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Posts posted by Fractured

  1. As Ivory Star made it to the music hall, opened it up, and stepped inside, she could only stare. This place was massive, surprisingly even bigger than the music room that was situated in Canterlot. But moreso, coming from the stage, was the sound of violins, piercing into her in that way that she had time and time again in different places, under different conditions, but could never quite get used to. A melody so beautiful, it was hard to comprehend. But one that she was going to reproduce nevertheless. Making a short hop onto the empty stage, she stood in the darkness of the equally empty hall, preparing herself.





    On her platform, Ivory tilted her head downward, looking at the ice ball as it came underneath. Just as quickly jerking her head upwards and backstepping away as the pillar rose, missing he face by a distance of inches. She landed safely a few feet's distance over, on another patch of air, and began her counterattack. Breaking the ice pillar in front of her, not so much through a specific frequency as through raw force, she picked up as many of the shards as she could focus on with her magic, and sent them flying back towards Ice Blizzard in a miniature hailstorm.




    @Star Saber

    "Oh, I sure hope not. I'll keep it very simple, darling." She practically purred the words out, as she flashed him a dangerous. "I just need a few self-contained flame charms, ready for an immediate use. Say... twenty of them. And I need them safe to work with." She finished, giving just the barest moment for an afterthought. "And don't worry about anything else. I'll take care of all of the excess details."

  2. @J.R.

    "Aie!" She shook with the quake; definitely hadn't expected that one. Nor was she going to stay on the ground for it. Horn glowing, she jumped upward, coming to a rest on what appeared to be nothing more than a patch of air, as the ice wave swept underneath her. She quickly conjured up her own technique in response; a wave of vibrational force, about the size of a small wall, sent heading towards Ice Blizzard's direction. It would hit with about the same force as well, as it churned up the ice below, moving towards him quickly.

  3. "...Well." Ivory Star looked around, noticing that Libby had gone off for refreshments, and that Raze was going to prepare for her match. Not focusing on that right now, though, she instead closed her eyes, concentrating. Searching for something. "There's only one place to be right now... got it." Focusing on what she had come to learn only she could hear, she set off in a particular direction, heading towards the musical hall.


    @crispy fries

    "...Okay." The stallion had been fiddling with papers for the last two minutes, and only now turned to fire the mare an accomplished smile, as he placed the note in what appeared to be a magical shredder. In a flash and a puff of green smoke, it dissipated, only the barest hints of it still visible, rising off in a particular direction. "You're all set. Arrigorn should get the message very soon. In the meantime, you're free to either head to the inner section of the arena, or simply do as you please until your match is called.




    As the letter drifted through the air, similar to the most popular method of magical transport, dragon flame, it would actually split in two, moving in different directions. The first was the desk of the princesses quarters, the natural resting stop of all documentation within the city. The second would be a strange location: a bar, standing noncospicuously out on the limits of Bangcolt. It would coalesce into form in front of the stallion for which it was intended, resting casually on the bar in front of him. Carrying the message of exactly that which it was supposed to be; a declaration of challenge, from a mare named Redwood. A small map had been superimposed on the back, showing a detailed path to the arena, with additional instructions to show up, whenever he was ready.



    "Well, after one of us gets out of the hospital, anyways. I can't imagine that you're a pushover, being the champion and all." She gave a casual grin. "And i'm not exactly a slouch either, myself, and now that i'm here, I sorta want the champion title..." She paused, her brows dipping slightly in thought. "No... what it represents, I suppose." She turned back up to Ice Blizzard, suddenly all smiles again. "Either way, i'm giving as much as I have to."




    @Orion Caelum

    Anette shook her head slightly, before she flashed Wilhelm an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the mood. It's just I was concerned. Or maybe scared. When you left earlier, in order to go work on your project, I suppose... I just didn't know what had happened to you." She gave a sigh, and cracked into a slightly goofy grin, as the dolls took to silently watching the scene. Even Nightmare was unusually silent. "...Though I suppose all that matters is you're back now, and you're safe." She rolled into a genuine expression, shooting him the softest of looks over the table. "And i'm glad."

