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Everything posted by nx9100

  1. well... since she is a scientist/inventor... how about the original scientist/inventor mobile? unfortunately, I can't add rocket boosters to the back, but I'll try to make a suitable decal/paint job to make it appear high-tech!
  2. @,@@Unicorncob, the wait didn't take long... "Ravage," Ennex said, still watching out the office windows, "Tell me something. How do you feel about Sakuya? Am I putting too much trust in her?" The question caught him off guard. "I do not question your decisions," he said. Ennex turned from the window to look into Ravage's red eyes, a feat few others could do without flinching. "I asked you a question." "I do not trust her," the bodyguard replied. "She practices non-pony magic, and wasn't brought up in your organization. She should not have been given the Cloudsdale job." His master seemed to think that over. "You are correct," he admitted, turning back to the window. "And do not worry, she will not be going back. I have learned all I need to know." Ravage blinked. "It was a test," he realized. "Of her commitment." "Of course it was," Ennex replied. "And her reaction upon returning was the result. And after all these years of grooming her to serve as my right hoof." He sighed. "Prepare yourself, for the time may come when she will have to be.... removed." "I understand..." ----------------------------------------------- Sakuya was leading her male companions down the street, when a Pegasus pony flew up to her, and whispered into her ear. Instantly, her face became alarmed. "Thanks," she said to the flyer, who took off. "Malachi, I have to go. Caliber, come on! We have to get to my apartment!" Leaving the half-demon behind, she took off down the street at a full gallop...
  3. @@Wind Chaser, I should be able to get those. that express logo will be interesting, but i'll try my best! @@bronislav84, honestly, I can't remember if we picked out a car model for her, (and if we did, i can't find the message in my inbox). Take a look at the list and let me know what you'd like. I'll work on it this weekend! @, one 2006 Corvette Z06 coming right up! ALL: I will try my best to get these all done by Monday. Weekends are better times for me to spend on xbox. Thanks for your patience! just noticed thread has 1701 views! i'm such a nerd....
  4. @@MCAsomm,interesting. I had never seen that article before, and just guessed based on my own random observations. Very well, let me adjust my figures to account for a starting age of 21.... update ok, I ran the numbers again with the new ages. My new timeline has Legacy starting 55 years after the invasion (which is just before the season 4 finale). Assume the day of invasion is D-Day, or D+0 years.... D+0 Years = Equestria is invaded and conquered by Vectin. Fluttershy is 21. D+7 Years = Heartsong is born. Fluttershy is 28 D+10 Years = Angel Berry is born. Fluttershy is 31 D+12 years = Feather Dust is born. Fluttershy is 33 D+40 years = Lighting Dash is born. Feather Dust is 28. Fluttershy is 61 D+48 Years = Older Rainbow Dash teaches Lighting how to perform a Sonic Rainbow. She is 69. D+55 years = Legacy story starts. Lighting Dash is 15, Feather Dust is 43, Fluttershy is 76 This timeline still works, and even allow me to keep my idea of Fluttershy having a short appearance, depicted as elderly with memory problems. It would also allow an older Rainbow to pass on the one trick only she can perform to her grandson. Rainbow is gone by D+55 year mark. Please let me know if I made any math mistakes!
