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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. I guess I'm a moderate. *shrug*


    I am a pretty chill guy. I read some of the comics, might fav some of the art on DA, I like a lot of the brony animations and music on Youtube. I only have a Doctor Whooves figure, but I would love to own more. Really, I feel like I can hang with just about anypony.


    Sure, sometimes I dress like a hipster in real life. I like the fedoras (the real ones, not the short brimmed trilby's you can get anywhere), but I try to wear those more with suits than with casual clothes. I take a very active in my appearance, that doesn't mean I'm stuck up or think I'm better than others. I'd never willingly ruin anyone's buzz.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. You had me at anime, but you made me fall in love when you mentioned Sonic X. It's so awesome that people hold that in high regards. I was afraid no one cared. :wub:


    If we take on the assumption that Hasbro would allow this, I'd be skeptical.  While I love anime and believe that a good MLP anime is POSSIBLE, it could also be one of the worst things to happen to the pony franchise, almost as bad as G3.  Take a look at Power Puff Girls and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Both were great shows, and both had terrible anime versions made.  MLP would most likely fall under the same category, but it might work out okay.


    You know, even though I am a Sonic fan, I was ready to throw Sonic X into that mix. It's only at it's best when it is doing game adaptions or season finales, otherwise it can be quite boring. But honestly, it's not the show's fault for ANY of these properties! They were just unfortunately made by people who don't have a passion for the property. The makers of FiM clearly do, and if the same passion can be found in Japan no matter how different it might be, I'd welcome an anime any day. :squee:

    • Brohoof 1
  3. She used general fashion terminology that even I know after watching a few episodes of Project Runway...just saying, man. :confused:


    Rarity's shock was probably not at the amount of knowledge Fluttershy had but just the sheer fact she possessed an understanding of fashion despite showing no interest in it. Not gonna get off-topic much further, but...yeahh. Huge stretch :confused:



    As for your question, it's obvious - to be the master race.


    But nahh. I dislike the notion that each race has a "task" they're supposed to do. Maybe back in the olden days, around the timeline of the story told in "Hearth's Warming Eve," but Equestrian society has likely advanced far past that, and that means that mindsets likely have as well - meaning a looser classification based on race.


    Like, even though only Pegasi are allowed to be in the Wonderbolts, the reason is obvious - because they're the only ones who fly. That's all I can think of that discriminates on race within the show. It's not impossible for a unicorn to plow the fields or an Earth Pony to make a living in Canterlot, because I'd like to think that the civilization only discriminates on race when needed as opposed to specifically assigning duties and lifestyles based on whether they have a horn, whether they have wings, or if they don't have either of those.


    Just my two cents.



    Really? Because I didn't know anything about fashion until I saw that episode. Was the first time I'd ever heard the words "haute couture". :wau:  Could have fooled me.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. ...Do ponies NEED a reason to exist or a purpose to exist? Isn't their existence alone worth celebrating? I am extremely happy that all my friends were born and I cherish their existence. I hope they feel the same about me. And as far as the show goes, having a cutie mark doesn't define the pony, it just says what they are best at. Fluttershy has an eye for fashion just as much as Rarity, but she loves taking care of animals more.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Sorry things didn't work out with your ex, but it's really most admirable that you're dedicating to being there for your daughter no matter what! You're living half the dream I wish to accomplish some day! A warm welcome to the herd, good friend. B)

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Cast away your loneliness, new comer! For I shall be one of your new friends. Don't hesitate to reach out ANY time! I've been in your shoes, and I think we both came to the right place. :yay:

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Never really understood this, and I couldn't find a topic about it... Has there been any mention of the exact age of our favorite pony characters?


    I know Fluttershy is older than Pinkie Pie, and Celestia's been around at least 1000 years. But that's very broad and doesn't really answer anything.

    And other clues throw me off as well. In Equestria Girls, Twilight is a teenager. A soon to be high school graduate at best. I know why they went that direction, but I think college student would have been more fitting. But in the show, they make it seem like the ponies are all ready adults. Celestia even said "You've grown up" to Twilight in her ballad.

    In fact, it looks like most of the mane 6 live on their own with their own places. Twilight, Fluttershy, possibly Rainbow Dash...
    Does Pinkie Pie live with the Cakes? I don't think they're related.

    I know we've seen Rarity's parents, but it's a rare occurrence. Does she actually live with them or were they visiting her?