  4. @crispy fries

    So how battles work here is this, in simple format:

    -One contestants (RP'er) chooses to fight another, or both choose to fight, etc. Always with options to decline (though "bosses," located on the front page, cannot decline a match).


    -Once that settled, both of you agree to a stage that best fits your respective OC's. And you don't have to be picky about that; sky's the limit, and we rip stages off of video games, media, etc. all the time.


    -From there, you both make your way to the stage. I introduce you guys, and then you both throw down to your heart's content. :D

     Oh, and something else. For those who are enjoying SOL, or are stuck in one place and can't logically make it to the arena, there's the option of making a second post with a character you already have in the RP, that takes you directly to the fight, while not interfering with what you're currently doing. A way of having your cake, and eating it, too. :P  Only condition for that is that once the fight itself ends, so does the second group of posts with that character. No going around and meeting yourself in SOL, unfortunately, though wouldn't that be strange? :blink:


    Still waiting for my character to be approved even though both GMs have played with him before

    I haven't, actually. :P  Let's see...

    -Snowstorm's bizarre

    -Topaz is hilarious

    And both of them seem nice enough, and don't raise any red flags. This is GM Fractured, giving you the A-ok. ^_^ 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @J.R.

    "Around, really. When there's not really any limit to where you can be, or why, you tend to get around quite a bit. I still hope to see some frost giants, to be honest." She gave a soft shrug. "But now i'm here. Just thought i'd have a little fun, and stop in to say hi. And maybe make a splash here." She shrugged again. "I didn't know you were the champion here, though. That's news to me."




    @crispy fries

    "Sweet Celestia- oh, it's not her." The green stallion looked up from the desk in shock, then breathed a soft sigh. He had seen many contestants come and go in his life, but never one with a sense of... zaniness? lack of personal space? Overpowering sensation of out of this world-ness. Geez... "Sorry. A match right?" The stallion reached down, to shuffle through his papers. "Okay. First, name. And who would you like to fight?"





    "There is no other condition, save that the disagreement's that have stretched out between us over the years come to an end. I choose to believe that a peaceful solution can come between the two of us, Chrysalis. After all, we have no shortage of brains between us. I'm sure we can come up with something." Celestia gave a soft chuckle, again to lighten the mood. Though it wasn't through naivete; she knew that there were no other options. Over thousands of years of dealing with the changelings had only ever seen her come closer to actions that she had no wish to take, but would eventually be forced to. And she would do anything to avoid that.


    "Now, if you can agree to this, then I believe we may start."



  6. @J.R.

    As the ice balls came her way, Ivory Star reached out with telekinesis, grabbing onto them as they came, she began to spin them around in the air, performing a small juggling act of her own. "We sure did. Maybe earlier. And now i'm back. And sure, I look a whole lot different from how I did before, though I kept my eyes the same color." She stuck her tongue out, as she released the balls one by one, letting them drop to the ground. "Still the same old me, though."

  7. @J.R.

    For the briefest of instances, Ivory Star crinkled her brow up, looking towards the sky. "Buzzkill." She muttered under her breath in irritation, before turning around to look over at Ice Blizzard, with an expectant smile.


    "Do you always need to know the name of your opponents? Or is that a formality?" She broke into a wry grin. "To be honest, I was probably too impulsive. I wanted to throw down with a bit more of Bangcolt, in order to make a name for myself before I came here. But, I suppose now that we're here, there's no leaving, unless one of us forfeits." The grin changed, devolving back into a smile, this one simple. "But I guess that doesn't matter right now. So hi, Ice. Nice to see you again."




