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Status Updates posted by tKestrel

  1. man school is rough sometimes. 17 credit hours :( can't wait for a break

  2. Welp, I'm off to work. hope everypony has a good day ^.^

  3. well everypony, time for bed for me. School in the morning. Good Night ^.^ Hugs

  4. I feel a sense of accomplishment for the day!! Woohoo. I'll see everypony tomorrow!! Time to close this day with a good rest! *Hugs*

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      MAkes me wonder what that was now, you seem quite happy about it. :3 Good Night though. ;)

  5. Good Night everypony! I'd offer hugs but don't wanna get yall sick lol.

  6. today was a great day, besides still being sick. Hopefully it will look blow over soon enought.

  7. still alittle under the weather today, but I'm feeling much better than before. Only down side is I lost my voice, so if anyone sees it please tell it to come home.

  8. Sorry everypony that it has taken so long to get the Nightmare Noght Festival RP ready. This cold has put a number on me. It will be done soon I promise.

  9. welp, home from school, but not for the reasons I wished. I got a terrible migraine. so I may be gone for the rest of the day. Bye everypony!

    1. DashYoshi


      Oh, I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Well, its time for me to get some sleep. Good night everypony!

    1. DashYoshi


      Goodnight and sleep well! =)

    2. tKestrel


      thanks! U too yoshi ^.^

    3. DashYoshi
  11. Good Night everypony! Hope yall have had a wonderful day *Hugs*

    1. DashYoshi


      Goodnight! I hope you did, too. *hugs* =)

  12. What do you guys think of Blu's Nightmare Night costume? http://i59.tinypic.com/erfr14.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tKestrel


      Lol thanks ^.^

      I tried to do the armor plate on their back, and sadly it covers up Blu's wings so they have to stay tucked under it

    3. DashYoshi


      Oh, I see. I think it looks pretty nice as it is.

    4. tKestrel


      Thanks Yoshi ^.^

  13. Good morning everypony! I wish I could stick around but I'm running behind this morning. I'll see everypony when I get back from work *hug* ^.^

  14. Man, no fair! I just got my cutiemark a few days ago :-/

  15. Finally got to see Crusaders of the Lost Mark. BEST. EPISODE. YET!!!! I almost screamed for joy when they got their cutie marks XD

  16. Man, I have to learn to stop procrastinating...... My essay is due tomorrow and im on here XD. I think ima hop off for a few and try to get it done :) Bye everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tKestrel


      I just realized what I said...... No pun intended Yoshi. Promise :/

    3. tKestrel


      Lol, thx mate!

    4. DashYoshi


      It's alright. Don't worry.

  17. well, good night everypony! I'll see everyone soon :)

    1. DashYoshi


      Goodnight and sweet dreams. =)

  18. I kmow its early, but i think im going to head to bed. Ive ran on 2 hours of sleep al day :(. I think i need some sleep.

  19. man its only 1:30 :(. I'm so tired. Running on 2 hours of sleep from studying >.< I need a bed lol

  20. Time for some shut eye. Been working on my essay and some ideas all day. Time for sleep. Good NIght everypony! *Hugs!*^.^

    1. DashYoshi


      Goodnight and sleep well. *hugs* =)

    2. tKestrel


      you too Yoshi :)

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Sleep well Kestrel. ^__^

  21. Man have I been ever busy >.< All 3 of my classes asked for a 4 pm paper due by this sunday..... plus I work. Man what do these colleges think we do when we aren't in class?!

    1. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      Be guilty for not being in class.

    2. tKestrel


      lol, yea thats crossed my mind. They want me to do so much homework, ill have to skip a day in class to do it all.

  22. man its been raining for 5 days here, I'm really starting to miss the sun :(

  23. I think it's time I catch some sleep lol. good night everypony! *HUGS* ^.^

    1. DashYoshi


      Goodnight! Sleep well. *hugs* =)

  24. alright, time to head to bed. Good Night everypony!!

    1. DashYoshi


      Goodnight! Sleep well.

  25. Man im in such a good mood right now lol and have no idea why. I feel like Pinky Pie right now XD

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