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Everything posted by nx9100

  1. Ravage watched from where he and the changlings were hidden behind some thick bushes, as Techno called out to his friends. Now we will see is my master's faith in this criminal is justified, he thought. Suddenly, two of the rebels, the bat-pony and the dragonequus had emerged from their hideout. He tensed as she greeted Techno. A quick wave to the guards, and they spread out, ready to leap in and seize the rebels....
  2. @Techno Universal, @Contrast, @Maple Bat, @MaryxMelody, @~Natural Beauty~ We're at our destination. Awaiting command input. Ravage studied the area, the thick forest brush keeping most of their surroundings hidden from view. He signaled his twelve guards to spread out, and waved at Techno. "Call to your comrades, so they come out. Then we'll capture them all..."
  3. Ravage and the reprogrammed Techno stepped out of the elevator back into the tunnels below the city. They had a squad of 12 changlings with them, all wearing armor. This time, Ravage intended to let them loose on any rebels they found, regardless of if they were in a village like Ponyville or not. He looked to Techno. "Lead the way," he ordered... -------------------- Ennex had left the empty floor where he had faced Techno, and had returned to his office on the top floor of the tower. This was his public office, where he met with the various officials that ran the city, his businesses, and his criminal operations. He had received a large amount of data from his link with Techno, and needed time to process it....
  4. Ennex grinned. "It would appear that I was successful," he commented, watching Techno. "Ravage, I want you to go with him. Grab a squad of changlings on your way out." "As you wish," Ravage replied, and followed Techno into the elevator. As the doors closed, Ennex grinned. "Now we will see if it really worked, or if this is a trap. Either way..." random binary code flashed in his eyes, "...I have much to think on..."
  5. @Techno Universal "Ah, that is much better..." Ennex said, as they returned from the pocket universe. "Now, what shall we do with our friend here?" "Let me destroy him," Ravage said, "He is dangerous, and cannot be trusted." Ennex thought for a moment. "No, I have a better idea." Concentrating, he tried to focus his mind on the link with Techno. "Let us try an experiment, and see just how far this control goes." He closed his eyes, ears folding down as he concentrated. "I will try to implant a command to return to the rebels, and send us their location." "You don't seriously believe that will work?" Ravage questioned. "No, but it will be interesting to try," Ennex replied. He remained silent for several minutes. "There, I think I got it...."
  6. Ravage had been watching silently as his master and opponent were locked in their mental link. He had been considering attacking Techno, when suddenly the other froze up, with text flashing in his eyes. Ennex took a deep breath. "Ahhhh.... that was.... an interesting experience." He blinked, taking a moment to realize that he could see from not only his own, but also from Techno's eyes. "Sir, what is happening?" asked Ravage. "I am not sure," the blue pony replied. He rubbed his head, as the dual-vision was starting to give him a headache. "Somehow, I believe that I am in control of him now." "We should destroy him," Ravage said, staring at the cyber-pony. "Wait," ordered Ennex. "Let me see if I can get us out of here...." He closed his eyes, concentrating on disabling the pocket dimension....
  7. Ennex paused, looking up to watch the strings of code fly past. He remembered something from his research last year.... groups of numbers.... He had it. "There is only one way to find out," he replied, and activated the files in the folder. "I do recall a series of number combinations from my research, and one of them is bound to have an effect on you...."
  8. @Techno Universal "Junk files?" Ennex replied with a grin. "Interesting... One pony's junk is another's treasure, after all." He opened the file and started rummaging through the various data packets. "Somewhere around here has to be the controls for the pocket dimension...." he muttered....
  9. He continued to study the files laying around, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Ah... this looks promising..." he said, discovering a set of executables. "I wonder... what would happen..." he glanced back at Techno's virtual form, and opened the first folder, brushing aside some random pixels....
  10. @Techno Universal Ennex watched Techno messing with his folder, and decided to find some himself. Picking a datastream, he floated off to follow it, looking for something, anything, that he could use to override Techno's control of the pocket dimension...
