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Dark Bun

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Status Updates posted by Dark Bun

  1. Wall Street literally betting on the death of GameStop, and getting owned by a bunch of nerds on Reddit, has got to be the best start to 2021 I could have imagined.:ButtercupLaugh:

    Justice is real.

    1. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      Don't worry, tax payers will bail out Wall Street and everything will be alright.

    2. Dark Bun

      Dark Bun

      Yeah, funny how that works out.

  2. It's now my birthday. I demand everyone reading this to do one pushup with no arms. Pecs only. Good luck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miss


      XD I actually got on the floor and started flexing my pecs, but you know they not big enough. maybe back in 2018? jajaja 

      def. not trying to grow their size anymore tho XD


    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut


      Happy birthday! :D

    4. Dark Bun

      Dark Bun

      Thanks Miss, you trying your best is all that matters!!

      And thanks my fellow Dark one. Dark ____'s unite! :yay:

  3. Move aside Jack. *furiously licks ice-cream*

  4. If there is anything I have learned, while being in the brony fandom, is that Luna > Celestia.


  5. Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans!

    And don't forget, while America is a great place with great people, our nation-state actively interferes in the democratic elections of other countries!

    Have a good day, and be careful with fireworks! :BrightMacContent:

    1. EpicEnergy


      Happy Independence Day to you as well! :grin:

  6. "Obligatory political post that attacks the other side of the political spectrum, while pretending I am above that type of nonsense."

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