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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by nx9100

  1. As the lights dimmed, he sat back to enjoy the music. The curtain rose, revealing Octavia Melody standing in the center of the stage next to her cello. Raising the bow, she began to play, sending waves of soft music drifting over her audience. He watched and listened, finding it relaxing. Running both corporate and criminal empires was very stressful, but spending at least one night a week listening to the skilled cellist was one of his many methods of relaxing. Another method involved a dance club downtown and a totally different style of music... As the opening piece continued, it was suddenly drowned out by a large roar from above. Along with everypony else, he glanced up... just in time to see a cascade of water come crashing down onto the right side of the stage. Just before the wave caught Octavia, a blur of white and blue crashed into her, knocking her backstage and out of the way. The other ponies in the audience started screaming, and struggled over each other attempting to rush out of the theater. His own spot being far enough away and up hill from the stage, he simply watched in amusement as the mad dash for the exits continued. Suddenly, a new sight caught his attention. What appeared to be a pair of battling ponies, one with strange wings, the other with odd horns, came crashing down with the water. Interested, he leaned forward to watch their struggle....
  2. Who else is waiting for Forza 6 to be released on Tuesday? I've been counting down the days, and cannot wait for it! Been with Forza since the original, and 6 looks like the best one yet! With the introduction of three new racing styles: -Night racing -Rain racing (where the water on the track WILL affect you car!) -Open-wheel racing (aka, Formula 1) I just paid off my pre-order for a Forza 6 Special Edition xBox One, and am literally shaking with excitement! lol Would love to start a in-game club for anyone on here that is also getting the game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O1OrTcfqBI The original game trailer... https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1&v=oBbXxfZYTAA
  3. @@Unicorncob,@@Dapper Charmer, The slightest look of annoyance crossed Ravage's face, but he suppressed it quickly. "You are very observant," he replied to Hooligan. "But I would be careful who you 'analyze'. Especially if you meet my master." This time, the bright red eyes turned to stare at the other. "Consider that your only warning." Turning back to the street, he took a quick look around. "In fact, if you want we can meet up with him now. I will lead you to his location." He waited until the street was clear before making a move. In two big leaps, he crossed over to the next alley, glancing back to the other. Assuming Hooligan would keep up with his teleportation, he continued on through the city....
  4. Random Action was wandering around the street, watching the other ponies set up for the Grand festival. "This looks like it will be alot of fun!" he said to nopony in particular. "I'm so glad that Ennex sent me to Canterlot for a few days!" His brother sent him here on a business errand, but Random really wasn't interested in any of that. He wanted to help, but he also just wanted to have some fun.....
  5. @@Unicorncob,@@Dapper Charmer, "A psychiatrist?" Ravage asked, a bit of surprise in his voice. "Well, I do not believe we need one of those. However," he eyed the other, "you seem to be rather skilled with teleportation. That could prove to be useful skill. Come." He jumped off the side of the building onto a fire escape. From there, he launched himself towards the next wall, pushed off it back to the first wall, pushed off that, and continuing this pattern made his way back to the ground. Taking but a moment to recover, he looked back up at Hooligan...
  6. @@Dapper Charmer,@@Unicorncob, Ravage stared at Hooligan. Who does he keep talking to?, he wondered. Is he wearing a radio? But the way the other moved, the casualness of the conversation... Or perhaps, a voice in his head, he thought. It wouldn't be the first time he'd encountered an 'insane' pony. That could be a problem, but I will let my master make the choice. "I don't have any pickles," he answered, while quickly moving across the rooftop to the far side. "But I could arrange for some. Tell me," he turned back to lock his red eyes on Hooligan, "what is it you do? Or are you currently looking for a job?" --------------- She watched Caliber take out the guard in silence. Quick and to the point, isn't he?, she thought. "That will work," the mare replied to him, "but if you don't want to kill, depending on the situation simply knocking them out would work." She stepped up to the door, ignoring the former guard. "Step two: we make an entrance. Catch them by surprise." She smiled. "Should just be a few ponies inside packing crates. They run a black market operation out of here, one that I want to take over. So," she gave him a stern look, "try not to damage any merchandise. Just burst in and hopefully we can scare them off. Any who try to fight," the wicked smile returned, "are all yours..."