  11. Ennex looked around, studying the virtual environment he found himself in. He had wondered about this possibility for some time, and had studied the various computers that he found in the tunnels. Now it was time to put that knowledge to the test. "Let us see what we can find," he said to Techno, and wandered around the various data piles. "A bit messy in here, if you do not mind me saying so." He flashed a wicked grin. "Perhaps I can... clean this all up for you...."
  12. @Techno Universal Ennex nodded. "Very well. Begin your link." When Ravage started to protest, he waved him into silence. "Since we cannot finish this confrontation physically," a strange smile crossed his face, "let this become a battle of minds...."
  13. Ennex watched the siblings leave, then faced Techno. "It is true, the computer does contain files about many of my agents and activities. And yes, there are fail-safes to prevent unauthorized access. And who knows, some entries might even be fakes. But do you really think I would leave notes about everything? Such paper-trails can only lead to total disaster." He tapped his head. "Like I said, not even Sakuya nor Ravage know all. Only I know the complete picture." He focused his eyes on Techno. "Can you really take the chance? Are you capable of gambling on the lives of all pony-kind?"
  14. Ravage could barely contain his anger, but a glance from his master kept him from lashing out. Meanwhile, the three changling guards were looking around wildly, not understanding what the 'pocket dimension' thing meant. Ennex grinned. "You may be able to capture Sakuya as well. Perhaps even my brother. But I have agents on the playing field that even she is unaware of." He chuckled. "The real question is: can you find them all before the damage is done?"
  15. They all stood silently for a moment, as Techno's words sank in. Then, Ennex did the one thing Ravage never expected... He laughed. "Well done!" he praised Techno. "Such a marvelous ploy! See how he leaves us without a choice, Ravage?" he chuckled. "Oh, how I wish I could accommodate you. Alas, I am afraid that I cannot." He turned to Maple. "This is why you rebels are simple-minded. Always thinking of the moment, never the next step. Or the next twenty steps." He laughed again at Techno. "Do you really think it would be this easy? Come now, how could a simple earth pony such as myself possibly survive all these years running a criminal empire? Or even prove useful to Sombra and Chrysalis? I may not have magic, but what I do have is intelligence. One in my position must always plan for every contingency, no matter how unlikely. For example," he waved a hoof around the room, "while I might be trapped here, Sakuya is not. Since the day she got her cutie mark, I have been grooming her, preparing her, teaching her. She is my backup. If I disappear, she takes over and continues my plans. Not to mention my twin brother, and the conditioning he does not remember having." Determination flashed in his eyes. "And you can bet on the revenge Sakuya will take out on the population should I vanish. That was my father's most important lesson: always, always, cover your bets...."
  16. He watched her struggle to the elevator, enjoying the obvious pain her muscles were in. "It appears that normal forms of persuasion are ineffective on you," Ennex replied. "I admit, I may have underestimated you. While I still believe that there has to be somepony serving as your true leader and guide, I will concede the point for now." His eyes drifted to the dragonequus. Ennex was no fool, he new of the stories about Discord and his reality-warping powers, and while he didn't know if this one was a strong, he had no intention of provoking it. Not now, at least... Suddenly, he noticed Ravage tense. "Another is here," reported the bodyguard, eyes scanning the room, "we should go." "One moment," Ennex said, and turned back to the siblings. "I will grant you one last chance," he told her, "end your rebellion. All it will do is cause more suffering. Once I have control over the King and Queen, I will bring order to all of Equestria.... and we shall have peace..."
  17. His eyes widened, grin spreading from ear to ear. "Ah, Sakuya's potion has finally taken effect. Excellent!" He watched he cry out. "And do not insult me. She is far too young and inexperienced to be the primary force behind your rebellion. I have the anti-potion... but it will cost you. And you already know the price...."
  18. Ravage and the guards tensed when the dragonequus entered the room, but waited for any signal from their master. Ennex simply stood and studied the newcomer for a moment, choosing his words carefully. Finally, he nodded. "But of course, she may return with you. We were just about finished with our conversation, anyway." He glanced at her unconscious form. "However, you are correct, I WILL be wanting something in return." He grinned. The potion was about to activate anyway, he thought. Now it can torture her and her friends will have to watch! "Give me the name of the rebel leader, the one who inspires and guides the entire group, and she can go free."
