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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. Short introduction, but that doesn't make you any less welcome. Thanks for joining and we hope you enjoy your stay! ^_^

  2. Welcome to the forum! Don't worry about any social problems you have. If you are making friends, then you're all right.
    And I like Sunset Shimmer too. Not so much because of her personality, but because I love her color scheme. ^_^

  3. Welcome to the forum! I am sure you will find plenty of people to help you out with your character, but if you still need it, I'm willing to help out any time. :D

  4. Isn't it great to be different? Isn't it wonderful to be exactly who you are?

    There is nothing wrong with being yourself, and if anyone says otherwise, they are wrong. Don't let the haters get you down. :D

    Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find plenty of people to be friends with and lots of fun to be had. B)

  5. Welcome aboard, Candy Bits! I like your name. :lol:  Also, thanks for calling us sweethearts. That was really sweet of you. :wub:


    You make plushies?! I would LOVE to see your work! :D Do you take commissions?

  6. Welcome to the forum! That's quite the introduction there. I really hope you are someone who just enjoys RPing and not a bot or random spam.

    If you are real, please disregard that last sentence and enjoy your stay. :)

  7. Samurai decides to stay below on the ground floor, keeping an eye on Chain until he gets his strength back. As the shadows envelope, Samurai once again leaps into action! As he fights and leaps around the room, he accidentally turns on a radio or something. With music playing, Samurai shrugs and begins to dance to it. Delighted by the sight, the shadow creatures begin to dance in unison with Samurai. It's really nice choreography! And when their guard is down, he uses his horn extending spell to stab and defeat them one at a time. "Magic Horn Extend!"


    In the hallway, Samurai kneels down as the shadows fly up from above and ambush him! "Woah! Woah! Woah! Here, hold this." He hands a nearby vase to one of the shadow creatures, confusing it long enough for Samurai to punch him in the face and make him vanish! Who knew Lucky owned a vase? Samurai bucks a few others into nothingness before moving on to the next room.


    In one of the back rooms of the house, Samurai keeps fighting off the shadow creatures until he accidentally crashes into a closet. Coming out of it, Samurai is now covered in a dark sheet. The shadows get close, then stop, thinking that Samurai is actually one of them. Using this opportunity, Samurai points, pretending to be a shadow creature that knows where their opponent went. As soon as they fly away, Samurai takes off the sheet, grabs a nearby rope, and lassos the shadows together! "Now burn! Flaming Horn!" Summoning his magic, Samurai uses his fire powers to burn away the shadows he lassoed together.


    It goes on like this for hours. Samurai fights through the night to defend Lucky's home.

  8. OKAY EVERYPONY! I have a big announcement!


    Is anyone familiar with Moonstuck?

    I have decided to make an RP like that, minus the art work. There will be no sign ups. All are welcome to join. I'll set up scenarios and you get to vote what happens next. I might give some choices, I might leave it open ended. Majority vote decides what happens next.


    The RP will be all about exploring Japon, the homeland of my fan character. There will be missions, side quests, sight seeing, special events, some battles, and hopefully more. There might even be some major story arcs.

    These story arcs could include guest appearances from your OC, the mane 6 and other canon characters (if anyone is willing to RP as them), and more.


    If this interests anyone, just let me know. If you want volunteer your OC for a later story arc or volunteer to RP as a canon character or something else, just let me know!


    I hope this kind of roleplay is okay. I know it's not very traditional, but this is my first time leading an RP with an entire message board of people. I really want to get in some practice before I start something traditional.



    Thank you! I will keep your character submission in mind for a future role. :)

  9. I have nothing against Alicon Fan Characters. I feel like few bronies have them anyways, and even if they do, they aren't trying to make an over powered god-like character most of the time. They are just being themselves. :)


    My fan character will never be an actual alicorn, I'd prefer if he did have faults and quirks. The closest he'd ever get is if some mechanical wings were attached to his armor, but even then it'd only be used rarely or when absolutely necessary.

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