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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. I think I'll go with friendship, especially true, true friendship.


    If you have true blue friends, you're all ready as close as you can be. Think of the Mane 6. They are as close as can be, and even if they saw each other's darker sides or when they're not at their best (and they have before), they still wouldn't judge. They'd still be best friends, sticking together through thick and thin. With true friends like that, you can always be your true self no matter what, and there will always be acceptance.


    With love, it's just different. You put your heart on the line, you put so much at risk, and it might not work. I've had my heart broken quite a few times, even when I thought I had found "the one". And if it doesn't work out, good luck being friends. The only time that works out is if it wasn't true love, if the two of you were just dating for fun and not being completely serious about it.


    I may be a little jaded, but that doesn't mean I've given up on love. I still dream of one day finding that special "somepony" just for me. Getting married, settling down, having children, being there for them, making sure they have a better life than I did. But for now, I'm just a hard luck stallion...

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Hello and welcome! I'm also new here. :squee: Let's explore this place filled with so many wonders together!


    Actually, I would recommend starting from Season 1. I always say start at the beginning! But if that doesn't interest you enough, you might want to check out a few season finales.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Wow! So many nice comments... I've never felt so welcomed! ^_^


    Welcome! I'm also a member of the Sonic fan base (do you go on =SB=?). Nice character you have there! Hope to see you around. :D


    I know that place, but it's not one I frequent anymore. You might want to try Sonic Retro. That's my place. :)


    Hi, Samurai! Welcome to the forums.
    It's lovely to meet you :) My name is Samurott (similar names, eh?).

    I really like your OC. He is definitely unique, and that's good! :D
    Well, if you ever want to chat, ask a question, or want something drawn, ask me!


    Thank you! I will be sure to keep you in mind. And thanks for offering to draw stuff for me! That's never happened to me before.
    To everyone else, I am also on Skype, AIM, and Yahoo. I don't get on instant messengers a lot, but now that I am here, I might have to get on more often!


    Konnichiwa! ^u^ *bows* Welcome to the forum c: Hope you'll have a good time on here and make many friends ^u^


    Arigato, nakama! A wonderful greeting, and from an alicorn no less! I am not worthy~ :blush:


    Hello and welcome to MLPF! Your OC looks great! Why don't you submit it in EqE roleplay and see how it goes?


    Yes! I will! I all ready have some humble ideas for him. :wub:


    Welcome to the forums! I think you'll fit in quite well here considering the introduction! Don't be afraid to make some friends here, and have fun. :)


    Oh, and awesome OC by the way!


    Welcome to the forums, Samurai! I hope you enjoy your stay.

    Btw, your OC is very cool!


    That is some drawing skill my friends nice job


    You really think my drawing skills are good?! Shucks... I haven't had compliments like this in a while. I'm not that good, I am using an outdated art program. But it still means a lot to me that everyone appreciates my hard work.


    Brohooves all around! :lol:

    • Brohoof 4
  4. I want to say the cuts made to the Japanese dub of the show, but more importantly then that, I'd have to say the lack of popularity in Japan.


    Everything I've found on the net says that the Japanese responce to FiM has been lukewarm at best, and that makes me worried. Lack of popularity could prematurely end it's run on Japanese TV.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. To me, Rarity and AJ are both hard workers, but they focus that energy into other things. Rarity is passionate about dress making; when she gets in the groove of making them, she doesn't want to stop because it doesn't feels like work to her. If she liked doing farm work, I'm sure she'd be just as hard a worker as AJ, maybe a little less but still up there.


    What if they both had somewhat distant relatives who were also complete opposites? AJ is all ready related to fancy ponies, why not make Rarity related to somepony who fell in love with the country life?

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Maybe Apple Acres is actually part of a bigger country-style community?


    Seriously speaking for a moment, I actually live in a small town in Texas, and we are very similar to Ponyville. There are people who speak with southern accents, and there are people who speak with no accent at all. At most, it can be 50/50, though usually you'll find more people with no accent. I imagine it's pretty much the same way with many places in the south, so why not let Applejack and her family speak southern?

    • Brohoof 5
  7. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Google

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Season 1

    Inheriting the spirits of ancient, with loyalty sworn to the solar empire...

    Samurai Equine has arived!


    Hello everyone. How are you doing? I hope you are all doing well.

    I came here to this forum in the hopes of making friends. Something that I've been needing a lot more of lately. My life has been feeling pretty lonely and empty as of lately...


    Let me introduce myself properly!

    Call me Samurai Equine, and Samurai for short. ^_^

    If you dwell among the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom, the Tokusatsu fandom, or just spend time at TGWTG.com and/or Youtube.com, you might have seen me around under the username "Samurai Echidna."

    However, being as this is MLP, I thought I'd make a stallion fan character to better assimilate. I hope you like him!




    Hope you don't mind my amateur vectoring skills. I'm still a little rough around the edged. :please: Can you guess where I got his mane style from?

    Personally, I prefer when he has his armor on.




    I made all this by hand because I didn't want to just use the famous yet very limited Pony Creator. If I am going to do something, then it's worth putting effort into! B)


    Some things about the real me:

    I was born October 11.

    I am 29 years old.

    Blood type: O+.

    Other interests incude Japan, Tokusatsu, Sonic the Hedgehog, some anime, some movies, some TV shows, music, and lots more!


    I know it seems weird seeing a new member here after Season 4 finished, but I assure you all, I've been a brony since the beginning of Season 1. At a tokusatsu forum I go to, someone shared the first two episodes shortly after they aired on TV. I've secretly been in love since!

    I hesitated coming here because I don't want to be labeled or seem narrow minded. But I know that my fellow bronies have faced hate, persecution, and overall ill-treatment. And I just want everyone to know that wherever there is hate, you have a friend in me. :)  I will stand by your right to watch a TV show (whatever it may be), enjoy it to the fullest, and to be your honest and complete self. And that's what made me realise I was a brony. Not just the show or my personal love for it, but because of the fans and friends that I want to be a part of. Yes, I am a brony thanks to people like you. And to all the haters, I say that I am now part of the herd! And a herd knows how to stampeed.


    I believe that's all I have to say and I'll do my best to emerse myself in this forum. It looks a little overwhelming here, but I'll do my best! Japonies unite!



    • Brohoof 6
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