    @Orion Caelum

    Anette gave the briefest of glances over at Wilhelm as he coughed, her eyebrows crinkling in thought. She was sure she had caught something just on the fringes of his expression, but... She decided to leave it alone, for now. Instead, she flashed the same picture perfect patient smile, that had become a part of her so long ago, it felt natural to have. "Pesto penne. Sounds fancy..." Her hoof retreated just the slightest bit, as she looked away apprehensively. The question that had been on her mind for a while now, though she  hadn't had the chance to. "Wilhelm..." He stare increased, focusing intetly on a specific white patch on the tablecloth, and boring a hole into it. "What happened to you?"

  8. The second post you put up was nicely done, and explained everything we needed. So, welcome to Bangcolt. Be sure to keep your valuables close to you, and your weapons on ready; ponies here are friendly, but they aren't always kind, if you catch my drift.  :lol:





    I'm feeling a little ambitious. Can I have Redwood fight Trixie?

    Ah, Trixie. One of my favorite ponies. And Bangcolt's punching bag. I should warn you guys, though, being that your new and all; Bangcolt's some five-ten plus years after canon events, and the mane cast has been training. A lot. They'll be stronger, and use abilities you haven't seen them use before, though they're far from unbeatable. Recalls how Trixie's been wrecked three times already. Just a heads up; if you still want to go through with this, all we'll need to do is pick a stage, and then we're off.  :lol:

    I would like to take part in this with my OC Damien if that's okay with you.



    Okay. Technically, we're not here to judge your character based on how they compare to canon; we're here to judge how well they'll fit in Bangcolt. And in that regard, being an alicorn OC is perfectly ok; it was bound to happen eventually, anyways. However, one big issue that needs to be addressed, before you're considered here.

    1) His opposite half doesn't seem to have any real limits, from what's shown on the profile. That's what we would address as OP, and would need to either be removed for this RP, changed, or set down with limitations.


    You'll also need to conduct a small tryout with , just so we know where you stand strength and personality wise. Don't worry; he's nice. :D

    • Brohoof 3
  9. Hey, this is Fractured, one of the DM's of this RP. First things first, love your backstory; just had to say that, since OC's with them are often hard to come by. Having said that, though, I was looking it over, and noticed that his actual abilities outside the levitation/ jet propulsion are never stated, nor are their limits. In keeping with the fairness to the rest of the players, that's something that we need to know beforehand, so we can accurately judge where your character fits in Bangcolt. Which doesn't require edits, mind you; just let me or J.R. know in some capacity or another. Thanks!
    • Brohoof 2
  10. @J.R.

    "Attention, ponies. The match between Ivory Star, aspiring newcomer, and Ice Blizzard, half-held owner of the champions title, will now commence! Location: Angel Island!




    Ivory Star had practically bounced into the arena, but as the setting changed, she was taken aback. It wasn't every day you got to see your own floating island, after all. It also made her feel... strange, in a manner she couldn't describe. She should've been planning strategies, but for the moment, she stood out over the edge of the island, watching the waves, while she waited for Ice Blizzard.





    "Got it! I have to say though, i've never seen Ice Blizzard fight before. Seeing as how I haven't met him that many times, and my longest stay with him was in the hospital." She grinned, to slide a hoof back through her mane. "I sorta helped get him out of a potential murder charge. But that was a long time ago, and a long distance away from here. And a bit of a long story."

  11. @J.R.

    "Hey..." Ivory Star looked up, towards the receptionist. "What would it take to get me into a fight with this pony?"


    "Umm..." The receptionist could only shoot her back a look of confusion. "This pony?"


    "Oh, sorry, pronoun game. I mean Ice Blizzard."


    "Um..." The receptionist reached down, pulling up his own copy of the list, and mouthed through it. "It says he just had a match recently... it's been canceled, due to a technicality... I suppose so. Are you sure?"


    "Why not? Sign me up!" She beamed to herself, as the receptionist shrugged, picking up a pencil to scribble her down on a separate sheet.

  12. @J.R.