  7. It wasn't easy to startle Ravage, but the black-clad pony was startled none the less. He simply stared at the purple creature before him. "You want what?" he snarled, his voice returning. "You came here looking for something to eat?" Off in the distance, he could hear shouting. He looked up at the ceiling. "I will have to deal with you later," he said, while listening to the noise. "Your little 'entrance' is causing quite a commotion, and know I have to abandon this place. Looking over his shoulder, he watched as his two workers finally got their wagon out the cargo door. At least any evidence will be long gone, he thought. His eyes returned to the masked purple pony, still grinning at him. Something about that smile seemed awfully familiar. And his skills with teleportation could be useful. "We must leave, before this place becomes infested with guard ponies." He turned towards a ramp that lead up to a walkway circling the room, and past an open window on one wall. "Come," he ordered, and with a mighty leap, jumped straight up to the walkway. "Out here. We can head to the next building to continue this talk..." ------------ "Correct," Sakuya said, as she and Caliber continued down the street. "That is, if you want the job," she half-smiled at him. A few minutes trot more, and they rounded a corner to see a row of warehouses lining the street. She pointed to a smaller one a few doors down, ignoring the shouts and distant commotion from a few blocks away. "That one," she said, "and it looks like only one guard out front. They must be over confidant." There was a single stallion standing outside the loading door, not really paying any attention to anything. Sakuya turned to Caliber. "So, consider this your audition," she winked. "Step one: take out the guard. Real quiet-like..."
  8. Once again, i've been delayed working on these! just started a new job, and they've been keeping me busy with long hours. also, rearranging my room, and need to get a new stand for tv and xbox. but i promise to get each car finished asap!!!!
  9. Welcome! glad to have you aboard!
  10. Ravage was just getting ready to leave, when a loud blast shook the building. It took him only a moment to break out of his mental freeze, before he dashed out of the office to the warehouse proper. The two ponies that were loading the wagon were picking themselves off the ground, still a bit dazed. "Get that wagon out of here!" he ordered. "Those could be Royal Guards-" He broke off, noticing a purple unicorn standing in the remains of the doorway. "Who are you?!" he demanded, his read eyes flashing... ------------- Sakuya nodded. "Correct. Less police, and easier access to shipping." She lead the way through the city, ignoring the other ponies around her. "Once we kick them out of this place, I can move in and set up my own operation...."
  11. @@Unicorncob,@@Dapper Charmer, As he entered the warehouse, a pair of stallions were busy loading crates onto a wagon. At the sight of the Black-clad pony, they visibly trembled, but kept up their work. Ignoring them, Ravage trotted over to a small office, and hesitated. The door was already open. Who would dare, he thought, and stepped inside. Waiting for him was a grey Earth pony, with a black-brown mane, blue muzzle, and goofy grin on his face. "Hey Ravage!" he called out, "What's going on?" "Random Action," Ravage muttered. "What are you doing here?" "Oh nothing much," the other replied, lazily leaning against the wall. "I as just wandering around the neighborhood, and-" "I know he sent you," Ravage cut him off. "Tell him I will return shortly with a report. Information I have to deliver myself." The other smirked. "You could be a bit more fun, ya know?" And with a sigh, Random Action trotted out of the office, heading to the warehouse door to leave. Watching him leave, Ravage wondered why his master's brother was sent here. I don't have time for games. I have to figure out who those ponies that int interrupted my mission were... -------------------- @, Sakuya smirked. "A good scare," she repeated him, "yea, I suppose that could do. Not quite what I had in mind, but it should still work. Come on." Getting up herself, she led him out of the dinner and into the street. "Hope you don't mind the walk," she said, ignoring the looks her broken horn was getting. She'd gotten used to it by now. "We're heading across town. Out near the warehouse district...."
  12. @ and @@Kivil, Test shots of your two cars.... Let me know if you like them, or if you want me to change anything. Still working on Cutie Marks.
  13. @, "So, you want a challenge, huh tough guy?" Sakuya smirked. "I think I can help you there. In fact," she glanced out the window, "once you're done eating, we can see to that right now. There are some ponies that work the other side of town, and" her voice went soft, "I've been having trouble 'convincing them' to leave. You see, I want that territory, and perhaps you'd have more success 'talking' to them." A wicked grin crossed her face... ---- Upon reaching the rooftop, Ravage paused for a brief moment to get his bearings, before galloping across the roof. He reached the edge, and with a leap, launched himself over to the next building. The other roof was a bit lower, so he allowed his strong legs to adsorb the impact, not breaking stride for a moment. He continued in this fashion over the next few buildings, heading towards the warehouse district near the waterfront....
  14. no prob! you're on the list! EVERYPONY: I will try to get some of these cranked out over the weekend. look for updates/test shots sunday and monday!
  15. sure! I'd be happy to add you to the list. Any particular car you would like? (link to list on the front page).
