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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Steamgamer27

  1. It's Monday and my workload is preparing to wear me out for the rest of the week :scoots:

  2. A happy birthday friend!

  3. Work is a drain. The salary is what drives me at the moment.

    1. Monsoon


      It's probably what drives most people

  4. Wow my last login to mlp forums was more than a year ago.

  5. Officially 2015 now in this part of the world :)

  6. An hour and a half left before 2015!

  7. Listening to the magnificent Christopher Lee narrating, quoth the raven nevermore!

  8. Started to watch "Sherlock". Can't seem to stop now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Steamgamer27


      Yes precisely that one. Got myself copies of both series 1 and 2 and thank you for spoiling to me his role in Star Trek which I was going to see after watching all of Sherlock :)

    3. DJ Requiem

      DJ Requiem

      aaah sorry I sooo didn't mean to spoil that for you >_< and it's such an amazing series my mare and I love it ^_^

    4. Steamgamer27


      Ah well it's alright. In fact I've just finished the first episode. Made me laugh and filled me with such suspense. I'm sold.

  9. Going to watch Iron Man 3 again tomorrow!

  10. It's real HOT here in the Philippines right now. Summer feels.

  11. Watched "Liberal Arts" tonight starring Josh Radnor of How I Met Your Mother fame. Just brilliant. You could say I fell in love with his character. Yeah I'm serious, I really recommend it!

  12. Watched Empire of Dreams, a Star Wars docu. I wish I was in May 25, 1977!

  13. Enjoying the cruise on gun metal green. Later will be the PSG OST!

  14. An hour and a half left till 2013! Singing and drinking to the new year!

    1. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      viewed and commented for ya!

  15. Listening to "Babs Seed SOS Remix tonight! Fuck yeah!"

  16. Well I can forget about no shave november now.. On the up side I feel much better clean-cut >=D

  17. Staying up late for MLP Season 3 Premiere!!

  18. Enrolling for my 2nd Semester today..

  19. Code Monkey like mountain dew~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Steamgamer27


      Code monkey like you.

    3. Cocodrillo
    4. Steamgamer27


      For knowing the next line to that cool song and in general :)

  20. Stuck at home all day due to a tropical storm passing-by. Wind and rain, it's so COLD right now!

  21. Finally have the time to catch-up on the forum again =)

  22. It's been months since I last visited these forums. Ready to dive in the pool again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Steamgamer27


      Or in my case a thousand unread status updates 0_o

    3. StingeMuffin


      I wouldn't even bother reading them if I had that many. :P

    4. Steamgamer27


      Me too. They're mostly forum posts updates. I'll dig in to new topics later anyway =)

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