    "Ah. Got it." Having caught the direction Raze pointed in, she wasted little time in checking out the scenery. She headed immediately through the wide open doors, and into the lobby, making a quick beeline for the first pony she saw inside that looked important.


    "Hey." The green coated stallion with a checklist cutie mark stopped shuffling papers, to look up from his desk as she spoke. "Is this where the tournament matches are scheduled?"


    "Well, yes. It's-"


    "Do you have a list of available competitors?"


    "Well, yes, of course. Everyone's who signed within this year's fighting bracket is listed-"


    "Great. Do you have a copy I could borrow?"


    "...Yes." Without another word, the stallion reached down behind the desk, fiddling with the cabinets. Within moments, he produced a group of five carefully stapled together documents, each full of the names of each of the contestants that had entered in the tournament thus far. Taking them in his mouth, he handed them to her, looking at her expectantly.


    "Will that be all?"


    "Yep!" In moments, Ivory Star was manipulating the pages, leafing through them to check out each potential contestant.

  13. @J.R.

    "...I've never been to the arena before." Walking the path from the cafe to the arena, Ivory Star kept her head forward, moving directly towards her target. There wasn't much else that had caught her interest here that she'd seen yet, anyways.


    She reached the dome, stopping for a moment just to take it all in. It seemed to be open, but she stayed outside, allowing the others to catch up. "So... this is it."






    Celestia had stood patiently, silently listening to every word that had been spoken between them. When she was addressed, she once again opened her eyes, looking towards Chrysalis.

    "Chrysalis. It has never been my desire, nor Equestria's, that you adopt our culture or our ways. Nor has it been ours to see you bow in submission, though there are a few that unfortunately disagree. No..." Celestia's expression shifted a fraction. In an instant, she had dropped the facade of the ruler who exuded power and prestige, and had adopted a friendly, almost casual look. "We simply look for an end to this conflict. A pointless and needless conflict which has gone on almost as long as we can remember, and has cost the lives and good conscience of everyone, pony and changeling alike. And one that may, eventually, grow into something that we may permanently regret, and be unable to take back." Again, Celestia noted, as her eyes trained for the briefest of instances on the holes that lined Chrysalis' body. Though it had been something that was necessary at the time, she had still lost no small amount of sleep in the weeks proceeding. Seeing them again now was just a fresh and painful reminder as to she sought and end to this war.


    "This is not a weakness; it is unfortunately fact. As it is, your hive will starve, unless you look to Equestria for help. Help, in exchange for an offer to cease that will eventually destroy one or both of us. So tell me..." Celestia's face transformed again, becoming else entirely. A concerned instrospector. "Do you truly believe there is no other option, but to continue this. Do you truly believe your pride is worth your own life? Your children's...?"

  14. @J.R.

    "Sounds like a plan to me." Ivory Star shot another look at the arena, before turning back to look at Raze. "You're free to come along, though i'm not sure how Libby feels about it. May want to ask her." She shrugged, before marking her trail to the arena mentally. She began to trot. "But i'm headed over. I need to see what's going on."

  15. @J.R.

    "Superiors..." Ivory paused, catching herself in a particular thought. She only barely heard Libby speak to her, and turned to regard her with a nod. "He's nice enough, all things considered. I wouldn't mind having him as a friend. Hmmm..." She looked up, turning towards the enormous closed dome that comprised the arena, then shot a look back to Raze. "How many ponies are registered to fight here, already? And who's the champion?"





    "Attention, fillies and gentlecolts. Due to unforseen circumstances, the matches between Copper Strikes and Ice Blizzard and Copper Strikes and Celestia will be terminated. We apologize for the inconvenience." The intercom went silent, as they arenas containing the combatants glitched back to their normal state.

  16. I see things like this as an opportunity for me to recognize what's wrong and improve it, so tell me about my sins. Don't go easy on me.   https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/treble-r8882

    Everything. Wrong. With.




