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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by nx9100

  1. Ravage huffed. "Hmmph. If you can't take in every orphan you find. This is their path, we have our own." And with a glare at the filly, he prepared to march off... "Why Ravage, I am surprised. You know the well-being of our fine citizens is as important as discipline." The voice was smooth, yet carried an air of authority. He turned, to see an ocean-blue pony calmly walking towards them, a pair of black-rimmed glasses sitting on his face. "After all, the youth of Equestria will grow up to take over for us when we are gone. Without proper upbringing, how can we expect them to handle the world?" "Yes, sir," Ravage replied, bowing his head, and stepping to the side. The blue pony looked to the girls. "Ah, Miss Mysterious, a pleasure to see you once again," he said, before looking down at the filly. He's most likely the reason she's an orphan, thought Ravage, watching as his master greeted the filly. "Hello my dear. My name is Ennex...."
  2. Ravage watched the exchange, but didn't interfere or scold the guard. He let Mysterious handle it, before slowly stepping in her direction. "You are lucky our masters are not here," he scowled, "for showing weakness towards these, peasants, could lead somepony to doubt your commitment and loyalty." He came to a stop, head held high, bright red eyes looking down at the filly. "Our paths have been chosen, now we must walk them."
  3. Ravage snorted. "Fear can be a very useful tool, however. It can end a conflict before it begins. Observe my master when he wanders the streets of Manehattan. He doesn't wear any kind of protection, doesn't surround himself with guards, doesn't watch out for attacks of anykind." His eyes narrow. "He knows he is completely safe, because the ponies there all fear him. They know what happens if somepony crosses him, what will happen to them, their family, their friends. Never doubt the power of fear..."
  4. Ravage held up a hoof, signaling her to wait a moment. and turned to his guards. "Search the town! Work in pairs, and NO FEEDING!!" The changlings gulped, then split into pairs and spread out wandering the streets. They would have loved to feed on the ponies here, but new what Ravage would do to them if he caught them disobeying. Satisfied, he turned back to Mysterious. "It is an acceptable position. He allows me the freedom to do my job, but always insists on knowing everything that is going on. Still," he thought for a moment, "he does have some, more tedious habits that I have to put up with."
  5. With a nod to his guards, Ravage followed Mysterious into the town, watching the fearful stares of the residents. He could hear his guards getting restless, no doubt wanting to feed on the emotions of the townsfolk. And as tempting as it was to release them, he had other business. "Hold!" he ordered the troop, the stern command forcing them back to parade rest. "Now, where shall we begin?" he asked Mysterious
  6. Raising a hoof, Ravage signaled his group to halt. "Yes," he replied, "when I was there as a bodyguard for my master, Ennex." He bowed his head a bit. "I apologize for intruding into your territory like this, since my authority is to the Manehattan province. I am searching for an unknown alicorn that appeared in a village not to far from here, and was heading to Ponyville hoping to find information about her."
  7. They marched down the dirt road, staying in perfect formation. Eight changlings, all wearing armor, marching abreast in two rows. And leading them, wearing as always his black full-body suit, was Ravage. He wasn't happy. Search for a single alicorn in all of Equestria? he thought, eyes narrowing. Sometimes he asks the impossible! But such was his master's custom, and it was his duty to carry out his orders. As they continued down the road, he watched as the various farm ponies they encountered all scattered at the sight of the guards. Their appearance reminded the ponies about the new rulers of the land, and it was a well-earned reputation of fear. Mentally shrugging, Ravage kept marching, leading his troop to the first place on his list to hunt for this mystery alicorn..... .....Ponyville
  8. A ball of light flashed around him, causing him to loose his orientation for a moment before it faded. Glancing around, Ravage noticed he was no longer in the village, but now standing in a luxurious office, with the Manehattan skyline visible out the windows. In front of the windows, a green leather chair swiveled around, reveling a single pony. Average sized for a pony, covered in blue fur, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses resting upon his nose. "Ah, Ravage, welcome back," he said. "I apologize for summoning you here so abruptly." He waved a hoof. "Leave us." Ravage glanced behind him, as a pair of unicorn mares slowly trotted out of the office. He recognized them as his master's usual assistants when magic was needed. Magic such as teleportation. "There was a strange pegasus at the village," he reported, "one who appeared to be caught in some sort of teleport bubble. She had vanished before the guards could reach her location, however they think that there might have been others with her." The blue pony frowned. "A teleporting pegasus? I wonder if it is the alicorn that I have been hearing rumors about." He turned away thinking, and Ravage knew better than to interrupt. Several minutes passed in silence, before he spoke again. "This could be part of the rebellion that is supposedly starting up. I wonder...." He turned to face Ravage. "I have a new mission for you. Find out who this new alicorn is, and if she is connected to the rebellion......
