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Everything posted by Stormlight

  1. :3 I mean...um, my boyfriend will not take this lightly! *hides behind pillow* Sorry
  2. 184698 I don't know why I always post here at night
  3. "Aw, you can do it, I know you can! And about that, I've experienced intense temperatures before, especially scorching hot, ice is nothing compared to that, for me at least." She continues to skate and accidentally trips on somepony, but before she could hit the ice face first she used her wings just in time. "Whew, I gotta be more catious..."
  4. Hearing the compliment, she gives a smile showing her success. "Thanks! If you want I can teach you how sometime. It's not that hard, but not that easy either. Just the way I like my stuff." she says when continuing to skate with Beta while holding his hoof.
  5. Feeling slightly hurt on her bum, she laughs it off and pats his back. "Oh, I'm alright. It was all in good fun, and hey, you should've heard them in awe that time! I just need to work on my landing next time," she brushes it off, keeping a positive mindset and decides to hold his hoof again.
  6. She stops worrying and prepares to spin. She first increases the speed of her skating, then finds an empty place to land. She is determined to make it the first try. If not, well, at least she tried. "Don't worry, you've got this," she gave herself the comfidence and quickly makes a straight line and jumps spinning all the way. Luckily, she stuck the landing, but not that long and she slips on to the freezing cold ice.
  7. Storm slowly and carefully goes on top of the ice and feels like slipping. "W-Woah there! I am not going to fall yet," She moves around trying not to let go of Beta's hoof just yet. She wanted to do the 360 spin to impress him and the other couples on the ice rink. Taking deep breathes she tries to remember the basic moves first
  8. She blushes and lets the truth shine out."Heh, yeah. Let me tell you something, dresses are not my thing anyways. I'm more of the tough type. Well I don't show it but when something ticks me off, you'll know the aftermath," she says with a grin and shows of her small yet noticable muscles.
  9. She gives a grin and looks at him happily. "I was called that at school, aw man the nostalgic memories are coming back! But yeah, Storm or Stormy is alright with me,". She swings his hoof back and forth while walking towards the skating rink, loving the fact that nickname always made her have a smile on her face. Heck, that was all the time!
  10. Thinking she shrugs being unsure. "Hm...I've had ice skating lessons here and there, but I'll still just an amateur to be frank. I can do a 360 spin, but that's about it before I get the chance to slip and bang my rear on the ice," she answered and giggles. She holds his hoof and nods.
  11. "Ooh, really? Well then, where do you want to go first? The restaurant? Bowling alley? I can't decide!" Storm exclaims as she stumbles on the different choices there were. She has her new book to worry about, but this was more important right now. But it was only morning, there is a lot of time to go everywhere!
  12. Storm stops and looks up, hearing that voice could mean one thing. It was the stallion she met, the one she dated, and the one she wanted to see again. "I would say the same for you. Hey Beta!" she said smiling and closes her book putting in her bag to read later.
  13. She strolls through textbooks of alchemy and dark magic, but didn't find any book from that section to her liking, so she just goes around the fiction section and searches for her favorite author. Amazed, a new book was already on the shelf and Storm buys the book. She leaves the store and starts soaking the new story into her brain.
  14. Finishing her morning routine, she stretches her wings and flies above her roof looking at where to go. She sees the bookstore, maybe she could roam around there to find one that catches her eye. She quickly strides through the air and goes inside the store.
  15. Storm feels something by her eye, only to realize it was the ray of sunshine comimg from out the window. She rubs her eyes and goes downstairs to drink her morning tea and breakfast. Turning on a small speaker, she puts on a calm and peaceful melody to start off the day.
  16. Finishing one long chapter, Storm felt satisfied and puts plate on the nightstand and grabs the glass of water to drink. She turns off the light and yawns loudly. "Tomorrow will be another day, yay," she whispered to herself as she fixes her pillow and dozes off to her dream world.
  17. Storm goes to the kitchen and eats a hay sandwich before going to sleep. She brings the food to her bedroom and looks at the window. Darkness was the only thing seen as of now, so she continues reading while chewing on the sandwich. "Come on...one more chapter," she says to herself.
  18. Storm gets cleaned up and reads a book about a pony that goes to a hotel with his family and things didn't end up well during their stay. She sighs, still thinking of how sweet he was during the date. Reading, she puts on her headphones to tune out the world. "Aw, yeah!".
  19. She giggles and kisses back. She winks at Beta followed by a smile."See ya later, Beta Ray! You'll see me soon enough," she replies. She opens the door and looks inside before looking back at him waving goodbye. Then closing the door slowly. Looking at her dress, she slowly removes it and cleans it up thinking about him all day.
  20. Storm looks at the stallion and smiles. "I had an amazing time with you, you always knew how to make me laugh, smile and made me have a fun time. You are the type of pony I truely adore. If we do have a second date, I'll make sure it will be better than the first!" she promises.
  21. "Sure, I still feel sleepy anways," With a tired smile she hugs him. She hadn't felt that comfortable in her life since her soft bed she always used to jump on and almost fell down from. She kindly accepts his offer and holds his hoof. She noticed her mane a little messy than what she went out with .
  22. Storm wakes up from a loud ringing in her brain, making her sit up quickly trying to see if anything happened to her or Beta while she was asleep. Luckily, nothing horrible happened, so she sighed in relief. Her dress became a dirty from sleeping all night on the ground with him. "Well, that was a good way to end a first date,"
  23. When dreaming, she sees herself as a filly, hanging around her parents. She snickers when looking back at her mane, all poofy and messy. For being an only child, she was really close to her parents, she sees them as her role models. Not knowing what's going on in reality, she continues enjoying seeing her past self.
  24. She hears him singing the song into her ear and smiles slowly. It felt soothing and relaxing as her eyes became more and more heavier, making her completely sleep on the ground peacefully. As the word continue to flow in jer mind she dreamt of her and Beta together, causing her to smile on the inside.
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