    Cutie Mark:

    He is a folk musician, so his cutie mark is two music notes with a red (same as his mane) line weaving through them.


    'Musical pony has a cutie mark that's a musical note' cliche.' Especially in this instance, where his special talent is folk music, and it seems like a guitar would fit that much better. Regardless!




    What's the red line represent? Sin for leaving us out of the loop, dawg. That's just not cool.







    He is overly confident, thinks he is way cooler than he actually is, and is very charitable. However, his confident personality is his way of covering up his emotional issues. Even though his childhood was good, he grew up without his father and has emotional scars. He has a drinking problem and has trouble letting others help him.


    'Character drinks to bury the past' cliche.'




    And a two for one! 'Character drinks to bury the past problems suffered as a child' cliche!



    You say he his childhood was good, which is okay. I can roll with that. But then you say he grew up without his father, and has emotional scars. Neither of which signify a happy childhood. Sin for contradiction!







    He grew up in a small rural town. His mother was an Earth Pony and his father was a Pegasus. His father left his family when he was very young, which created emotional scars. When he was 8 years old, he met a traveling musician and fell in love with folk music. He got his first guitar for his 9th birthday. He got his cutie mark when he was 10 years old after writing his first song. Even though the song wasn't very good, it was then that he realized that writing songs is what he wanted to do with his life. When he was 17, he lost a chunk of his right ear in a fight with a Pegasus. When he was 18, he moved to Manehattan to start his music career, and lived there for 5 years, until he decided to move to Ponyville, wanting the small-town feel he grew up with.


    'Grew up in a small rural town' cliche. Normally I wouldn't sin this, being MLP and all; 8/10's of the world is either small, rural towns, or the big city. But i'm sinning it anyways, mostly because you specifically avoided naming the town, and decided to specifically point to it being small and rural.




    'Pony OC has parents from two different races' cliche. Now, normally, this is where i'd knock a sin off, because, despite being a cliche, that shit's awesome; Equestria needs more freedom to love. But, here, it doesn't add anything, and feels a bit forced to say like this. Where's the significance?



    You already said that his father left home, which created emotional scars. Sin for repetition without definition!



    'Pony OC lives/was born into/ moved to Ponyville' cliche.




    'Small town character goes to the big city and heads back to the small town right after because (s)he misses the feel' cliche.




    And why would any aspiring pony musician choose to leave Manehatten, and head to Ponyville? I'll let Diamond baby take this one:









    Sin Tally: 11




    'Show not tell' Bonus round! (For all the little things that could be explained upon, but aren't. I want to know more about this character; stop denying me, dammit!)



    (and is very charitable.)





    his confident personality is his way of covering up his emotional issues. )

    (What issues?)




    (has emotional scars. )

    (What scars?)




    (has a drinking problem.)

    (How serious is it?)




    (has trouble letting others help him. )





    (He grew up in a small rural town.)

    (What town was it? What was it like?)




    met a traveling musician and fell in love with folk music. )

    (Who was the musician? What made him fall in love?)




    writing his first song. )

    (What song? What was it like?)




    (lost a chunk of his right ear in a fight with a Pegasus.)

    (Who's the pegasus? And what was the fight about?)








    Sin Tally: 41




    (moved back to the big city.)

    (To stay.)


    • Brohoof 3
  17. @J.R.

    "Ah. That's good to know, I suppose." Ivory Star absentmindedly scratched the top of her head with a hoof. "Though, you may not like me then, since standing out is sort of going to be my thing, from now on. Not that I revel in it, or anything." She shook her head pointedly. "Like I said before, I don't really need fame, or money. There's just something I feel like I need to prove, and i'm going to prove it. Even if I have to bring the house down." She gave a sharp grin, the scratching increasing. "Figuratively speaking, of course."