  9. From a distance, Ravage watched as the dozen guards, a mix of corrupted ponies and changlings, headed towards the hill. The one that was in that magic bubble was now out of his sight, most likely back on the ground. He scowled, not liking this situation. The guards here are pathetic, he thought to himself. If my master wishes to seize control of this village, will have to replace them with better trained units....
  10. Ravage had just finished inspecting the small guard team (What a bunch of losers, he thought), when a bright flash caught his attention. Looking up, he saw a golden bubble surrounding what appeared at that distance to be a large Pegasus. His head whipped around to the guards. "Get over there and find out what's going on!" he ordered, his voice deep and heavily (Russian) accented. The guards looked confused for a moment, but a glare from the black-clad pony's red eyes sent them galloping towards the hillside.
  11. As he walked down the streets of the village, Ravage wondered yet again why his master, Ennex, had sent him here. They had enough trouble keeping order in Manehattan, much less worry about some outlying village. He signed, watching the poor villagers go about their lives. Ennex was only Governor of Manehattan, but he was trying to extend his reach beyond the city. Perhaps he will challenge the new rulers themselves, he thought, heading to the small guard post in the center of the village... @Strong Copper
  12. With a *ding*, the elevator came to a halt, doors sliding open with barley a noise. Ravage followed his master out, stepping into a large room. It was colder in here than the floor they had left, but that was the difference between the top floor of the Manehattan tower verses several stories underneath it. How his master had this room built, he had no idea. But it wasn't his place to question. As the doors to the secret elevator closed, lights automatically came up bathing the room in dim light, and revealing the various display cases and stands scattered around the four support columns. Each display was a different artifact of some sort, all different kinds, all different shapes.... and all sharing a lunar motif. Ravage stepped over to a small table in the center of the room, and pulled the bag from across his back, placing it on the table. "Excellent!" his master said, eagerly pulling the bag open. With care, he removed a small stone artifact, placing it down under a spotlight. "Finally, after all this time, it's mine." He glanced at Ravage. "Once again, Miss Yearling has proved worthy of my investment into her research. With this, I can finally gather all the power that I need." His eyes narrowed. "Now, to find that alicorn...."
  13. He watched, as the other ponies in the hallway tried to press themselves against the walls, move into doorways, or anything else they could do to keep out of his way. Not that he cared, for they all meant nothing to him, and as long as they weren't a threat, he could ignore them all. Followed by the echo of his hoofsteps, he continued down the hallway, approaching a large open doorway. Just before entering, a voice called out to him. "Welcome back, Ravage." The voice was calm and smooth, yet was filled with authority. "I trust your latest job was successful?" "Yes, sir," the black stallion replied, stepping into his master's office. A large blackwood desk filled the center, with a green leather chair just beyond. And resting in that chair was a blue pony, average in size, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He grinned. "Excellent. Those artifacts are just what I needed. Come." He got up and lead Ravage to a hidden door off to the side of the office...