  5. @@MCAsomm, thanks for all the great imput and suggestions! Allow me to explain my logic... First, Lighting Dash is RD's grandson. I never worked out who his father is, nor his grandfather (whom would be RD's mate). So the similar naming makes a bit more sense, like passing on a family name. Also, he grows up idolizing his grandmother, and develops a similar personality (which will be important in the climax of the story). I am working on a short story where she teaches him all her flying tricks, and he becomes the only other pony to perform a sonic rainboom (that I am aware of). FYI: all 6 of my mane characters are grandkids of show characters, not direct children. Now, as for Fluttershy@family. I figured out my timeline as this: I assume that Twilight Sparkle and friends are about 16 years old (using human age references). Lets call the invasion day D-Day, or D+0 years. Fluttershy is 16 at D-day. Assuming she had her first foal around age 30ish, that would put it about D+14 years, which would make Heartsong around 46 by the time the story takes place. Assuming Fluttershy had her children a few years apart, they would be between 30-46 years old by this time, which is D+60 years. As for a dangerous world to grow up in, again, other then attacking the cities to take control, Equestria is still intact. In face, the first few chapters have them wandering through the forests around Ponyville, which they discover mostly intact, just abandoned. My primary characters, Star Gaze and Sweet Melody, grew up in a village out in the forest. In fact, the Vectin mostly leave them alone, as is stated in the story. Sweet Melody is young enough to have actually never seen a Vectin before the events in story. I was going to have it the same for the Pegasus survivors (who are being introduced in chapter 10 which I am finishing now). Once they lost their cloud cities, and the Vectin assumed control, the Pegasus survivors fled to live in the mountains, and have remained there ever since. With a few exceptions, they stayed away from the Vectin-controlled areas, and were also left pretty much alone. Therefore, Fluttershy's pregnancy (and activities leading to it) probably occurred a good decade or two AFTER the original invasion, when the survivors settled down to their new lives. Personally, I'm trying to avoid a post-apocalyptic-theme, and trying to show the planet as under occupation (like Bajor, for any Star Trek: DS9 fans). The invaders took control of what they needed, and the remaining ponies now live in new, separated communities. Once the Vectin took control, they settled in to administrate. And the population has to continue on, right?
  6. @@MCAsomm, Legacy takes place roughly 60-80 years after events of the show, in an alternate timeline that starts before the Season 4 finale. At that time, an alien lizard-like race called the Vectin invaded and conquered Equestria. After the Pegasus' cloud cities were destroyed, the few survivors fled to hide in the mountains. The Unicorns disappeared mysteriously (will be revealed later where they went) after the Vectin started hunting them all down, as they were fearful that the unicorn's magic could defeat them. Only the Earth ponies remain in abundance, with many being enslaved by the Vectin to grow and farm the bio-material they use to construct their bio-ships. Earth ponies not enslaved live in constant fear, as the Vectin randomly attack them to prevent rebel uprisings. Equestria as a whole has not been devastated, just the ponies cities and towns. It is assumed that their entire planet, including griffons, zebras, etc, is also under Vectin control (that will play a part late in the story). The story will focus on the adventures of a new Mane 6 (the grandchildren of show characters) as they search for a way to free Equestria from the Vectin. They will end up traveling through space to find the only species that have defeated the Vectin before.... humans. currently, i'm on chapter 10 out of a planned 48. they head into space starting in chapter 13, with humans showing up around chapter 25. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE So, I had a idea about Fluttershy's family. All these ideas are great, and I thought, "why can't Fluttershy have more then one daughter?" Therefore, I'm going (with everyone's permission of course) to give Fluttershy THREE daughters. Heartsong is the eldest (and Pegasus leader), Angel Berry the middle, and Feather Dust the youngest. This gave me yet another idea: My character, Lightning Dash, could be the son of Feather Dust, with his father being Rainbow Dash's son. Thought that would be a nice way to tie the families together.... Lightning Dash Family Tree Heartsong, with your permission, @@Lucky Lass, Angel Berry, created by my roommate... Feather Dust, using body shape from @, name from @@AmberDust. mane and eye colored to show match to Lightning Dash, who will be her son.
  7. @@Lucky Lass, wow.... that's way more then I could come up with! nice drawing as well! you really put alot of thought into her! I like the idea of a Pegasus guard as the father (did you pick one from the show?). And your idea on how they met would actually fit well into the backstory. Like he was a survivor of the attack on Canterlot, and fled with the other Pegasus ponies into the mountains, and Fluttershy nursed him back to health, etc. fits nicely... and the personality also fits well, and matches what I envisioned for her. She's over-protective of the other Pegasus ponies, which will cause a little conflict between her and one of my mane 6 characters, Lightning Dash. -------------------- Let me think about these ideas. So I can get Chapter 10 finished, I'm going to make a final decision today. Thank you everyone for your suggestions, ideas, artwork, and support!!!!!!!!
  8. I'll do my best! give me a few days, bit overwhelmed at the moment.... but will try to get some test-pics to you asap!
  9. It's going to be worked into the story. Will adjust the colors shortly. and I am starting to agree with you all about the father. Prob just going to leave him unknown. @, don't worry! like the oc's of my other friends, Justice Fire will still get a background cameo, but only as another member of the Pegasus community. The other guys are right, without their own story about getting together, it's kinda odd to just pair Fluttershy up with an OC. And I have three other side stories for Legacy planned, not to mention working on the mane story, to work on... hope you understand!!