    Celestia had been concentrating so hard, she hadn't noticed that the shield had been broken. The back of her mind, however, distinctly noted that she was sliding across pavement once again, kicking up a small furrow. She blinked herself to awareness once again, making a hard, dragging stop against the concrete with her reinforced wings, and using the momentum to turn herself into a standing position. She jumped away immediately afterward, the back half of a distant memory flashing through her mind.




    "...I win again." Luna looked disheartened as she pushed the chessboard away, though, from the look of the board, it was clear she had put Celestia into an inescapable checkmate. She kept her head down, eyes not meeting Celestia's.


    "Luna, what's wrong?" Celestia looked over at her sister, undeniable concern crossing her face. "Look at the board. You've won."


    "Because you let me win!" Luna had had enough. Slightly teary eyed, she pushed the board away from her, getting up to exit the quiet room where the two of them often spent their time together. "You always let me win..."





    Celestia visualized the board once again as she took to flight, the elegantly structured chess match between her and Copper taking place at a rapid pace in the third part of her mind, the quietest part. Thus far, he had held the upper hand, and continued to hold it even now, on face. He was physically stronger than her, not that physicality had ever been her strong suit, and somewhat faster than her, as well. She had taken a fair bit of damage, though thus far not a critical situation, while he had taken relatively little. A fairly straightforward match, with a very straightforward outcome, had Celestia been any ordinary player. She wasn't an ordinary player.


    She came to a hard stop, sliding backwards, facing Copper. Thirty-five blocks from her position now lay saturated with her magic, thanks to her incantation, allowing her to take control of the area as an extension of herself. His magical frequency was hers as well, making shields useless to her attacks, and allowing her to track him wherever he went. And sacrificing most of her attacks in the process of taking hits had allowed her to save most of her energy, up until this point. Keeping it contained, until she truly needed it. The game had only just begun.


    Celestia conjured her bow, and nocked it magically. The special composition of the bow caused it to repel all light, making it impossible to see. Which mean she'd look ridiculous, but as the bolt carrying enough magical power to reduce five city blocks to dust passed between her and Copper Strikes in less time then it would take most ponies to consciously perceive a thought, it hardly mattered. She pushed another piece forward.

  18. @J.R.

    "...In any format." Ivory let the coins drop, silently noting them spiraling down through the air. "It's my special talent. I had to pick up something from Celestia's school, after all." Twisting her head suddenly, the last notes of the violin played out, as each of the coins was struck again in sequence, and spun into the bag. She looked up when she was finished. "I'd show more, but, hey. No showboating, right? I'll save it for one of my matches."





    The shield shook heavily under the assault, but held. Barely, notated Celestia in the back of her mind, as she continued chanting. It wouldn't last under one more volley. She kept up the chanting, at the same time discharging a small, golden orb from her horn. It floated slowly in front of her, then quickly made a rapid beeline for him, homing in on his position

  19. @J.R.

    "What I hear on the inside, I pull to the outside. Sound waves." She tossed her head again, to longer, slower strokes of the same violin, watching the coins rise even further. They were at least 40 feet up in the air, and rising. "Or vibrations, if you want to get technical. I can mimic any frequency, and produce them. Or fire them through the air." She tossed her horn again, increasing the force, letting them see. Small, almost translucent balls of energy, shooting through the air, like small bullets. They contacted with each of the edge of the coins, in succession, sending them spiraling up another 20 feet.

  20. @J.R.

    As the individual coins spun around up in the air above her, five in all, Ivory Star began to concentrate. Focusing on each one of them, like miniature targets set to be marked down. But moreso than that, focusing on the music that she could feel, building up from inside her. Dying to be let out. With a testy grin, she complied, her horn flickering five times in rapid succession as she swung her head back and forth, matching their movements. Causing five long, slow strokes of a violin to be heard, singing into the air around her.


    Simultaneously, to the tune of the music, the falling coins all visibly flinched, as if struck, and bounced upward of their own accord, sailing higher above the ground over her.

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