  14. Having watched Raze move through the water, Random Action was getting ready to follow him, and got as far as stepping one foot into the dirty water, when he heard Blood Drops. "Yo guys you should come this way. I found some snacks" "Snacks?" he asked, pulling his foot back onto the dry floor, shaking off the brown water. "What kind?" Stepping over in her direction, he watched as she ate the old crisps and tossed the bag. His nose wrinkled. "uh... no thanks. Those look really old." Suddenly he noticed movement off the corner of his eye. "What was that?" he asked, pointing in the direction of the shadow...
  15. Random had followed the others in silence, not sure what to make of all this. For what was supposed to be a simple weekend job, it was turning into one hell of an experience. "Yeah, I'm ready," he replied to Salem, wincing a bit at the skeleton. "Let's get this over with..."
  16. Random watched as Raze opened the hidden door to the basement. "Wait... you want to... go down there?" he asked, startled. "After what we saw on that video?" He glanced back at the closed door. "Uh, you sure it just isn't stuck, or something?"
  17. Random watched the newcomers settle in, with one receiving a plate of brownies. His mouth watered, while at the plate of nearly finished muffins in front of him. "Dang, now I want a brownie too..." he said. "Maybe next time." Picking up a half-eaten muffin, he dropped it into his mouth to finish it off. "MMMMmmm....."
  18. "The sweets do surely smell good," Random turned to one of the newcomers, a dark grey unicorn. "They really are good, I promise!" he replied, waving a hoof over his plate of small muffins. "You can try one, if you'd like. I don't mind sharing." He chuckled. "Pinkie always has plenty more!"
  19. Random had just sat down with a plate of muffins, when he heard a group of ponies enter the store. "Aunt Pinkie, It's Ocean your niese" "Aunt Pinkie?" he said, watching the newcomers. "I didn't know she was an aunt." He scratched a hoof on his chin. "Would've thought she wasn't old enough, or something...."
  20. Note sure if this will help the mods/admins, but when I try to go to one of my OC's character pages, here is the error code I get: Hope this helps with troubleshooting!
  21. Trotting along the street, Random Action made his way through Ponyville, heading towards Sugar Cube Corner. Since moving to Ponyville a few months back, it had become his habit to visit the bakery at least once a week, as it seemed to be a fun place not just for treats, but to meet new friends. And once his marefriend came out to join him, he knew it would be her favorite spot as well. That thought sent a silly grin over his face. It had been several weeks since he'd seen Starshine, and was looking forward to being together again. Approaching the store, he sighed happily, and stepping inside....
  22. Having followed the others into the TV room, Random leaned against a wall as they loaded the video into the player. He watched the ponies as they explored the house, and looked for their friend. But when the sight of Silver impaled on the pipe came into view, he dropped the mic boom he was holding, not hearing it clatter to the floor. His mouth hung open in astonishment as the rest of the tape played out. "Uh...." was all he could say, as the static returned to the TV.....
  23. Random wandered over to the others. "An old tape?" he asked, watching Blood Drops inspecting it. "Maybe somepony else started a show here before you, and left it behind!" He scratched his chin. "Or, maybe it's from a realtor agent, about the property, or something..."
  24. "Catch!" Random looked up, just in time to see Blood's mic flying at him. He managed to catch it, fumbling and nearly dropping it. "Umph!" Setting it next to the rest of his stuff, he watched as she set up her ghost detectors and stuff. Deciding to wait until they needed him, he shrugged, and sat down on a dusty stool, taking another swig from his water bottle.
  25. "You got it Boss!" Random says, moving over to where she pointed. Setting down his bag, he starts pulling out equipment. Hope I get everything right, he thinks. Gotta make this job work, don't want Ennex to cut me off again! His brother, who controlled their late-father's money, told Random that if he wanted to keep getting his monthly allowance, he needed to get a real job. Which led to the want-adds, which led him here. A few nights in an old, spooky mansion, he thought, while getting the mic boom set up. What could go wrong?
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