I agree with you this is most likely from listening to the file. But there is nothin' like talking to your fav pony (Notice me Senpai RD) I don't have experience (I'd like to) with this. But knowing what these files do to you, I will be more devote then ever to be 20% cooler
Yeah it is fuckin annoying everytime he says don't move I get itches everywhere and I'm like: "Again? WTF!??!?!" I'm serious every time he says that I get itches on my face, arms, everywhere. Either that or I kinda zone out during the hypnosis.
Sorry to put a damper but it may not work with just one session. I am taking an even higher dive everypony and am just going to loop the RD file...FOREVER!!
Lol no but I think I will listen to it for the rest of the day. Besides even if it doesn't work. The trance feels amazing!
Non-Bronies will never understand us. We may seem crazy but we can hypnotize ourselves to have wings so their argument is invalid.
Ah, Thanks. I am skeptical about hypnosis, but I was hoping to prove myself wrong. I will listen to the file every day in hopes it works. I WILL become Rainbow Dash......I'm not crazy my mother had me tested
My mom went to bed I tried the pony ears but I woke up too early....I need my earbuds for this to work properly
Nvm I can't get it to work. I'm taking the high dive and doing Rainbow Dash
I am probably not going to do a Rainbow Dash one, even tho I'd love to as I have fear of getting Hooflocked. I'll try the pony ears tomorrow so my mom doesn't see me and say: "Dafuq you doin'?"
I tried it didnt work..I'm trying the rainbow dash one. However I really think going into about 3 trances so far has deprived me of my energy. I even got about 12 hours of sleep. Although I did fall asleep at 12 A.M. so that could be it too.
I became a brony during june or july. I always thought that bronies were weirdos and perverts. So me and my friend always said we would rather die then be one. But one day I was curious. I turned on the show to see what it was like. I heard the words sharing and caring and I said nope and turned it off. Then I figured I didnt watch enough to see if I liked it so I turned it on and off for a few minutes not sure if I liked it. Then i thought about autotuning it so i could watch it later. I was worried I was a brony but I disnt think I was so I watched another episode. I thought it was pretty good. And before I knew it I had watched all 4 seasons on Netflix. And I have been a brony ever since.
Will be offline for the weekend. I am going up north where there is no wifi and since I have no more data on my phone I can't be on the forums D: see you guys sunday
Lol I never even knew this was possible. xD I can imagine it now, someone asking what I'm playing and I say FlappyPony xD they'd be all like whaaaaaaaat?
I would really like an episode with Derpy. Including how she got her cutie mark. I think I speak for everypony when I say an episode dedicated to background ponies would benefit Hasbro greatly.