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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. Sort of? I love Tokusatsu, and Dai Kaiju movies/shows are in a similar vein. But as far as Godzilla, I'm more of a casual viewer, but I prefer if it is something made by the Japanese company that owns it or if the American production team at least collaborated with them throughout the entire project.

  2. Hmm... Name a few, name a few...


    • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • Doctor Who
    • Various anime
    • Tokusatsu (and Dai Kaiju to a lesser degree)
    • Samurai movies and Japanese period pieces
    • Lots of music

    And that's about all I can think of off the top of my head. :please:

  3. I'm awesome because I believe in myself! It's a little thing I call self-confidence. You should try it some time. :lol:


    *Get ready y'all! Inspirational speech mode has been activated!!!*


    I don't say this much online, but there is something I've been saying a lot of lately in real life:


    Live like a rock star. Live out loud.


    What does it mean to live out loud? What if you're NOT a rock star?

    Basically, the phrase means, do your best to live without regrets. Live life to the fullest every chance you get. There might be a lot of things in life that keep you from doing things, but don't let your own fears or doubts stop you from living life to the fullest. Don't stop yourself from being all that you can be. You wanna walk with stride and say Hello to every passing stranger you see? Then go for it! Wanna make some silly videos and put them on Youtube? Go ahead! Wanna travel the world and live it up for a while? Make it happen! Don't let the haters or anything get you down. Don't be a follower, be a leader. Carve out your own life style, and no matter how dumb or silly you might think it is, rock it out like it's the next greatest phenomenon that's going to take the world by storm!! B)


    As someone who use to be depressed and suicidal as a young teenager (grew out of it), I can gladly say it's never too late to start smiling, to believe in yourself, and realize that the future is always open and full of bright and wonderful possibilities just waiting for you to explore! If you think this world is over rated and there's nothing left to see or experience, trust me, you haven't seen anything yet. Living should be more than something you just do, it should be something you choose to do. And I think if you put your best foot forward, keep your head held high, and never stop believing in yourself no matter what, the world will be your friend. You'll be the trend setter, people will want to be your friend, and great things will come your way. So just own up to yourself and everything about you because, and I promise you this, the world has been waiting for you and it's glad you're finally here. ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Hmm... Wow. What a topic! Well, there is nothing wrong with having standards, but I always want to tread lightly in that area, and I encourage others to do the same. Wouldn't want to keep yourself from finding your potential true love just because you're married to an unrealistic set of standards that you can't find in most people.


    That being said...


    I have a total weakness for ladies who wear ruby red lipstick. Match that up with the right kind of eye shadow and complimenting make up, and oh... Forget about it! I'm weak in the knees just thinking about it! :lol:


    I also think Asian women, especially women of Japanese decent, are some of the most attractive women in the world.


    Outside of that, most importantly of all, I'm really attracted to women who are just well rounded and have a great personality. Outside of having about the same morals as me, I like women who have strong character traits. Women who can be spontaneous one minute, but don't mind the small and humble things in life. Women who can work up a sweat in the gym or play a friendly sports game, but can also put on a dress or something fancy for an evening out. A woman who puts some pride into how she looks and how she lives, but is never stuck up or thinks she is better than everyone else. A woman who can be selfless and really nice, but strong and independent where it counts.

    Yes, if I can find a woman like that, than this will trump all other criteria. Because I don't want race or physical attractiveness to stop me from dating someone. I may have some standards, but more than anything, I want to see and appreciate my girlfriend/possible wife for who she really is deep inside. And if she isn't a beautiful, wonderful soul, then I'm not interested. :)

  5. No need to put too much thought into this. Just use multiverse principle and call it a day. Of course, Transformers would need to have a more traditionally animated show, maybe something similar to how MLP is animated. And just to play it safe, they might have to use a series that is less dark and more family... friendly...


    ...Oh dear, now it feels like the only series most likely to do a crossover is Rescue Bots. *face hoof* Nevermind. This cross over idea might not be so easy to pull off after all.

  6. I also really think a Scootaloo-focused episode could be the best chance for a tear-jerking episode. Maybe we could see more into why she looks up to Rainbow Dash so much. I've seen a fan comic where earning her cutie mark was super tough for her, so that's one aspect to consider. Another would be that she'd have to come to terms with the fact that she is NOT Rainbow, she is Scootaloo, and she'll never be great at anything nor will she ever get anywhere in life if all she is doing is following after and imitating Rainbow Dash. Of course, I guess we could get a sad episode focused on all 3 of the CMC, even Applebloom could end up following a similar story to how Applejack got her cutie mark, but I think there is more potential with Scootaloo.


    Another idea I once had is where all the Mane 6 ponies are realizing their dreams at about the same time, and it is splitting them apart. Rainbow Dash has to move away to be part of the Wonderbolts, Rarity has finally made it big in one of the big cities, Fluttershy has been asked to be the caretaker of one of the biggest animal reserves in Equestria, Applejack is inheriting the Apple Farm, etc. It's one thing to say you'll be friends no matter how long and how far apart you are, but it's another thing to put it to the test. It'd be really deep to see an episode where they have to choose between their dreams and their friendships.


