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Cosmik Vek

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Status Updates posted by Cosmik Vek

  1. just learned that I have one course at college that will be cancelled on Wednesday *dances with joy*

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcr2ZDdCd7A the most ignorant comments section i've ever seen, just look at all the generalizers, pathetics scums. The reason why the internet is full of hypocrits that generalizes everything they see
  3. looks like the site went down for a bit on my end...

    1. Clod


      So it wasn't only me?

  4. good god, for a minute there I thought that it was already the end of my 50 bucks earphones, but after a reconnection of my USB cable it worked. DONT DO DIS AGAIN EARPHONE! U SCARD MEH D=

  5. yay! finally got 100 brohoofs!

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Yay :):) congrats my friend :)

  6. and time to get myself human again (villain's day over)

  7. sony vegas, Y U DO DIS?

  8. Why does my internet has to be so crappy right now?

    1. Cosmik Vek

      Cosmik Vek

      ok now it works!

  9. just changed my profile for the villain day with my favorite anti-hero

  10. gotta wake up early for college annd its already late, so goodnight everybody take care!

  11. If you ask me If I saw that commercial, imma respond you with no, because I don't really care for the super bowl, I just want da NHL playoffs! They're more exciting!

    1. ~Chaos~


      I love hockey! I agree with you there.

  12. changed my name...

  13. ༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ

  14. Just uploaded my first Hitler parody: http://youtu.be/nS2gpByY1q8 I hope you find it funny

  15. so hyped about that new Voivod song!

  16. Looks like i cant play legends of equestria at all, because I keep getting this "That user is already playing" error and its annoying as hell

  17. and done with downloading new l.o.e. client! yayz

  18. Back from college, well known here as "Cegep"

  19. My PMV is now on youtube

    Im going to post on the PMV thread too
  20. now uploading my PMV, it should take so long.

    1. Cosmik Vek

      Cosmik Vek

      *not take so long


  21. finished editing my PMV, now it's time to render it and convert then i'll upload it to Youtube

  22. ok time to finish my PMV, hope I upload later tonight

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