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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. So if i'm correct, this sums up as: it's okay for writers to not try their hardest because kids are too dumb to care about what they're watching. Because of this, you should never try to question or challenge the ideas in the show, or expect them to do better.


    ... :wau:


    Wow. That is NOT at all what I said.


    I never said it was okay for the creators to just phone it in. At most, I said it tends to come with the territory. If anything, I was trying to compliment the makers of MLP:FiM. If I ever said it wasn't a perfect show, if I ever said that it still has faults despite all the MANY things it does right, that's just because that's how things are. There's no such thing as a perfect anything. Perfection is not something that can be measured; it's only a matter of personal preference.

  2. "You know the story well. I'm sure you also know that all legends are based in fact, though they may not all be accurate," Snowstorm said. He drew the blade from his back but kept it in its sheath. "In my quest to achieve greatness, I met many warriors of legend. Oniwakamaru was very real. The stories may have embellished his strength, but frankly I don't care. Our duel was a short one. As soon as he saw the Banshee Shriek's true form, he backed down from the fight. If you could call it a fight, that is."



    @samurai equine


    Lorec bowed his head and accepted the peach with both hands. He smiled, and bit into it. The peach was quite sweet, and juicy as well. While Lorec perferred the meat of the creatures he hunted in the woods, it was always great to have a change.



    " thank you for the gift.... I will remember. Tell me... For what reason in life... Was it that you chose a life of steel and honor?"



    Lorec waited for a response, but was then somewhat distracted by snowstorm's comment. Without looking at snowstorm, he addressed him.


    @literally snails




    " hubris... Has often been a slayer of those with power."



    The announcer came back in. " alright everyone! Five minutes till the first showdown! Feel free to go grab your seats! Syuren will be coming in first, from the skies it appears. He's got it looking like its going to rain up there with all the clouds that he had pushed over to make his grand entrance. Agririon, this gives you a little extra time to plan yours! Good luck, and may the best pony win!"


    The announcer went back up to the arena.




    " Lorec, looks like it's time. Lets go watch. Maybe we can spot alrahm and vorrin."


    Lorec was somewhat displeased by the fact that he wouldn't get to hear samurai equine's answer.


    @Samurai equine

    Lorec looked at samurai equine, and bowed.

    Lorec: " if we cross blades during the tournement... Tell me why you fight then." Lorec said with a smile. As he made his way to the competitors' observation spot, he spied a fellow Minotaur, and looked into his eyes. ".... Kin..." He said, as he then followed suit behind kazas.


    This was an interesting event playing out between the two fellow competitors who could very well face either one of each other during this tournament. He really likes what Lorec has to say. "Such wise words deserve wise words in return... 'There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking.' - Lord Yamamoto, from his book the Hagakure. Oh! Where are my manners? You may call me Samurai Equine. It's best for ponies of my status to keep our real names hidden. And you two?" Samurai asks.


    They give him their names. (I am going to assume Snowstorm gave his name and also the name of the group since they were proud to declare it earlier. If not, let me know and I'll edit my response.)


    "Snowstorm? My, what a name. How fitting then that I should quote Yamamoto like that... I am surprised you managed to visit my country and leave with such ease. I sincerely hope we face each other in battle. I would love to put that Yokai title to the test. And Lorec, you'll come to know me better as well, in time. To you and your friends, take care." These are Samurai's final parting words before he goes off to watch the first match.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I'm going to play devil's advocate and say Pinkie Pie.


    I remember an episode of EEnE where Eddy was on a quest to know everything and ended up unraveling the laws of reality. It was pretty much as far as 4th Wall Breaking can go in a cartoon. However, when reality was put back to normal, Ed couldn't tap into the wonders of that broken reality anymore. He attempted to pick up a cartoon hole and ended up picking an entire man hole pipe. Ed can break the 4th wall, but he is clearly not a master of these abilities. It tends to happen more when he isn't thinking about it.


    Pinkie is not a blithering idiot. Even if she breaks the 4th wall out of instinct more so than purposely, she could still crush Ed in an intelligence test any day. I am also reminded of when Pinkie made the Transformers noise in a certain movie. Talk about taking something from universe and bringing it into your own! Again, Ed had the chance to do something similar and just couldn't.


    To sum up, I'd say neither of these two are masters of breaking the 4th wall. However, if anyone is close enough to doing so on purpose whenever they want, it's Pinkie. :proud:

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Currently? 2. Samurai Equine (Flame Trotter) is my go-to fan character. I created another one based on a gift I once got on DeviantArt; Trilby Hatter. However, I have ideas for other kinds of ponies. Pegasus, Earth, and Crystal. Each with a unique visual motif. I'll just keep those to myself for now. :muffins:

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Sorry, but that is the "sad" truth. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a children's TV show. It is made for children, or more specifically, little girls. That is the target audience they are trying to entertain. That is the target demographic that they sell most of their toys and merchandise to.