    That's my 2 bits, anyways. :proud:

  7. @@Samurai Equine


    Da da da daaaaaa


    Meet Spin Dizzy,  or spin,  or dizzy, or diz,  for short.  A bouncy, happy-go-lucky unicorn with a special talent for spinning things.   What a skill!! No matter what it is, Spin Dizzy can probably spin it.   Using this he has done the unthinkable.  spun pottery without a potters wheel.  The maddness.  Oh, and he also fashioned himself a jet pack that works under the idea of him spinnig the rotors with his magic.   Unfortunatly for him,   steering,   power,  etc,  are all in the experimental phase,  he'll probably figure it out, in time.   When not failing to fly,  he wears the wings anyway,  just because he likes them -and they weren't cheap to make, so he's gonna wear them darnet-   All that aside he's a handy pony to have around, and not a bad cook either. 


    Oh this will be rich. We'll be able to get a lot of good material out of this, especially humorous material.

  8. My ringtone is some Weird Al song. Apparently, everyone hates it.


    J/K! :lol: There is no Youtube link, but my current ringtone is the Faiz ringtone from the TV show Kamen Rider 555. I hope to modify a smartphone or flip phone into the Faiz Phone some day.



    Do do dun de dun dun do do dun de dun de dun dun.

    It's a catchy ringtone isn't it?


    ... I read that completely monotone, and I missed a few beats. Am I doing it right? :D

  9. Gifts that make you Gaga? But I don't wanna be Gaga! ...Okay, sure, I have a pretty good poker face, and I've been in a few bad romances, and I love to just dance... But I don't wanna wear a dress made out of meat! :o

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I just saw a buyer's guide for all the Blind Bag pony toys. There were are few ponies that were in metallic colors.

    Rarity was a metal gray/silver, Applejack was gold, and Pinkie Pie was a metallic pink.


    I'd support vacuum metalized pony figures. I think it could totally work! If not for kids, then why not exclusives for the serious collectors? :)

  11. I appreciate and understand where you're coming from with this, but if it's a matter of additional monitoring or administration, I think there must be a way to make to make it happen. I have come from other fandom message boards (Tokusatsu, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc) that also had a commerce section or allowed users to buy and sell items amongst each other. In all that time, there were 1 or 2 scammers, but the community was so big, we were able to lock it down and reveal the con artists really fast. I don't know the full process, but I know part of it was being alert, making sure the pics of the merch being sold was not ripped from some other location, etc. And I strongly believe this fandom is big enough to spot a scammer before it gets out of hand.


    However, if you're firm on this decision, I completely respect it. Thank you for entertaining my suggestion. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  12. How about a commerce section? It might be nice to have a place where bronies and pegasisters can buy, trade, share, and sell their pony merch.


    People who want to buy imported merchandise and users offering middleman services could meet in this section.


    Everyone could also share pictures of their collections and newly acquired swag.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I meant more.....would you want him next to someone who would fit the same time period his look is in.   (momoyama period just from looking at your ref,  but they can flux)  I'd say another samurai pony,  (more specifically late edo period),  But that's only if you want a pony that looks like they fit,  with Samurai Equine,  or one that contrasts him.


    For the sake of the RP, I'd rather have someone that contrast. However, if someone else is willing to play the part of a pony that compliments my fan character (could even be a ninja pony for all I care), then I'd be fine with that too. I can work with whatever.

  14. The time period doesn't matter to me. If Celestia can have armored guards in Twilight's time, then why not a modern-day samurai pony who chooses to occasionally wear armor? My character fits with any time line, and I keep it open for any situation. He doesn't wear the armor 24/7. He wears it only when needed, usually for battle. He can put it on and remove it super quick because he's just talented that way. :)

  15. In the end, it just depends on how dedicated the company is about giving us a quality product. It's a rare thing, but it should be encouraged every time.

    I follow lots of Japanese franchises, but most of them try their hardest to give a quality product or TV show. Why do you think Japanese producers/creators get upset at Abridgers? Because even if their show was a little silly, they really put in their time, quality, and honest efforts to make it. Also, parody is not as big in Japan as it is in other countries, but that's another story.

  16. So I'm actually a graduate student of naval history...especially focusing on Japan.  All of japans history mind you,   -but i really like the meji, taisho, early showa era.   After 45, I really don't care. BUT..point is.  I gots my big ol book of japanese armour,  and a boat load (Get it pun) of information.  There's a lot to work with here,  and he tickles me in a good way.


    You sure there's no rules you'd like me to follow by, 


    Bring on a challenge. Whatever you think fits best. It's actually nice to hear from someone who knows a little more about Japanese and Samurai history than the average person. I have taken a college course on Japanese history, and I've read a few books on my own when I was younger. I'm always learning things, but when I make a fictional character (like Samurai Equine), I try to incorporate as many things as I can while trying to make something unique at the the same time. He might end up being a grab bag mix of many different Japanese influences, but hopefully that means there is a lot to work with. :)

  17. Well in that case...


    There is my fan character. He is heroic and always defend the innocent from danger, but he's also really nice and like to be social. He can be a traveler who has left Japon for a while, if you want him to be. Would make an interesting foreigner-type character with lots of unique holidays and traditions, but no matter what, he is open to doing lots of things, having fun, and meeting new ponies or anyone at all. His armor is for battle purposes only, so he is happy to go all natural when he is just being social around town.

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