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Rosemary Comet

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Status Replies posted by Rosemary Comet

  1. Happy birthday!

    1. Rosemary Comet

      Rosemary Comet

      Thank you! Sorry I'm a little late on it, but thanks!

  2. Love the look of the new Music app for the new iOS!

  3. I've started to take a lot of these darn afternoon naps...

  4. I've started to take a lot of these darn afternoon naps...

  5. I think I've finished my schoolwork =)

    1. Rosemary Comet

      Rosemary Comet

      Great job! Now take some time to relax. You deserve it!! :):)

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  6. Predictions for any appearances in episode 100?

  7. I did it mom! 50 brohoofs... bout time...

  8. I don't know how you see it, but i like my new Avatar. This was 15 bucks well spend. :)

  9. Yay I only have 5 classes today .o.

  10. my inactivity may peak soon

    1. Rosemary Comet

      Rosemary Comet

      Come back for a visit every once in a while. We will all miss you. *gives flowers and cookies and huggles*

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  11. Jesus, look at all those bronies that came out of there holes, after the season started.

  12. Think they could have done a better job with starlight.

    1. Rosemary Comet

      Rosemary Comet

      Someone will be filming it from their house and putting it online at some point


    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  13. Think they could have done a better job with starlight.

  14. Best premiere of the series. Hands down.

  15. 329 Days since the S4 finale. 329 Days without any new ponies. 329 Days of hiatus comes to an end today.

  16. Just one more day guys.
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