  16. @, He's quick, I'll give him that, she thought. "It depends," she answered dryly. "You see, I'm in a... particular line of work, one that requires certain," eyes dropped to the sword for a moment, "skills. In fact, I've been thinking about expanding a bit." He could be just the pony I've been looking for! My own personal 'Ravage'. "Of course," she lowered her eyelids seductively, "it all depends on you having any previous plans here in Manehattan..."
  17. @, Sakuya shrugged. "Nothing special. It's just unusual to see somepony order so much. That," her eyes glanced down, "and your sword, caught my attention. Let me guess: you either are connected to the Royal Guards somehow, thought I doubt it. Or, perhaps you're one of those ponies that thinks very highly of his own skills." She grinned at him. "But I'm leaning towards option three." The mare leaned in close and lowered her voice. "You like to get into trouble, of the kind that only a sword can get you out off." Leaning back, she gave him a quizzical look. "Well?"
  18. @ and @@NetherMan65, you are on the list! @@Orion Caelum, @, @@Kivil, @@SparklingSwirls, @, @, @, @@Twisted Cyclone, @@Photon Jet Once again, I'm sorry I've fallen behind getting these done. Just started a new job which has been taking up alot of my time, along with all my other projects. I Pinkie Promise to get each car completed as requested! Also, as to making a video featuring the cars, that is still in the works. While the game lets me save video of cars racing (which is how i made my other videos), I really wanted to have a few shots of designing the car, which requires a capture card to connect to my PC. cash for that is holding it up. Finally, TR Motorsports will soon be going by a new name! I have a few other small 'companies' (hehe) such as this, and am looking into branding them all together. So stay tuned for that! EDIT I am also looking into the possibility of re-creating some of these cars as plastic models, around 1/24 scale. I would start with an unpainted body, and custom paint a base coat, followed by printed decals. No timeline on that project as of yet. And since it would involve purchasing model kits, paints, etc, those would be sold on a shop here for $. But the 100% FREE digital cars made here would still be available!
  19. Ravage was angry. What started out as a simple pick-up job had quickly escalated into a fiasco. Far too many ponies were now involved, ending any attempt at keeping the incident from being reported. I can't allow them to trace this back to my master, he thought, eyes wandering around the alley. Ignoring his two fallen associates, his eyes came to rest on a nearby fire escape ladder, and the small dumpster sitting not quite under it. Perfect... "Well, this has been quite amusing," he said, his deep voice filling the alley, "but my business requires me elsewhere. Perhaps we shall meet again soon?" And with a leap, he launched himself onto the dumpster, pushed off, and finally made in onto the fire escape. Not missing a beat, he jumped up the stairwell to the next landing, twisted and continued jumping, making his way to the top of the building. I can vanish along the roofline. Then make my way back to my master, he thought, while pushing off the wall to someponies room... ------------- She watched, as the grey unicorn ordered himself enough food to feed a poor family for a week. Talk about indulging, she thought. The sword he was wearing had caught her attention, and although she normally avoided unicorns, this one seemed interesting. He could prove useful. Sakuya stepped over to the counter. "That's an awfully lot of food," she said with a smirk. "Let me guess: either you're waiting for friends, or haven't had a good meal in a while..."
  20. Hey! I'm heading to Michigan International Speedway this weekend, and wondered if anypony else was going to be there. If so, shoot me a message, and maybe we can hang out outside the track Saturday and Sunday!
  21. "You should look at people when they're speaking to you." "Do you take me for a fool?" Ravage asked coldly. "The moment I take my eyes off my target," he continued to glare at Flamestreak, "would invite an attack." Suddenly, he sensed another pony approach them. "Hello there," said a Stallion. "I am not here to cause trouble just to get my patient back to her room." "Then remove her," he replied. "And I suggest you remain, for she will be joined by others momentarily..."
  22. no pony rocks out like Rainbow!
  23. Ravage watched the two would-be heroes dispatch his stallions. Such a waste, he thought, as they both ended up on the ground. "So, you have skills," he said to Flamestreak. "And you," his voice rang out, addressing the unseen pony even thought his eyes never left Flamestreak, "I know you are here. I invite you out to join your friend." He stepped over one of the goons, not giving the fallen stallion even a glance. "For I am ending this, now..."
  24. Ravage glared at the newcomers. This NOT how this is supposed to work, he thought. What was originally a simple retrieval mission was quickly spiraling out of his control. He stepped forward, head tilted down, but eyes straight ahead, boring into the two would-be saviors. "You do not know what you meddle in," his deep voice full of power. "Perhaps you require a demonstration." His two Earth pony goons, having made their way to each side, suddenly sprang forward, one heading for each defender....
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