will find ways around it like doing this "sh!t" but it's only for massive reason. Cause if you find three very sexual words in a single comment then there's a chance of it being bad. And every little bit helps if we stop one person then we done are job properly. Also think of it has more of word finding. We are not gonna block the word just gonna find you if you overused it.
    • Brohoof 2
  16. A friend and I have been talking on how to make forums safer as part of a class and while here is the system we came up with.

    Warning:   contains swearing, but is only used for examples to show how the system will work.

        The program will actively search for words that are "deviant" in nature such as "fuck" and will show up. but one mention of this word will not give off an alarm, but lets say that "fuck" is used 20 times in a row on a single comment then the system will warn a mod or admin. The program will also find words that could be associated will each other. If the word "penis" appears in a thread nothing will happen but when "penis vagina and rape" appear then the alarm will sound. This could be used on threads, comments, and personal updates, but people are concerned about there PMs. If these undesired words are found in a single replay in a PM then the alarm will go off and message an admin/mod. It will not show the PM just the words contained. After more messages of the "undesired" nature  are sent then the admin may message the owners of the PM and tell them that their content seems of a "crude" nature on the words that were flagged. The owners must then show mods/admins the content of the PMs and the mods/admins can either approve of the data or tell them to take their conversation to a different place. NOTE admin/mods will not look through and spy on your PMs, but if "sexually" words pop up then they will ONLY see them words.


    I believe this program could be achieved by a plug-in and added to the server code. A premade one may already exist on the internet. And If I did not be clear enough quote me and I'll explain more. 

    Also do your part in keeping the forums safe. report people that are breaking rule. The punishment must be fair, understanding, and swift. Only report If it's really bad.

  17. This is realy well done only gripe is that the mouth looks bizarre, like she has a single cheek on that side. Eyes make up for it thought.

    Over all 9.7 out of 10.

    • Brohoof 2
  18. I've never seen so many admins in one place

    Either way I surport the idea of admins going throught PMs cause that solves problems. Also if you have to think should I send this don't send it and if your sending a password use gmail or anything else if you don't won't an admin to see. Also a flagging system would help weed out the rule breakers.

    Also ignore Darker he post weird thing but he makes me laugh so I don't mind.

    • Brohoof 4
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