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Status Replies posted by MozillaToast

  1. *Day dreams about being a Changeling* Whut? xD

  2. I need serious help. I'm trapped in my bathroom because the little bit of metal that goes between the door and wall is jammed between them both, what can I do to get out???

  3. I need serious help. I'm trapped in my bathroom because the little bit of metal that goes between the door and wall is jammed between them both, what can I do to get out???

  4. I need serious help. I'm trapped in my bathroom because the little bit of metal that goes between the door and wall is jammed between them both, what can I do to get out???

  5. I am staying off School tomorrow to babysit my two little sisters because my Mom is going to her Uncle's funeral, I never met the guy which feels weird for him to be gone and yet, I never met him but still feel I lost someone.

  6. I am staying off School tomorrow to babysit my two little sisters because my Mom is going to her Uncle's funeral, I never met the guy which feels weird for him to be gone and yet, I never met him but still feel I lost someone.

  7. I wonder if their is a Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Equestria, likely not...If there is then I must make an OC based on it, and if there isn't then I may still make an OC based on assassins xD

  8. Doctor FIST is going to make my heart explode he makes me so angry...

  9. Doctor FIST is going to make my heart explode he makes me so angry...

  10. Doctor FIST is going to make my heart explode he makes me so angry...

  11. Doctor FIST is going to make my heart explode he makes me so angry...

  12. Alienware has officially failed me in its entirety.

  13. Alienware has officially failed me in its entirety.

  14. Alienware has officially failed me in its entirety.

  15. Alienware has officially failed me in its entirety.

  16. Sylveon's the best pokemon

  17. Good night everybody ;D

  18. Right, according to Cleverbot, I am 'The Dark Lord Voldemort' -.-

  19. Right, according to Cleverbot, I am 'The Dark Lord Voldemort' -.-

  20. Right, according to Cleverbot, I am 'The Dark Lord Voldemort' -.-

  21. Right, according to Cleverbot, I am 'The Dark Lord Voldemort' -.-

  22. Right, according to Cleverbot, I am 'The Dark Lord Voldemort' -.-

  23. I really want to ride a moose.

  24. I really want to ride a moose.

  25. I really want to ride a moose.

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