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Brony Pride

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Everything posted by Brony Pride

  1. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIT!!!!! You can't start a party without Rainbow! I will be back in 45 minutes to see if she takes control! Wish me luck!
  2. I wounder what non-bronies would say...well considering I was one ill do my best to simulate the hate. "Omg ur cazi y wuld u wanna b a poni?" Anti-Brony "Weirdos" "You make me sick" I know my friend would say "wtf" lol Buut I could care less what people think. (Although I am changing my wallpaper...I dont want rainbow dash blinking at me in class. I have an app that set a gif as my background)
  3. Lol. I dont think my freinds will notice though as I have sort of always acted like rainbow. However this is the only trait. I did think about wearing sunglasses while saying it too. Defiantly gunna keep rainbow
  4. Hey guys exciting news! I didnt think much of it at first but I have noticed I havr become more self centered.I noticed because I was thinking how I should greet myself at school if I was asked to share something about me. And immediately I thought "Im awesome" normally I dont say that unless im joking. But I was dead serious. I have only listen to the file once while awake. And 6 loops awhilr asleep. Howevet no physical effects yet.
  5. oh god xD "Uhhh teacher?" "What?" "I can't do my test because my hands have become hooves..." "..." But I don't have to worry cuz nothing ever happins on the first day of school anyways so I'm good. (Many ponies said they didn't hooflock unless they actually focused on it real hard. soooo
  6. hmm that is a possibility....well I mean school is tomorrow and I am not even close to my goal. I guess I will try everyday that I don't have homework. I will try a few times today and post the results
  7. Alright, I'm ready. I am gunna do the hypno file at least 5 times today (I can defiantly see my impatient Dash side coming out...can't tell if thats normal or hypno related...anywhoo here goes nothin!) Or at least once or twice. Will cramming a weeks worth of sessions in one day make it go faster? (Sweet Celestia, I really am impatient aren't I?) Damn I might not be able to my mom wants me to go to the grocery store...if I do it now I could be interrupted and I HATE being interrupted during a trance
  8. Just watched My Little Dashie......AHHHH THE FEELS!!! *crying*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rainbow_Blitz


      I saw the real life one :P

    3. Brony Pride
    4. KatieBelle


      I cried. I cried when I saw Snowdrop, too.


  9. I have just discovered the best thing in the world. Tara Strong voices the main character in Lollipop Chainsaw xD omg I laughed so hard when I checked the wiki. I only looked cuz I they were makin fun of it on

  10. Alright I gave in...Watching videos with the Mane 6 and blood is awesome! Its like Happy Tree Friends Meets MLP...Best 2 shows in existance..Better when combined...heh..heheheheheheh...*Uncontrollable Laughter* *Clears throat* Yes well....

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. BlitzBLT


      Plus a decent cell phone.

    3. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Yea but the computer im getting is $690 and its just as good as a $1,000 alienware computer

    4. BlitzBLT


      alienware is like 2k :o

  11. Let's see I have 3 choices...rewatch some MLP. Hypnosis, or thed Every Simpsons Marathon......choices choices choices...

    1. BlitzBLT
    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Lets see school starts tomorrow so if I hypnotize myself a dozen times today......I have about 12 hours....


      I could be RD before the day ends!

      And I'll still have time to watch some MLP

  12. Yeah i know I was gunna use the reset file. I know stuff....(most of the time)
  13. Thank you, DASHIE AND ME WILL BECOME ONE!!! I'm not Crazy I'm Sheldon Cooper...naw lol I'll give the dashie files a few good gos and if they dont work then I'll be Pinkie...Ohh man If I switch to one of them during school....heh I hope that doesnt happen
  14. Hmmm Every Simpsons Marathon or Rainbow Dash.....it sounds stupid when i say it like that....TO THE FILES!!!!
  15. Serveral Sessions you say *Smiles deviously* TO THE BAT CAVE!! Er-I mean to my room.., I WILL LISTEN TO DA FILE ALL NIGHT IF I HAVE TO!!!
  16. One other thing I must ask. Did everypony feel changes RIGHT away? I didn't unfortunately... It's not that its my damn dogs they bark so I think my friend is over and I go downstairs to find nothing
  17. No I meant if I stay awake all night...wouldn't be the first time though....I haven't done it in a few days though because I keep getting interrupted and let me tell you being interrupted during a trance is NOT fun.
  18. Why in celestia's name I'm I the only pony not being hypnotized? hmmmm I want to be hypnotized be fore school starts anypony think if I listen to it file after file all night that it would work? (I really want to try Pinkie...)
  19. cant wait to get back to the 414 area. I want to watch some more MLP before school starts....aldo im probably gunna change my wallpaper back I dont want anypony judging me. but I still totally want some merch in my room....TO THE STORE!! (I just have to make sure I tell the cashier its for my sister because for some reason bronies have not become the norm)

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      "It's for my... sister..."



    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      What its not that farfetched....

  20. sorry for my constant statua updates but I thought I should share this. before I saw Markiplier playing Five Nights At Freddys I was not scared of animatronics and thought I could never be scared of animatronics...GUESS WHAT BUCKING HAPPENED!?!?! I am afraid freddy is gunna stuff me in a suit now....no joke!!

    1. Hopes and Memes

      Hopes and Memes

      That litterally made my day xD

    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Glad I could make somepony smile!

      (Im suppose to be dashie not pinkie....what is goin on?)

      As funny as it sounds if I EVER go into a chucky cheeses I dont care what happens I WILL destroy the damn animatronics...THEY WILL BE THE FIRST THINGS TO KILL US WHEN THE ROBOTS TAKE OVER!!

      *grabs tinfoil hat*

      Im ready

  21. I thought I hated Smile HD....so why do I want to keep watching it?!?!? I DONT LIKE SEEING CRAZY FUCKING PINKIE SMASHING DASHIES GUTS OUT...yet seeing the mane 6 with blood....is cool? wtf is happening to me....haha...happy thoughts.....Better double time ln becoming 20% cooler before I lose my celestia damn mind....at least ive been better at replacing swears with buck and celestia...so thats good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      S' not funneh! Why does everything I see gotta end with mah Dashie dying D'X

      Also you should have seen my face when fluttershy was kicking the shit out of pinkie...priceless

    3. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Lets just say my mouth was open for so long my gum fell out.

    4. BlitzBLT
  22. Fuuuuuu since im roaming its downloading at 1kb/s I might as well wait till sunday when I get home
  23. This sucks my mom made me leave my computer home. So im gunna have to use my phone to download the files..im going to do a session later today when shes asleep
  24. It's pretty stupid, there's thousands of bronies already. a small group like that could not break the bonds this fandom has!
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