    And I don't think AJ counts because she probably wants to inherit Apple Acres some day. She's all ready right where she wants to be.



  8. I find it adorable that people are citing the royal wedding episodes as proof that love is greater than friendship. :wub:


    Now don't get me wrong, I'm fine with those episodes, and I've accepted Cadence and Shining as perfectly fine canon characters. However, you have to understand... Those episodes are practically the equivalent of a Disney movie; like The Little Mermaid or something. We never see Cadence and Shining communicating or acting like a real couple. True love is a great idea, but it's not all rainbows and sunshine. Everything doesn't always just fall into place with ease. Oh, you might run into a few rough patches or some hard times, but they won't be in the form of a super villain. You'll just have moments where you and your special "somepony" don't always agree or see eye to eye. You see, TRUE LOVE is about sacrifice, patience, and dedication. And in a romantic relationship, trust me, these things will be put to the test.


    Friendship, especially true friendship, might also test these things sometimes. But it will get tested in a different capacity.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Hmm... New headcannon:


    Like sister, like brother! Shining may officially be entitled to be a prince now, but that doesn't mean he wants to be spoiled by the royal life style. He still loves being captain of the guard and hanging out with the other guards he has befriended. If it is deemed necessary, he'll act on his title and powers as prince. But until then, he doesn't want ponies looking at him any different than before.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. If it was WWII themed, I feel I'd be on the losing end of it. I'd rather make something a little more generic so that everyone can win or have a part. I don't mind creating a few "enemies" or rivals for the sake of the RP.


    Does anyone else care to double up as enemy characters? Diamond dogs, apparitions, and other things are perfectly acceptable. I might include snow leopards. If not, I don't mind being in charge of that. I feel like I'll have to have majority control, but I don't want that to impede anyone else's roll or creativity.


    I really don't know what else to suggest. I guess the RP would be more like a narrative. That's what I'm use to. I was thinking of having it set sometime after Starswirl but before the Mane 6. Creates more possibilities for villains, especially minor threats that Celestia shouldn't be bothered with too much.

  11. Yes, I still buy CD's. I want to support the people and things I like, which you cannot do through illegal downloads. That method should only be used as a last or temporary resort.


    Of course, after I buy the CDs, I make my own MP3 copy for my own personal use. I've sort of been influenced by the audiophiles. I'm not one myself, but they do make a point about pure, uncompressed, unaltered sound. So if I need a more lossless recording, I'll always have the CD to work with.


    DVDs? Sure, but I only buy the movies I absolutely love the most. Cream of the crop, as they say. I recently got a BluRay player, so I am open to those too. Really, any DVD & BluRay packs I can find are my friend. Helps me share with friends who might not have BluRay just yet.

  12. Okay, so I am very new to this message board and I am still trying to figure things out. I understand this is where we plan things before we actually do any roleplaying, so I guess I'll ask my question...


    Is anyone interested in a roleplay involving war horses and asian-inspired ponies like mine? There can be some super hero elements involved too, as long as it's not way over the top exaggerated like in the Power Ponies episode.

    If you are interested, how would it work out? I don't understand the different kinds of role plays here. I'm taking suggestions of all kinds. Please help!


    For now, I'm just calling my OC's mane land "Japon", but if the makers of the show create an asian-themed place in Equestria, I'll probably go with that instead.

  13. Samurai Equine is a war horse, and war horses have no place on a relatively peaceful show about friendship and the day-to-day slices of pony life. :(


    Okay, actually, Equestria isn't THAT peaceful, but even so... I fear my character would end up just being like those silent guard ponies in the background. Just standing around, doing some grunt work here and there, but never actually being utilized when there is danger around.

  14. Believe it or not, despite the *bad* singing, I'd say Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme. I may all ready have a cutie mark, but I feel like if I was younger, I'd have been part of a very similar team (unless it's mares only...). Still, I am sure Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom will remember all the fun times they had, even after they've found their marks. It'll be childhood memories they cherish forever. In their hearts, they'll always be Cutie Mark Crusaders! And that's a sentiment I like. Makes me want a neckerchief/ascot designed just like a CMC cape.


    And a close second would be Apples To The Core. I really feel it when AJ sings "We travel the road of generations, joined by a common bond..." Oh! Be still, spirit of my ancestors. I shall honor you as well, in due time. :yay:


    EDIT: Just realized something. Both my favorite songs from the show end in something being destroyed, the stage and the wagon. I guess it just isn't a party until something breaks!

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