    Yes, it's great that the show has attracted fans of all ages. If a show is well made and doesn't talk down to it's audience, it will do that many times over. But the people at Hasbro and DHX didn't make this show for us, they made it for little girls. They might be HAPPY that bronies and pegasisters are watching it and buying the merchandise, they might even throw some fanservice our way just to thank us for the support, but that will NEVER change who the intended audience for the show is.


    And when something is made for a certain audience, it will always have an effect on the quality of the show. Watch some critics on Youtube, read some of the analyzing comments here. You will find that there are times where the show cuts corners and lets its story quality drop. Why? Because it's a kids show. Most kids won't care as much as the rest of us will, and the creators of the show know this. Even if we are analyzing and critiquing in the name of good fun, there is still the risk of over-analyzing and over-thinking the subject matter. Sometimes there just isn't a reasonable answer about every little detail, and there might never be a real answer from the show's staff or anyone. Better to just let it go than get worked up over nothing.


    Trust me, I've gotten caught in the same trap. Sometimes, the canon and in-show details don't always see eye to eye, sometimes there are major plot holes. When we have no answer for them, all we can do is look at real life situations to fill in the blanks. And even when MLP:FIM is at it's worse, we have to remember that the show, the comics, ALL of it was made by people. Regular humans like you and me. And nobody's perfect. :)

  6. If I truly cannot incorporate some kind of balance, then of course I'd rather be the Mighty Glacier. The trick of course is to over come the weight of the heavy armor through severe training. If you can manage to be faster than other heavy armored warriors, then your speed with the armor removed will also be greatly improved, at least enough to make you a worthy challenger for the Fragile Speedsters.


    There is a reason I admire the Furinkazan, after all. :smug:

  7. Samurai Equine continues to tell the tail, but as he does so, he notices Lorec taking the most interest without saying anything. Samurai even pauses for a quick moment just to look back at him. It's like they have an understanding, maybe a respectable one. But Samurai carries on with his story before it rouses any suspicion. "...And thus, having become a hero, he returns home with his riches to the mare and stallion who raised him. Graced by Momotaro's generosity, they were no longer poor, and they lived the rest of their days in a happier bliss than they've ever known. Now, in that spirit, I wish to share with all of you my great wealth. It is not much, but I hope the refreshing flavor doubles your warrior spirits--?"


    Samurai was just finishing his story and cutting up plenty of fresh peaches with his magic, sharing it with the registered competitors who cared to listen to the story, when he is suddenly approached by Snowstorm. "I see. You're an anxious one. Hmm... Benkei, Benkei... Perhaps you mean the story of Oniwakamaru, the demon samurai who slayed 999 warriors, and yet hundreds more. Can you imagine what he must have gone through to obtain such strength? When I came here from Japon, I fought many battles and many more still just to make it here. It's not often a samurai from Japon is called to leave his homeland. In that sense, maybe he and I aren't so different..." As Samurai completes his answer, he looks at Snowstorm with interest as well.


    Finally, after all the 'socializing' in the locker room, a match is set underway. Samurai makes his way to the seating area just for competitors. No one sees how, but he somehow manages to move his oriental decor with him.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I've seen the first one, and it didn't say anything about 9/11 being connected in any way, shape or form.


    You might want to watch again, because I'm pretty sure I saw it in there. Might have been closer to the end, when the documentary was wrapping up, but I'm pretty sure it was in there. I'll even watch it again just to be sure, even though I don't have the ability to record that one little bit and put it up somewhere like Youtube. And even if I was able to do that, I wouldn't. I don't want to risk getting into any legal troubles.


    The scenes in the documentaries are small and easily missed, so I don't blame anyone for not remembering it, but it was there.

  9. Zecora struck gold from speaking in rhyme.

    Because talking like this is simply sublime! :lol:

    Too bad we can't do this in our normal day-to-day.

    Everyone we know would simply back away.

    They'd treat us a strange, ask if it's a joke,

    Or if we need help, the misguided folk.

    But it's not their fault, rhyming's hardly the norm.

    Still, I wish we we could take society's standards and reform. :pout:

    • Brohoof 1
  10. My past self would be freaking out in all kinds of ways, and unless I wanted to create a temporal paradox, I'd have to show my past self the show itself just so he wouldn't do something drastic. Hmm... And yet, showing him an episode or two would create a paradox anyways... WAIT! Wouldn't the two of us occupying the same space and time be a paradox to begin with?! :wau:



  11. Ahh, good ol fashioned assuming.


    There's the problem right there. No one ever said it. And even if you want to imply it, the correlation is a stretch.


