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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Azura

  1. Happy Leif Erikson Day! :)

  2. Lisa

    Lisa    Azura

    So, Azura.. (I'm giggling as a write this due to the conversation I just had with Dawn Rider.) What would your reaction be if I copied your sig style, completely, and changed my name to Cloud Chaser? lel

  3. Lisa

    Lisa    Azura

    So, Azura.. (I'm giggling as a write this due to the conversation I just had with Dawn Rider.) What would your reaction be if I copied your sig style, completely, and changed my name to Cloud Chaser? lel

  4. Happy Leif Erikson Day, beauty. Hinga Dinga Durgen...

  5. Lisa

    Lisa    Azura

    So, Azura.. (I'm giggling as a write this due to the conversation I just had with Dawn Rider.) What would your reaction be if I copied your sig style, completely, and changed my name to Cloud Chaser? lel

  6. Lisa

    Lisa    Azura

    So, Azura.. (I'm giggling as a write this due to the conversation I just had with Dawn Rider.) What would your reaction be if I copied your sig style, completely, and changed my name to Cloud Chaser? lel

  7. http://i.imgur.com/sVNYhFt.png Bright as the sun. Also, used Azura's style. :3
  8. http://i.imgur.com/sVNYhFt.png Bright as the sun. Also, used Azura's style. :3
  9. Lisa

    Lisa    Azura

    I love your new sig. :o

  10. Proxima Nova is best font.

  11. Half Life 2 on discount? Half Life 3 confirmed.

  12. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  13. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  14. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  15. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  16. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  17. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  18. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  19. I can't type properly because someone decided to trip me. Now my finger is bleeding heavily and it won't stop..

  20. You! Tell me your Steam username right now!

  21. Hey everypony! How are ya guys? :D

  22. Hey everypony! How are ya guys? :D

  23. Hey everypony! How are ya guys? :D

  24. Why do I feel like everything I've done is in vein..

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