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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Starlight Fan

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Status Updates posted by Starlight Fan

  1. Okay, I've tied up all the loose ends as best I could and edited out as many cringey posts as possible (gark, quoting system and the lack of a delete button!). After going back and forth about it for a while, I'm ready to leave the forums for realsies now.

    It's been a good run and I had some fun, I guess. Shoutout to the cool peeps at Last Poster Wins! If you really want to find me, hop over to deviantArt. You know where it is if you know me! 

    And just pretend I didn't say anything I said on here, a lot of it was made up anyways haha
    If there's ever a delete option, delete my posts, for privacy reasons and also to remove embarrassment from that time I pretended I was French... or from Japan... or from China... or that I was Stormgiggle... (okay that one was an April Fools prank) I'm a real mystery, huh! Just how I like it.

    Anyways, that is that! In a short while, I'll look back on this statement and think it's cringey and awkward too, but eh. I don't think anyone's going to really care enough to look at everything I ever did and judge me on it. And if you're planning on doing that because you read that, seriously. Don't.

    May you be blessed with the best memes,
    Starlight / Times / Prism / Sonata 

  2. *still hypnotised by that background, that banner and the amount of brohoofs you magically obtained in a month* I have reasons to believe that you're a wizard.

    1. Flutterstep


      I'm not a wizard xD I'm just a magical unicorn :)

  3. Happy birthday! (It's May 5th in my timezone now C: )

  4. Sorry for randomly leaving the livestream yesterday. I fell asleep...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan


      I read what the episode was about the next day so I didn't miss out on too much.

    3. Chaton


      I uploaded it to the CtAM Webserver, lemme grab the link:



    4. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      I finally got the time to watch it today. Unfortunately that link doesn't work... (I get a black screen when I click)

  5. What's Aria Blaze's favourite MLP song? This Day Aria.

    1. ponylaces


      Of course it is. :P

    2. DarkLuna12
    3. Noei


      Would brohoof hundred times if I could.

  6. Ducks for the win!

    1. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      You inspired me to become A Duck.

    2. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Really? That's pretty quacking cool.

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