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Everything posted by nx9100

  1. give me a bit. work's busy today, i can get on here for quick replies, but want to take a bit to re-read what's been happening....
  2. hey @! @ and I were talking about our OC's crossing between this and our other RP. Shouldn't affect the story here at all. That kool with you?
  3. that could work.... i was going to run with the idea that they're happening at the same time....
  4. I love it! Just came up with a way to link them, since Random Action over there needs to send a message to Ennex. Since that RP is happening in Canterlot, let's keep this one here in Manehatten for now.
  5. Poor Random was getting overwhelmed by everything going on. "Uh, castle. Sure," he agreed, trying to stick close to Hidden Heart. "I guess I can miss another festival." Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. "Wait! Before we go, I need to get a message off to my brother! He'll know what to do about all of this!"
  6. So, I finally finished my latest episode of 'The Pony Cars', featuring a certain Great and Powerful Unicorn that we all love, lol.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6-SuRtAhN0
  7. sorry, forgot to add a link. The music is a remix from SquareHead, but the cars I made myself in Forza 4.
  8. Hello all! I've finished my latest Pony Cars video, and wanted to share it with you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6-SuRtAhN0 Also, I'm open to ideas/suggestions for additional videos. I have two planned right now: -Vinyl and Octavia combo feature -Cadence and Shining Armor (with Twilight and Flash Sentry cameos) If you have any other suggestions, please let me know! (only one catch, I can only show up to 2 cars on screen together at a time, so bit of a limitation there...)
  9. Random watched as Hidden and her siblings went right into guard-mode, pushing back the crowd. "Un, my name is Random Action, and I'm not sure what happened..." He glanced at Hidden Heart. "She pushed me out of the way before some dart-thing would have hit me. Then the whole place just exploded!" He punctuated by waving his front legs around.
  10. i am going to keep Caliber alive, just in case @ wants to come back.
  11. I too am waiting for @@Stellar to reply. Unless something happens which let's me move past it....
  12. Having finished going through the office's records, Sakuya turned back to Caliber. "For now, I have to get things organized. I want to use this warehouse as a base, and need to make sure I've got everything I need." The door opened, and a group of Earth-pony mares wandered in. "Miss," the first one said, "we were sent to meet you here." "Good, let's get this place organized." She pointed to the stacks of crates around the warehouse. "Start going through everything and let me know what you find." As the mares got to work, she grinned at Caliber. "My personal workforce. Hope you like them, hehe..."
  13. Random looked up. "Hidden Heart?" he asked, not seeing her anywhere around him. "Oh wait, she said something about talking to my mind." He glanced around again. "Ok, let's see if I can do this..." Hidden Heart? he thought, I heard you, I guess. Still waiting where you told me to wait, but it's getting a bit crowded around here. He watched as other ponies scrambled around the debris...
  14. I'm glad you like it! Since they are both Pegasus ponies, I wanted it to look like flying through the sky together.
  15. hang on... those aren't finished pics, just test shots. I literally just finished the car a minute ago. give me a moment to get the finished pics.... For @@SparklingSwirls OC Sparkling Swirls and her friend Spark Wolf: 2011 Toyota Prius
  16. my bad, totally forgot to reply, lol. yeah, she's good!
  17. @, already changed and on my list! That cutie mark should prove interesting....
  18. Random was picking his way through the debris, still struggling with a mental choice. Hidden Heart had told him to wait here while she went to get help. But he also knew that he should find a way to send a message to his brother about the attack. Not sure what to do, just just wandered around the debris....
  19. Sorry about the delay. I'll change your request! @@SparklingSwirls, here's the first test shots of your combo. Theme I was trying was to have a pair of intertwining streaks for each character, with clouds in the background, as if flying through the sky. Still working on the 2nd cutie mark, and let me know if you would like any changes! --------------------------------- @@JacelynUSB, test shot for Jam Sod's RS3. Let me know what you think!
  20. naw, it ok. blow 'em! nothing beats home-made anyway!
  21. for the sake of the RP, I will allow this. It pains me to see such places lost, but I'll take one for the team.... Father is Italian, and was raised on his homemade sauce and gnocchi pasta. *sigh*
  22. @@Stellar,@@Unicorncob, Ravage reacted almost the moment he saw the green glow. In the blink of an eye, he had moved from his spot in the shadows to a position between the newcomer and his master. Keeping a wide stance, head held down ready to charge, he braced himself... "Hold." The order wasn't loud, but still forceful. He glanced back at his master, who was still watching the events above them. "Greetings, Miss Nightmare," he said, his eyes not even glancing back at her or Ravage, "What can I do for you?" ---------------- @@P-Jay, While Caliber busied himself with his sword, Sakuya was going through the shipping records in the small office. "Soon," she replied to him, "very soon. And I promise, this pony will be a real challenge for you." Pausing her search, she looked up at him, a bit of fire in those purple eyes. "So enjoy all the 'warm-ups' you can get..."
  23. hey, fully understand! look what happened to me over the weekend, lol. and of course work's been busy today too....
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