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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by nx9100

  1. Ravage eyed the two newcomers. The Pegasus stallion who had flown down to block him from his prey, and a mare who appeared from out of the building, also bent on obstructing him. I must seize control of this NOW, he thought. "Stay out of this," he ordered, his heavy (Russian) accented voice full of authority. "It does not concern you, nor are either of you my targets." Holding himself up to his full height, his bright red eyes glared at them. "I give one chance to leave now, and not interfere in my business." His two goons stepped forward. "Decide, now."
  2. (OOC Thread) Equestria, the land of Friendship and Harmony. Bathed in the light of Princess Celestia, the ponies that call it home enjoy a peaceful, carefree lifestyle. At least, most of them... But where there is Light, there is also Shadow. And those that dwell there live a different life, one that is a struggle for survival. Instead of Friendship and Harmony, they seek Power and Wealth. This is the side of Equestria the Princesses don't want the public to know about. The side they themselves have come to fear. The Shadows of Equestria.... --------------------------------- Ravage stood in the darkness of the alley, waiting for his prey to arrive. For two days he had tracked the unicorn mare, confirming his guess that she lived alone. His master's orders said that only ponies with no family or close friends could be taken. Otherwise, somepony would wonder where they were and questions would be asked. He didn't mind, as it gave him a challenge. Stalking his helpless prey kept his skills sharp, and he relished the hunt. But deep down, he wished for a real challenge, somepony who would push his skills to the limit of their ability... A sound caught his attention, as the mare entered the alley. Careful observation told him that she came this way each evening, using the alley as a shortcut to her Manehattan apartment building. He waiting until she nearly passed him, before stepping out of the shadows to cut her off. The mare froze, a sudden feeling of dread on her face. It was a sight he was familiar with, one that his all-black body suit usually caused on others. Intimidation, after all, was a powerful tool. He nodded, and two Earth pony stallions appeared from their hiding spots behind her to cut off escape. All to easy, he thought to himself....
  3. lol, Applejack just got trolled!
  4. Hi! Welcome to the Rainbow Dash Fan Club!
  5. Answer: Rainbow Dash is too Kool for the Wonderbolts!!!!
  6. "Rainbow Dash's tortoise slippers still give me a good laugh. What are the odds she has a whole tortoise themed kitchen or bathroom set as well?" from DeviantArt user BobTheDalek.
  7. I believe I speak for all of us when I say, "Goodbye and good luck with everything!" Personally, I never thought you were a deterrent, but more like the heart of this club. And I know if you ever made the choice to return, you'd be welcomed back with open arms!
  8. nx9100

    Random Action

    A Family Portrait; Random Action and Ennex Image created by SFyr -------------------------------
  9. i know it's been posted before... couldn't help it, lol
  10. no $! i do them for free. just need a pic of your oc (cutie mark to helps) and which car you would like (full list on front page)
  11. wait, that pic is of the 2011 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento.... did you mean this car? This is the SSC, 2010 Ultimate Aero...
  12. does Angelbaby have a preference? wow....
  13. @, Hey Z&AB! I'm updating the cars I made if Forza for the Mane Six, but stuck on what to make Rainbow's. Do either you or her have a favorite car?
  14. Nope! completely free! -------- The Cyclone is available, and I'll add you to the list! -------- Attention Everypony! I know I've fallen behind in finishing these requests. Life's been a bit rough the past two weeks.... But I promise I will finish every single one of them! I'm going to be updated the front page of this shop. Plus, a new video which will feature some of the cars I've made so far. so stay tuned!
  15. every played any of the Forza Motorsport games on xBox? sorry, been on it non stop the past few days....
  16. Trolled around google images again....
  17. I added an 'Order List' on the Front Page. working on four right now. you're next after one of them is finished.
  18. Happy Pink Pony Day! From: TR Motorsports So, while I didn't have time to put these together in a video (was going to use a remix of her 'Smile' song), I still made a few Pinkie Pie themed cars! Check them out below! First, an everyday driver to get around Ponyville... 2011 VW Fox Second, a bit more speed to keep up with Rainbow Dash! 1998 AMG Mercedes CLK GTR And finally, to haul around all those party supplies... 1983 GMC Vandura G-1500 Check the license plates for some humor, lol.
  19. That's a good question. I put the spoiler on for two reasons. First, I thought it balanced the look of the car, and gave it a more aggressive appearance. Two, in the game the spoilers really make a difference, and help control the cars. The '69 Charger is a bit of a handful when upgraded/modified, and it helped me control the car around the Indy GP track (it's packing around 750-ish HP). That's right, I test drive each car I make!
  20. @@Orion Caelum, I haven't forgotten you! That cutie mark is a doozie! Still working on it! For @: 1969 Dodge Charger R/T
  21. This better? for @'s OC Scarlett Fidelity: 2005 Vauxhall Monaro VXR
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