    I'm not really assuming anything, I'm giving my own commentary on it. It just seems like a really odd thing to put into documentaries about this fandom. If an outsider watches them and catches the 9/11 comments, they might get the wrong idea.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I just want to emphasize, the documentaries did NOT specifically say "the fandom is a direct response to 9/11". However, they felt it important to mention that we live in a post-9/11 world, that we need a safe haven from all the violence and drama in our lives, etc. So yeah, they pretty much implied it. Why even mention it at all? That's my point.

  13. I basically learned about the fandom and saw the first two episodes at the exact same time. When the series premiered, someone at another message board shared Youtube links to the first 2 episodes while mentioning something about bronies. I gave the show a shot, expecting it to be the dumbest thing ever, and now look at me.

  14. Can you post a link?

    I need to read these myself.


    They a video documentaries, not written. Believe it or not, it was in "Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Fans of My Little Pony" and "A Brony Tale". They aren't on Youtube or anything, so you'll have to buy a copy or find an illegal way to watch.

  15. I've seen 2 different documents about Bronies, and both of them have mentioned 9/11, implying that our fandom is a response to it as well as all the violence and hard times in our generation, and I found that EXTREMELY odd. If people outside the fandom are meant to see these documentaries, why run the risk of generalizing the fandom like that?


    Does anyone feel this way? Does anyone consider themselves a brony or pegasister because of 9/11 or something similar?


    I'm a brony because I like the show and I support the fandom. That's all. 9/11 was practically a distant memory when I saw the premiere of the 1st season (no offense to survivors and people related to survivors of 9/11).

    • Brohoof 9
  16. Finally, a topic suited for me! I do not like playing favorites on just about anything. I've been telling everyone who knows me for years that it's easier to ask me about things I DON'T like rather than things that are my favorite.


    Country. At least, the majority of it. I hate to say that even my older age, I am finding SOME exceptions. A small few at best.


    Religious. If it's religious in any way, Gospel, Christian Rock, Christian Pop, Church Hymns, or even religious music that isn't based in Christianity, I don't like it. I'll bear it on a Sunday, because I actually am a Christian, but that's it. After Sunday, I don't wanna hear about it.


    And last of all, and I know this kind of cheating, but... Noise. If you have a piece of "music" and it's NOT melodic in any way, if it feels like I'm just drowning in noise, then I'm not going to like it all.


    I think that basically covers it. :)

  17. Trilby finally arrives late. "Hey, every pony! I'm here and ready for..." Trilby stops when he sees everyone is all ready here, waiting on him. "Hehe.. What did I miss?" Tril asks nervously.


    Samurai shakes his head. "We all ready have a plan of action. You, Thunder Shred, and Encore are on scout duty. Got it?" Samurai says. "Scout duty?! What a waste of my abilities..." Trilby huffs, then sees Jazz Sonata. "Oh! Hello~" He moves up to her, grabbing a rose seemingly out of nowhere and offers it to her. "Hi there. The name's Trilby Hatter. How about you and I make our own team?" Yep, Trilby is a flirt.

  18. Hmm... I might have some game music for you. Nothing vocal, just good ambiance.




    Also, not sure if you like Japanese music or not, but this one is really good. It's called "Bloody Friday Nightmare".



    I might have more somewhere...

  19. Oh, wow! What an HONOR! But... Celestia is a Princess, and far too busy to go to dinner with a commoner like me, if she even knows who I am. Of all the people and ponies to ask, I'm just not worth her time. -_-


    Although... :wau: She might invite me to dinner, if she's really Princess Moles[Cease & Desist Order - Hasbro]


    But in all seriousness, I'd love to go out to eat with any of the ponies from the show! I don't really play favorites because I like all of them just about equally. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  20. Samurai Equine sits at the table with Gear and the others. "I'm ready to help in any way. According to Celestia, villains like Dissonance are a threat to all of Equestria, even my home land of Japon." About that time, Gear notices someone is missing. Samurai then face-hoofs. "He'll be here, he's just... being himself."


    Meanwhile, a distance a way, Trilby Hatter is trotting as fast as his hooves will take him. "Horse feathers! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" Trilby, though really worried, stops when he sees Bon Bon. He moves in, inspects her from head to hoof, then gets an idea. "Of course!" Happily, he pulls out a chef's hat with candy wrapper colors, puts it on her head, and moves on. "Another satisfied customer! Now to get to Gear before he..." Trilby stops dead in his tracks when he sees Derpy, then smirks. "Ooh, this one is going to be a challenge..." Trilby says, thinking of possible hats for her. Yep, he's going to be a little late getting there.

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