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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Zejgar

  1. Twinkle Wish Adventure is completely devoid of black color unless it's a fadeout.

  2. That's a rather good mix of the FiM theme at 0:13+
  3. Zipzee is the shovel knight!

  4. Trivia question: what's the official name of G3?

  5. Definition of "brony"?

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      A fan of any part of FIM's product, comics, show, toys, etc. No more, no less.

  6. Apparently there were more than two episodes planned for Newborn Cuties!

  7. Hasbro views FiM as just a big spinoff of G3, don't they?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zejgar


      Because of miriads of small details that are present both in G3 and G4S1.

      The later seasons went a different route, yes.

    3. Nuke87654


      But why wasn't it named Gen 3.5 if it were a spinoff from Gen 3? By that definition, later MLP generations are spinoffs from Generation 1 since they all carry a few similarities but do their own things with whatever Hasbro and the gen creators had in mind for the ponies.

    4. Zejgar


      Because G3.5 already exists, it's Twinkle Wish Adventure and three (possibly five) more animated shorts.

      As for the spinoff loophole, yes, that is the case.

  8. - Oh Newborn Cuties
  9. Skylight, Starlight, Sunlight, Twilight.

  10. Is Apple Bloom an original character?

    1. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      No shes not she is a character in MLP

    2. Zejgar


      So she's not an original character then.

    3. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      shes not a OC no

  11. http://i.imgur.com/9uJKnPd.jpg - don't they look amazing?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zejgar


      Yep! Lightspeed Rescue, to be exact.

    3. FlutterAether


      That's pretty cool, I cannot wait for the Power Rangers movie next year! c:

    4. PoisonClaw


      Ah, Lightspeed Rescue, Endorsed by the Umbrella Corporation

  12. Suddenly, Ever After High is insanely good.

  13. Happy holidays.

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Happy holidays to you too *hugs* =)

    2. Zejgar
  14. Stitched Together - Friends Forever

  15. ~La-La-La-La-La-Lalaloopsy~

  16. Huzzah for more G3 on Discovery Family!

  17. I hope we hear a story from Cheerilee.

  18. Tonight at Pinkie Pie's Positively Pink Party: closing down of Pinkie Pie's Positively Pink Party due to lack of visitors.

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