  19. Once he was free, Ravage quickly recovered and made ready to subdue Maple.... when the knock on the elevator door caught him completely by surprise. Ennex too looked up, never expecting such an intrusion. His face was stern. Playtime was over. "Rebels," he said, looking at Ravage. The bodyguard nodded, and quickly positioned himself between the elevator and his master, the three guards forming up around him...
  20. Ennex watched her drink more of the cider, once again thankful to have a zebra-trained lieutenant. Such wonderful potions! "Luna has vanished," he agreed, "but that is of little concern. There are, stories, about how she became Nightmare Moon." His eyes wandered out the window, looking up into the sky. "Such wonderful powers she possessed. Especially one." He turned back to face her. "Nightmare Moon still exists. While not corporeal, and therefor cannot be 'found' in the literal sense." He slowly stepped closer to her, and Ravage could have sworn he saw an evil glow in his master's eyes, but assumed it was a trick of the light. "But she still remains. She speaks to us, speaks to me." He walked past her. "Each night, when I am alone in my sleep, I can hear her. Speak to her. The 'King' and 'Queen' think they are in charge? They have no idea what real power is." He turned back to her, eyes wide with determination.... or madness. "You believe me to be a 'worthless pawn' to Sombra and Chrysalis, but the truth is the reverse. I am using them. Let them sit on the throne, and deal with the masses. Once I have the power of Nightmare Moon, I will be able to control them just as she controlled Luna." He focused on her. "And I do NOT need some pathetic rebellion derailing my plans...."
  21. "...if I was to capture or execute you I don't believe Sombra or chrysalis would care." At those words, Ravage moved to place himself between his master and their captive, but Ennex waved him off. "You are correct, they most likely wound not care. To them, we all," he held out his hoofs to indicate everypony, "are expendable. Sombra simply wants to be in charge of everything, and Chrysalis simply wants slaves to feed emotions to her changlings." He shrugged. "I accepted that when I decided to support them. My position as a major corporate owner, plus my underworld dealings, allowed me to attach myself to them. It gained me a governorship, so not to bad a bargain, so far." He started to slowly pace around. "However, I am not simply a pawn in this game. I am one of the players. The so-called King and Queen think I am working for them, and in daily running of Manehattan, I am." He stopped, now several paces from her. "Tell me, Reflected Sunlight, how much do you know about...... Nightmare Moon?"
  22. He nodded in response. "I understand. Friendship grows into loyalty to your fellow rebels. Close bonds can mean much when facing a life or death scenario. It encourages better cooperation between you." He grinned. "I do not suppose that you would be kind enough to identify the other leaders? Perhaps a single pony that is in charge of the whole operation, hmm?"
  23. "Let me see what we have here..." Ennex said, looking into the bad that Sakuya left behind. He removed a small flask. "Ah! This should do nicely. Here, a form of apple cider with some... spices, I believe." He passed it to her. "Now then, to our conversation. According to sources provided to me by the King, YOU are one of the leaders of the so-called 'rebellion'." His eyes narrowed. "Would you care to elaborate on that?"
  24. Once the elevator came to a stop, the group found themselves in one of the many floors of Ennex's Manehattan tower. This particular floor was mostly empty, all windows covered in dark tint. A single bench rested in the center of the room. A tan-colored mare with a broken horn was waiting next to the bench, small saddlebag not quite covering her purple broken-heart cutie mark. "Ah, Sakuya," Ennex greeted the mare. "Allow me to present Reflected Sunlight." He waved a hoof at his captive. "She will be our guest for this afternoon. I trust you have some... refreshments prepared?" The mare turned her head to grasp the bag in her teeth, and set it down next to the bench. "Excellent. If you would not mind, go down to city hall and handle my appointments for today. I will be," he nodded at Maple, "busy for the rest of the afternoon." Sakuya nodded, walked past them an entered the elevator. "Now than, Miss Sunlight," Ennex turned to her and indicated the bench, "please have a seat. We have much to discuss..."
  25. As the elevator begins to rise, the blue pony sighs. "Execution, really. I have no such plans. This will be a simple.... interview." The changling guards snickered, until Ravage silenced them with a glare.
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