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Status Replies posted by MozillaToast

  1. *sees other people with Birthday* *lacks being special* XD

  2. Ok, so apparently I need to clear this up, I am Tempest Shift. Ok? I changed my name and pic because I was incredibly bored of my old one. Sorry for any mixups and STOP MESSAGING ME ABOUT IT.

  3. Happy birthday, Tempest! :)

  4. Happy Birthday :D :D :D *Hugs* :D :D :D I hope you have a wonderful day :D :D :D

    1. MozillaToast


      Ill try, thanks


  5. Happy birthdayyyyyyyy =))==)=)=)=) YAYAYAAYAYYAYYYYYYYYYYY =)=)=)=)=)=)=)

  6. That moment when Pandora skips a really good song without you pressing the button.

  7. how was everyone's fourth of July?

    1. MozillaToast


      It was until a thunderstorm occured out've the blue

    2. (See 56 other replies to this status update)

  8. how was everyone's fourth of July?

    1. MozillaToast


      It was a 7/10 day. We went to a resturant, then watched jurrasic world at the cinema

    2. (See 56 other replies to this status update)

  9. how was everyone's fourth of July?

    1. MozillaToast


      Well it was my dad's bday so i spent it with my dad

    2. (See 56 other replies to this status update)

  10. Anyone got some upbeat rock/metal music? I need something with a happy beat to it and has some power behind it. So no mainstream 'music'.

  11. Now I remember why I stopped playing halo. -.-

    1. MozillaToast


      Halo has friendly fire on, so people friendly fire if they don't get what they want.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Now I remember why I stopped playing halo. -.-

    1. MozillaToast


      I got into a vehicle and a teamate blew me up for no reason immidiatly after.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. i ate too much icecream my tummy feels odd

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