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Status Updates posted by BritishBrony2012

  1. Last two days, seen two movies, in two cinema. (one movie in one cinema). Deadpool & Wolverine and Despicable 4.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hope you liked them. I will play to see Deadpool & Wolverine soon. :)

    2. BritishBrony2012


      @Samurai Equine I did enjoyed it very much same with Despicable me 4. It like great two day out. Even still no job yet and start searching, still does hurt to have some fun at some time then having depressing job searching and nerve interview and worrying got it or not, there be time I got one.

  2. I hate football (soccer), too much disappointment, sick of it.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That's how I feel about most sports. I never get too invested in them. I like motorsports, but I don't get invested in anyone specific.

    2. Tacodidra


      I didn't watch the game, but I was hoping England would win too... I always like to see someone win that hasn't done it in a while. :coco:

  3. England be facing Spain in Euro 2024 final. I not much into as no longer into football (soccer). But if England I feel bit better.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hope you enjoy it, my friend. :squee:

  4. Using Playstation 5 now, saved data of Genshin and The Sims 4 automatically into PS5. Now download Honkai, looking forward for playing other games. Now try get my Cyberpunk 2077 saved data.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Glad it's working out for you. :)

  5. Started using Playstation 5, but charing of controller is riddclules. Feel bad leaving PS4. It said Genshin Impact data saved in my data, so it  automatically transfer into PS5, seem easy but is true?. It dowloading something. Never know how complicated it is. Hope it not too complicated. I moving on to PS5. Also try download some capture photos and The Sims 4 data, but not sure I be playing it again. Hope we don't put away pS4 in short time.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I never owned a Playstation before, but I did know someone who had the original once, and I played some games on it. :lookup:

    2. Tacodidra


      I hope it works out well! :fluttershy: I don't think I've played anything on PS4 or 5, but I've played some games on the earlier ones (especially Singstar). :D

  6. Dislike this Harley Quinn Animated Series so much

  7. Happy (Late) Birthday to Pinkie Pie

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Oh, cool! Happy B-day to Pinkie! :pinkie:

  8. May 4th be with you 

    1. Astralshy


      May the 4th be with you

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I haven't done a single Star Wars-related thing. :ButtercupLaugh:

  9. It's Febuary, Beginning of the year didn't start off great but I'm okay. I shouldn't but really nerves applying for a job. Got no holiday or concert or convestion to go to but nerves thinking what I finally got a job and what to expect when I'm working.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I hope of the rest of the year is better for you, my friend. :lookup:

  10. Heard Make Your Make on it last chapter, *sigh* heard it got criticism alot, which annoyed me. Hope it last but guess not as popualr as G4, it lasted cos of bronies and so many not into G5. Frusrated me and I know many have opinions but so much critics of MYM is annoying. Yes I will ingore it. Also not fan of Tell Your Tale, and not be watching it. And company going to focus on it and not happy about it.

  11. Must of enjoyed my London holiday even there negative part and wanted to spend more time in London and go on holiday, maybe the reason I wasn't too hype for Christmas, I hope to get a job so I can go on day trip and on holiday.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good luck! I know you can do it.

  12. Hope anyone had Merry Christmas, forgot to post it yesterday

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my friend. :flutterhat:

    2. Astralshy


      Thanks, same to you

  13. It Christmas Eve but seem like normal day.


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry if it's not all that spectacular for you, but I do hope you have a wonderful day real soon. I wish you nothing but happiness and good times, my jolly good friend. :oneheckofahat: Happy Hearths Warming.