  10. true. I have been creating basic pics on that, but having an artist create better vectors of them for me. I was originally going to leave it unknown. But have been tossing in friend's OC's here and there as little call-outs/cameos, so thought I'd so something similar. still up for grabs, though....
  11. Well, I played around in the creator, and tried to combine the suggestions together, and came up with this: Took the colors my roommate had, with the design from @. I just changed her expression to look more concerned, and made her a bit taller, since she's supposed to be an adult mare. Also added the secondary mane color from @'s Justice Fire, just to show a little connection. was thinking about using him as the father (just a cameo in the story). as for her name, kinda combined your suggestions with my roommate's, and came up with Angel Feather. But please, feel free to offer any other ideas/suggestions you have! haven't had a chance to type out her appearance in the chapter yet, so still up for discussion!
  12. hopefully, I'll have chapter 10 finished and published in the next day or so. (link to story in my signature below). Justice Fire and Fluttershy will either be in 10 or 11. Angel Feather will be in 10, 11, and 12. I'll let you know when they appear! EDIT: might get a commissioned portrait of Fluttershy, Justice Fire, and Angel Feather....
  13. I like him! sounds like a nice match with Fluttershy. Was only going to have her husband mentioned, but might give him a quick cameo,
  14. I've been adding in friend's OC's to my story, like cameos, just for fun. And JF was the first suggestion for a possible mate for Fluttershy, so figured why not. Never planned on having the father in the story, only mentioned. At the time it takes place, Fluttershy is elderly, the last remaining member of the original Mane Six, and herself will only get a small cameo. the daughter is a supporting character, and will feature in chapters 10-12, then return near the end.
  15. thanks! and i'd love to read his backstory. You can link/post it here, or in a PM to me, your choice!
  16. Good morning, everypony!! I want to thank you all for your suggestions and ideas! and perfect timing, as I am right at the point in my chapter where this character is being introduced, lol. My roommate (who loves Fluttershy) came up with the idea below (though I think she went a little nuts with the cutie mark), with the name Angel Berry. Though, like what you were talking about @@MCAsomm, she just made Fluttershy with different colors. @, if you don't mind, I'd like to try the image you created, with the colors my roommate came up with. As for the name, I'm thinking about combining a few of the suggestions here. what do you all think about either Angel Dust (from @@AmberDust's suggestion), or Angel Feather? Roommate's suggestion was that Fluttershy might name her daughter after her old pet bunny, Angel. thoughts? My roommate's suggestion.... Oh, and @, , Justice Fire looks interesting. Is he an OC of yours, or something you just came up with? Any bio-info on him that I might be able to use in story? Any other father ideas are still welcome! (as long as a Pegasus pony). cannon or OC's are welcome! ( oc would be like a cameo appearance.) UPDATE Ok, so I played around in the creator. Tried to combine the suggestions together, and came up with this: Took the colors my roommate had, with the design from @. I just changed her expression to look more concerned, and made her a bit taller, since she's supposed to be an adult mare. Also added the secondary mane color from @'s Justice Fire, just to show a little connection, lol. Thoughts?
  17. usually that works. I wrote my short story that way, just writing in fimfiction and hitting save. however, sometimes it doesn't work, like the page times out or something. so be careful! If you type it into google docs, fimfiction has an 'import from Gdocs' button, so you don't have to copy/paste. hope that helps!
  18. a bit off subject, but figured it would be ok,
  19. was trolling around google images again. I present to you the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!
  20. No want sad Trixie! only happy Trixie! or... scheming Trixie! lol
  21. Sweet! wasn't sure if I was going to make it. finally started my story while flying back from Orlando to atlanta last night (ground stop for 2 hours = more writing time! lol)
  22. I would kinda-sorta partially agree with you, except it IS a movie series, just not an amazing one overall. Also, don't forget Star Trek: Voyager, which is still the best of the shows, in my personal opinion. And let's remember that Trek is trying to show humanities future, with various social commentary and such. Wars is just 'Lord of the Rings in Space'.
  23. @@Steve Piranha, Doesn't matter, cause she deserves it!
  24. oh, you two are such an 'old married couple', lol
  25. lol, close enough! and i'll be out of town that weekend, so now I won't need to worry about forgetting!
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