  14. I'm back, I was back on 30th, miss London would love to spend abit more time or another day. But glad back to my hometown. Love both these cities as they are my favourite cities. I had a good time but also some bad times, it's London and it has bad parts of it, like rush hour, crowd and packed up tube and many queues that very long. My favourite are Big Ben tour and Titanosaur: Life as the Biggest Dinosaur Exibition, but there worst part like high secrity before Big Ben tour, they ask why we were wearing Vest coats (as we were wearing vest coat and hoodie) and me and brother being into a room with two secritys which was little scary like are we in trouble, they double check out bags and t-shirt, but we had to leave our vest coat in our Big Ben tour in secirty room, which upsetting and little frusrated, and also shop closed as our tour is in 7pm, we was meant to be 10am but ask to changed the time. It annoyed shop closed for after 6pm tours as shop closed 5.30, feel should be open for 7pm tour. There was another Parliment shop out of parliment but not much, I was looking for Big Ben plush and notebook, (we be getting online). That experince with secirtuy scar me abit and get in the way in when I think of Big Ben tour and think/look at Big Ben, try not get to me. We ask why vest coat is a problem they say it nature.And also believe it's something to do with Albanians celebritaon in London with their flags, car beeping and stuffs, believe it pathetic they even do it it in London. and may cause hig secrity. When there good time there also bad time, guess there life. Also my body was knackered. Should of been better but guess things happen.


    Also I losing interesting in football (soccer)

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry for all the inconveniences, but I do hope you had a good time. :flutterhat:

    2. BritishBrony2012


      @Samurai Toshigami I did have a good time, it just there bad times part of it. Love to go to London again or anywhere on holiday and few things didn't go to plan.

  15. It coming My London holiday, mix exctimentment and nerves. We be setting off at 2am.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Have a fun holiday. :D

  16. Just one week and two days to my London holiday. No illness/flu. Also Doctor Who will be on, on day before we set off.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good to hear. Take care, my friend. :eager:

  17.  It's now November, can't stop my exctiment and also have little worry with flu, illnes and other problem and coach/bus get cancel that get later bus/coach or catch a train. that our plans get ruined. Hope it come to this, my exctiment. It too much.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Stay healthy and safe, and my friend. :BrightMacContent:

  18. Just 4 weeks to go to end of November, my exctiment can't stand still. Worried about there might be problem along the way. Sad not be going to one of the muesums I wanted to due to got another plan/not enough time, problem is most museums, exhibitions and landmarks and any attractions in London/UK closed 5/6pm, believe it should be 8/9pm

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Yeah, that is annoying when businesses close early. Sorry to hear that, my friend.

  19. Happy Birthday to Derpy Hooves

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Happy Birthday dear Derpy. :BrightMacContent:

  20. Any one know birthdays of Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Ocivita and Vinyl Scartch? 

  21. My Birthday next Friday and seven weeks before our trip to London.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hope it'll be a fun trip. :eager:

    2. BritishBrony2012


      Hope illness don't come. And coach be delayed/caneclled and Underground/tube be on stirke.

  22. Tomorrow be October, my birthday in two weeks and Halloween at the end of next month, looking forward for month after next month. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Awesome. And my birthday is in October too. Can't wait. :ticking:

  23. Waste my life with football (soccer) and sport. Feel I about to hate it. Football been frusrating and I'm getting fed-up.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry you feel that way, my friend. Maybe it's time for a new hobby?

    2. BritishBrony2012


      I have many hobbies, interests, and likes, football is one of them but soccer keep depressing and anger me alot and stressing me like politics.

  24. I dislike Football (Soccer) (I'm a football fan), it been depressing since 2012 when Manager named Sir Alex Ferguson left Manchester United, United was a different team, how can we get that worse when Real Madrid, Bacelona or Celtic when they loss a manager they manage still top sand few trophies. United won just five trophies since 2012, won  two trophies in one season with manager name Jose Mourinho, but went down hill after. Had five managers since Sir Alex left. hate we end up like rivals like Liverepool and Manchester City, when United have manager for 25 years, City and Liverpool have different managers. It f***ing frusrated, now we  had Erik ten Hag, he did some good. last season apart from lost two first matches, we won a trophy, end up third place in the Premier League table and back at UEFA European Champions League. But new season, things are getting worse and felt sick. People think I'm a glory supporter and stuffs they do not know me and doen't kill them that I'm a fan. Manchester United is a big club, famous club and had history, and have fans around the World. I'm feeling sick, football is like part of my life and Manchester United part of me, my ID. I'm getting angry. I do want football to be destoyed cos of what happen and I don't know what going on. I know people think it crazy and things but that life.

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